Why did the left hate the Joke movie?

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      I will tell you why.

      The radical left (which is a good portion of it these days) IS the Joker.

      They find themselves unhappy. Unable to affect the world in the way they want.

      So they choose to affect the world by the only means they can.

      violence, destruction, fear, chaos

      And if you don’t do what they wish they will bring those things down upon you.

      Sure, maybe this is the case with any extreme and there is more than 1 extreme for sure. But this one is the most present danger.

      They rather rule over ashes than not rule at all.


      They can’t create anything of beauty, so they destroy beauty.

      The movie explains their own decent into chaos, into madness, into insanity, into anarchy and violence.

      So to understand it, it can be reversed or even prevented.


      And they do NOT want that at all.

      As what Pennyworth told Wayne in:

      Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

      That is todays extreme toxic alt-left.


      I would’ve thought that they would’ve enjoyed ‘Joker’ since aren’t they the ones that keep raving on about mental health issues and that’s what the film deals with🙄?


      @DragonLady I think it is the opposite.

      Republicans want more funding to support mental help issues, so we don’t get all those “mass murders”.

      Democrats want to defund the police and take away the guns from law abiding citizens (so only the criminals and the army have weapons), leaving the mentally disturbs individual to pick another weapon of choice… like those that used vans to run into crowds of people.



      Ah, my bad. I mis-read things like I usually do. I’m rather neutral on the whole no guns thing. I think people should have the right to arm themselves but at the same time we should be careful who we give them to (such as don’t give them to a crazy person).


      The Left hates the Joker movie because they are projecting because the movie talks about them going insane and acting like the but in real life…note the green hair and pale skin.

      I wish we had a Batman in real life to catch them all and put them into an Arkham Asylum.


      They hate the Joker because not only is it a good movie free of liberal activism, it shows the effect of what liberals cause for society. The Commies like to label people as incels but always fail to notice that they create it so they just call the movie “dangerous” despite no crime resulting from box office sales.



      I can’t remember the name of the film that came out just after ‘Frozen 2’ but it’s funny how the media didn’t “outrage” about the stabbings that were going around the UK after it came out because the people were inspired by the film. If it had been ‘Joker’ you’d bet they’d have a field day and the film would’ve been banned. Yet the other film got banned for a week and caused a fake media outrage because for PC reasons🙄…


      Honestly, I thought the whole thing was in large part manufactured by journalists – Perhaps they were actually hoping that a mass shooting would occur so it would reinforce their worldview.

      We know they’re utterly craven creatures: Incels may have some genuinely misogynistic rhetoric, but I think most of us recognize they (and others like them) are just products of a morally depraved society (I personally just feel sorry for them). But journalists seem to have nothing but loathing and contempt for them and when the Joker trailers first hit it probably struck a little too close to home how they saw themselves as the villains in the movie that create outcasts that feel like they have nothing to lose.

      The movie wasn’t even about inceldom, (which is frankly just a weird part of internet subculture). If anything I thought it had some pretty left-wing themes in regards to the bourgeoisie being the problem and Joker inspiring an anarchist uprising. It was just simply politically incorrect, unlike most of the stuff that comes out of Hollywood. Really makes you think about left-wing infighting between the “Old Left” and this current generation of self-centered, fart-sniffing hipsters.


        It’s interesting that the movie was hated not because it put forth conservative ideals, but because it pointed out the progressive ones. It was a spotlight directly on where zero value of life brings you to.



        I’m pretty sure it is Frozen 2.

        The irony still amuses me to this day.

        The movie wasn’t even about inceldom

        It isn’t but Joaquin Phoenix’s character has a similar fate of school shooters who are unfortunate individuals who snap when they’ve had enough and become killers. It’s worth noting that most incels are liberals especially the most infamous school shooters.


        I think the reason Joker was flogged by the media is because it showed a 1980s era white man in a Chicago style city at the bottom of the barrel without any mythical white privileges, it focused on the real fundamental issues that make people failures in life, namely being poor combined with the stigma of being eccentric and  having a mental illness making employment and acceptance in general a uphill battle, also I think as FallenOmegaStar pointed out, that some of the writers probably were crossing their fingers for a mass shooting, though I also think some of it was genuine paranoia because of James Eagan Holmes, I’m not sure where anyone got the “incel” thing from, I didn’t feel the vibe until others (including actual incels who read youtube comments) pointed it out! the irony is that some women online said that they were attracted to that version of Joker.



          I don’t think anyone being poor makes them a failure in life. Is your only definition of success a financial one? Poor is not a state of failure nor is it a permanent state. It is a state of struggle however.

          I think you mean that it makes life more difficult, and it does. But I urge you to be more careful with your words and to define more clearly what you are talking about. That’s just my opinion you don’t have to listen to it.


          @TobiMquire Not the writers, but almost ALL the critics and news media and alt-left.

          Those are the people who WANTED a mass shooting to happen after this film was released to further justify their extremist views.


          The makers of the film, IIRC, stated it was always about mental health and personal demons.


          I meant the writers of the articles, not the screenwriters,  *sigh, sorry but I have my moments where I type shit that I shouldn’t without realizing it, mainly things that I’m subconsciously thinking about (story writing is on my mind since it’s a topic that I’ve been thinking of recently).

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