Why the right is not unified and the left is

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  • #307527

      I hear many actual journalists, political pundits and even strategists say the left (politically) is difficult to beat because they are 100% in lockstep and the right rarely is.

      I think this is a natural consequence of the difference between the people within each “side”.

      The right is composed of many different types of people from all walks, creeds, color and has many different ideas. Actual diversity. It’s actually (at this point) not “right”.  It’s just everyone not radical left. And yes of course there are right wing sycophants but that’s in every group to some degree.

      The radical left is a cult, dissent is not tolerated or you are excised from the cult. So the only people who remain in it are the most ardent defenders of it.

      This will not change.  It actually cannot because if it did then the right is the monster it claims to fight against.

      I don’t know how this ends but I do know the “right” does not have to win.  The radical left just needs to lose.


      Idk man, I feel like generally speaking people of the right are more close to cult-like behavior. They choose a person to idolize, ride or die, no matter what and follow until the end.
      This is purely anecdotal, but it seems like people on the left do not care about the person preaching but more of the idea. Like no one on the left really ride for Biden as a person, it’s more that he seems to be a pretty mild option for being a counterforce to Trump so people voted for him. But the left is always lacking of the idol to follow, Obama being an exception though.

      Where as on the right there are people they would follow to hell and back, starting from religious idols like Jesus or even a local priest even, to political/societal people like Trump, and no matter what he does, says, get charged of, even if all the evidence is laid in front of the eyes of the sheep, they keep following him and saying the deepstate/matrix or whatever buzzword they wanna use is just out to hunt him down.
      Another example would be the redpill daddy Andrew Tate, a self admitted sex trafficker and criminal, they choose to follow and believe the matrix set him up or whatever.

      I can bet that if Tate wasn’t a conservative redpill idol but just some random video game streamer for example, people wouldn’t blindly follow him and his case would not be such a hot topic as it is now and people would just say ”oh damn he’s admitting his crimes, lock him up” instead of slinging theories about the matrix and stuff.

      There’s no way to change the mind of these cult sheep.


      Also, the left is not that unified either. There’s always infighting in stuff like trans issues and social democracy vs socialism or even full blown communism inside the left. For example in the left political commentator space, the biggest names like Hasan Piker, Vaush and Destiny all pretty much hate each other


      “This is purely anecdotal, but it seems like people on the left do not care about the person preaching but more of the idea. Like no one on the left really ride for Biden as a person, it’s more that he seems to be a pretty mild option for being a counterforce to Trump so people voted for him. But the left is always lacking of the idol to follow, Obama being an exception though.”

      Sir, I’m gonna stop your right there, bud. I know A LOT OF DEMOCRATS who seem pretty “middle of the road” who were chanting and praising for Biden to the point of placing signs on the side of their houses and these people were not super leftist either.

      What @Vknid said was correct, the left seems unified because they don’t tolerate dissent. they’re fascist and totalitarian in their groups whether it’s political or social circles, but thats the problem. The actual democratic leftists are the extreme now and if you don’t comply, you’ll be treated as part of the problem. So the people who still identify as a Democrat or leftist are either not aware what the baseline for a leftist is these days or they’re too afraid to go against it.

      Even now they’re pushing Biden out of their political circles to make way for Obama approved candidates and claim Biden is racist now…. But they still voted for Biden.

      Trump supporters have yet to see ANY ACTUAL EVIDENCE against Trump and all the evidence that has been shown is purely anecdotal at best.

      Yes, Trump is being brought into courts and being accused, but why? What evidence do they have? Every time we come to these cases, there’s no evidence! Even Benny Johnson pointed out the judge who was biasedly smirking at Trump the other day, was recorded on record stating: he has in the past circumvented over the Jury’s ruling and claimed “the jury was wrong in that instance” which means he arbitrarily states someone is guilty even when there’s no evidence or if he simply doesn’t like you.

      We actually have evidence of Biden’s corruption, We have evidence of this Judge’s corruption, we have evidence of Pelosi’s corruption, where is Trump’s corruption?

      Are you talking about pornstar Trump paid to sleep with? Morally, yes, that’s wrong,  but it doesn’t make Trump ineligible to be president? Nope!

      Is it morally reprehensible? Yes. No one is sitting here saying “Trump is Jesus” because that’s an anecdotal argument, but Trump does have saintly aspirations compared to every single politician out there.

      Remember, even the disciples of Jesus were sinners, Trump is also a sinner, but he’s still doing what is right unlike the left.


      Don’t get me wrong, Trump is not the best guy out there and I won’t follow him blindly or vote for him blindly, but I will vote for him because he’s still better than anyone that the RINOs or the left are offering. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯



      This leads me to follow up with the bigger mistakes Americans as a whole make when it comes to voting:

      Voting based on morality of the person you’re voting for.

      The reason why we got stuck with Biden for 4 years is because NO ONE KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT BIDEN other than he was a Vice President to Obama and even then, people didn’t vote for Obama because “they knew him” they voted for him because he was charismatic and his skin color.

      Obama turned out to be one of the biggest villains in America as he delisted over 300k of sexual abusers off a registry for sex offenders and lied about his life. HIS OWN BROTHER DISOWNED HIM AND CONFIRMED HES A HOMOSEXUAL!

      You voted for Obama? You voted for a guy who did nothing for the black community, who allowed sexual deviants to run wild, and was a closeted homosexual who probably killed his chef.

      Hell, Trump is more morally outstanding, at least his life is transparent. We know he’s a blue blooded rich guy who ran with his dad’s money, we know he paid stormy Daniel’s, we know he’s made financial mistakes, but that’s the difference, WE KNOW TRUMP.

      Trump also made gas and food affordable, we know he didn’t bring us into another war, we know he was constantly laughed at when he was president, Epstein was caught under the Trump administration, and he was wrongfully attacked by Democrats when he became president.


      I don’t hold Trump to my moral standards, I trust he has our best interests because that’s what he was doing when he was president LAST TIME.




      Let’s list off the scandals Biden has been a part or things that’s happened during his administration, with evidence:

      -Biden’s Son’s laptop and shady dealings

      -Biden’s secret showers with daughter when she was 13

      -Biden’s investments into pharmaceuticals in Ukraine

      -Abandoning our soldiers at an embassy as we did a poorly executed retreat leaving hundreds if not thousands of our men dead in another country.

      -Chemical Spill with train wreck attempted cover up.

      -The Maui fire genocide connected to Congress bills for taking landing from residents.

      -Biden taking documents from the Whitehouse ILLEGALLY WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.

      There is no shortage of criminal behaviors the Biden administration is guilty of sir.



      Sir, I’m gonna stop your right there, bud. I know A LOT OF DEMOCRATS who seem pretty “middle of the road” who were chanting and praising for Biden to the point of placing signs on the side of their houses and these people were not super leftist either.

      Not denying Biden has fans but most people voted for him as he was seen as a pretty neutral middle ground solution after the Trump mayhem.

      But in general I think right wingers have more cult following tendencies. I mean to start off, just look at Trump. The man is a rockstar who sold NFTs. People like Jeremy from GG even said they don’t really care about politics that much but they ride until the end with Trump. No president ever has been as big as Trump as it comes in interest in the character itself rather than policies.
      And then we can move on to political figures. Right wing pundits are always way bigger than left wings, you have people like Shapiro, Crowder etc who are like idols. On the right wing “philosophical” sphere there’s Jordan Peterson who has world tours and is a celebrity. Compare with arguably biggest leftist philosophical thinker,  Slavoj Zizek who most people have never heard of and if they have, it’s probably only due to the fact that he debated Jordan Peterson the celebrity psychologist.

      Then we have obviously the redpill, with idols like Andrew Tate who is self admittedly a human trafficker yet people say the matrix set him up, and massive idol podcast/internet figures like Fresh and Fit and Sneako who 13 year old boys worship.

      Congratulations, now you have a generation of boys shouting in public all women are bitches and gays should die.

      You voted for Obama? You voted for a guy who

      not American, could not vote

      and was a closeted homosexual

      don’t care

      who probably killed his chef.

      ok dude

      Let’s list off the scandals Biden has been a part or things that’s happened during his administration, with evidence

      not arguing here about who is more criminal but if Biden is proven to be one then sure, lock him up. Trump has the documents he was holding to himself and if he is proven guilty then lock him up too.


      So basically, I believe the right has more cult like following where the person becomes an idolized celebrity who people follow instead of actually just liking what they say. They get attached to the personality.

      Also, saying the left is not divided is a lie. The biggest leftist names all actually hate each other, and there’s a massive gap between for example lefties and liberals, socialists and SocDems etc


        “So basically, I believe the right has more cult like following where the person becomes an idolized celebrity who people follow instead of actually just liking what they say. ”

        And you are conflating Trump sycophants with  “the right” and the very wide and diverse collection of people it is.  “The right” is functionally anyone not radical left and that is not my definition it is the definition of the radical left.

        On the right, differences are typically welcome. Yes there are whack jobs but every group has those.  The radical left demands 100% alignment and if you disagree on even a single tenant you get booted from the group and often called far right.

        “Also, saying the left is not divided is a lie. The biggest leftist names all actually hate each other, and there’s a massive gap between for example lefties and liberals, socialists and SocDems etc”

        There is division, especially on a personal level but at the end of the day they will all chant the same thing and vote for the same person regardless.

        Classic liberals are now considered far right so you cannot count them as the left. Other groups in that like progressives and socialists (and communists) will have some disagreement.  But again, end of the day they march in lock step and will all do as instructed.   Now I will add this.  The people at the top do not believe the stuff they sling.  But they convince the masses of it with a steady dose of fear and propaganda from the mainstream media sources.

        Ultimately left vs. right is of no consequence (nor is Republican and Democrat).  The only 2 “teams” are the establishment and everyone else. Right now the establishment is ruled by the radical left group.  For them it’s just an ends to a means they don’t believe any of it.  And I count most of the current Republicans as the establishment as well.  You MIGHT have a handful or 2 of Republicans and Democrats that refuse to be a part of it. But I am certain they are happy we are all fighting each other over tribal labels they assign to us.

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