women’s Olympic’s sports are now a joke

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  • #250278

    I’d say the world is becoming more and more looney tunes, but I’d hate to slander old cartoons like that.

    This is stupid. We had what happened in Virginia, the assaults that the school tried to cover over so they could push this trans agenda. Now, the Olympics are happily caving to this trans nonsense.

    Enes Kantor has been saying the US should boycott the Winter Olympics in China. I agree with that, and after this ruling, I’m thinking the US should just boycott the Olympics in total.


    Woman fought to get woman’s sports, and now the woke/sjw are removing females from woman’s sports.

    They claim woman’s sports is no longer just for biologically born females is a slap in the face to all biologically born females.

    When they allow non biologically born females into their sports (aka track and field, martial arts), records are being broken by former male competitors.

    Sorry, but until they FIX woman’s sports from this travesty, not only is it a joke, but it is completely unwatchable.

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