Yes, many formerly liberal values are now “right wing”

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      You hear people say it and it’s true in many cases.  Traditionally “liberal” virtues such as freedom of speech, anticensorship, guns rights, freedom of religion and personal freedom are now considered right wing ideals and often times as extremist ones.

      The thing is, while the actual political parties seems to have flip flopped the people in power did not.  They would have had to actually had beliefs to flip flop to begin with.

      The truth is many of the people in power now (the older ones) were in power then.  Back then they said what they needed to to get their way and now that they essentially turned the country towards Marxism they say something different.  Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and even Obama are all on video talking about marriage is between a man and a woman and the border issues need to be resolved (yes that’s been going on that long).  It’s almost entirely theater.

      Many of the same efforts today like censorship were things tried way back in the 80s/90s repeatedly. Tipper Gore (Al Gore’s wife) was one of the ring leaders during the Satanic Panic years trying to get music labelled and or censored.  The Danzig song “Mother” is about that very effort.  And then later on in the 90’s (maybe early 2000’s) I can recall a huge push for the Fairness Doctrine trying to censor/limit radio as at the time conservative radio stations were making headway.  Those were both Democrats but there were Republicans pushing censorship as well.  In those cases it was on pearl clutching grounds usually that I can recall.  Whether the demanded for censorship is in the name of God or because people’s feelings are hurt, it’s of no consequence the outcome is the same. And the folks in power who want that will take whatever angle is required.

      So when you think any of these people are on your side, especially if they are making you promises, they aren’t.  And you have folks clamoring to vote for lifelong politicians promising to fix the very problems they created.


      (Danzig – Mother) – Ironically there is a “Parental Advisory” on that cover.  I am not at all certain if that was them being sarcastic or if was required.


      Some of them were never Democrats to begin with, they were just hiding to avoid ostracized from our social circles. Some of them kept our voter registration that way to avoid being targeted by the government.



        Democrat of Republican.  Does not matter.  They were looking to force the same things then they are now.  Nothing has changed.  What we see before us is not new.  It’s just progressed to this point.  Censorship, government control and even all the sexual stuff has been pushed for decades.  Both parties involved.

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