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  • #216744

      I swear I am so sick and tired of being unsubbed off youtube to people…. Can everyone just go to Odysee.

      I really think they would love their not to be a Nerdrotic or YellowFLASH. Two i constantly find myself having to resub to the point now I just search them instead of subbing.


      If Odysee would let me mirror my channel right now, I would, but I’ve already got over 100 videos made in the past 2 months, and I’m not about to go and reupload everything. That is just too tedious a task right now.

      Odysee will just have to wait until I hit 300 subs. Then I’ll be happy to be there.

      I believe in Odysee as a platform for the future, but making a channel have 300 subs to mirror us dumb and only delays someone like me who makes 1-3 videos a day.


        Completely agree with you on the sub count, I actually have to download a video to the laptop then reupload to Odysee which is this reminded me i need to do more as i just dont trust youtube.

        And my channel is on Aquariums which seems to be missing from Odysee, you would think they would want more content.


        good idea to mirror videos you like and do it yourself on there. Smart.


          I have mine all on flash drives, same for other peoples I like also.

          Now if it actually would put effort in to giving us a good “Studio, live chat” I bet it would get more creators than youtube.


          If Oddsee would create a live stream ability Id think they would blow up quickly.


          U-Tube is no longer just removing subs.

          They are removing LIKES/Thumbs-UP.

          The most obvious is during a live stream, when people are seeing it with their own eyes, and it is being recorded for people to see later as well.


          I have personally seen this happen half a dozen times in April so far.


          U-Tube is no longer just removing subs.

          They are removing LIKES/Thumbs-UP.

          The most obvious is during a live stream, when people are seeing it with their own eyes, and it is being recorded for people to see later as well.


          I have personally seen this happen half a dozen times in April so far.


          Yup. I saw it last night on FNT live, and on the JACK Show the other night. Hell…they even took a single Like I had on one of my videos…which is BS since every little Like I get these days means something towards fighting through the algorithm. I don’t have dozens or hundreds of Likes to spare :P

          YouTube may be a necessary evil to do what we have to do, but because of the SJWs who run it, it is still an evil.


          Blotube removes likes all the time during live streams.

          But this hiding dislikes cause the rat is crying just makes me laugh.


            Yup watched Jeremy loose a ton of them just now.

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