EU to Musk – “in Europe the Bird will fly by our rules”

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  • #285433

      I do believe the English slang for this person is “tw@t” (anyone from the UK feel free to correct me)

      Interesting how the EU chose to respond like that when it was not being addressed at all. I do not really recall them having an issue while Twitter was heavily censoring one side of the political conversation.

      As I have stated previously the elites are upset they have lost their best propaganda tool.  Musk will be attacked on all sides and from every direction.  I hope he is ready.


      The EU reminds Elon Musk about its censorship laws


      You’ve got it right about that word Vknid 😂! That’s why a lot of Brits (myself included) always refer to Twitter as “Twatter” because it’s full of tw@ts😂!

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by DragonLady.


        Thanks for confirming!  I thought it was right but I have been wrong in the past and ended up sounding like a goof :P

        Yes, Twitter is full of dingdongs for sure.  I hope Musk’s ownership lets some new ideas and attitudes flow in.



        It basically means “Idiot”😂. But yes, there’s a lot of them on Twitter and I hope they leave.


        Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 07-29-42 d20ff3b10e72d981.jpeg (JPEG Image 686 × 635 pixels)


          Twitter is not Europe. UK does not control or cannot control what is or is not on Twitter. In fact, Twitter reminded us of that fact before Elon took over when all the biased censorship and shadow banning was going on. Amazon reminded us of that when the banned certain books and products. Ebay, Paypal, etc, etc. Funny how they forget things once the narrative goes against their agenda.


          You all have to remember, the EU has a “Right to be forgotten” law.

          In Article 17, the GDPR outlines the specific circumstances under which the right to be forgotten applies. An individual has the right to have their personal data erased if: The personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose an organization originally collected or processed it.

          I am sure twatter will have to obey those rules and regulations as well as other digital platforms that operate in the EU.

          Of course, that only applies within the EU… for now.


          It is the EU trying to impose its will on Twitter, not the UK which (thankfully) is no longer a part of that organisation.

          The US innovates – China replicates – The EU regulates.


            I knew that the leftist machine (which goes well beyond the US borders) would unravel if Elon went through with it.  This is simply because they feign popular opinion using Twitter.  Without it this is more difficult for them to accomplish.

            But I had no idea they would completely come apart at the seams.  This is going on now and will only get worse as their grip on Twitters comes off and Elon gets a firm grasp on it.

            I think the left is torn.  They are literally addicted to their “popularity” on Twitter but hate that they will now be challenged openly.  I have heard many a leftist go on about how man followers they have.  Hell, Piers Morgan did this recently, saw it with my own eyes.



            I don’t think Elon acquiring twitter is going to make much of an impact (for now) even though his recent changes are quite bad and just him trying to get monetary gain from the subscription thing and making it more similar to Patreon. People are still gonna stay there and not pay for the blue checkmark and stuff, but if required and he turns it to just a source of income as any capitalist would and potentially restrict people more from using it unless they pay then people will just leave Twitter.

            It’s just kinda ironic that who say ”don’t ruin our stuff, make your own instead!” Are now celebrating this. But anyway, it’s interesting to see what happens from now on.

            I think the biggest reason why Twitter is such a chaos is purely because there’s a lot of braindead people arguing about dumb shit which is why I avoid using it too much as it just gives me a brain rot.


            Twatter is reported it losses $4MillionUSD per day.

            The people he “fired” friday were given 3 months severance, and not the 90 days as required my law.

            And alot of those braindead were indeed fired friday.

            It is also being reported that the narcisists that have the blue checkmark, not only have to pay the price of one coffee per month to keep it, but that once the BOTs have been removed from their sub counts, the number of followers will be half if not less than what they have now.

            It’s just kinda ironic that who say ”don’t ruin our stuff, make your own instead!”

            I think you have it backwards.  The left have been saying, if you don’t like it, build your own.  Don’t ruin our echo chamber.  They are the ones now crying that they have to share the public place with views and facts and reality.  No, the leftist mob on twatter is NOT celebrating.  Their communist control of thought on twatter is going to be over.

            People sharing and planning attacks via twatter, hopefully will now be banned.

            Hate speech will still be banned, but the definition will be more refined.  “I don’t think biological males pretending to be females should be competing against biological females in female sports.”  That is an opinion and should be allowed.

            That is NOT hate speech.  That is an honest opinion.  If you disagree with it, that is your right as a free individual.  But to call it HATE and want it banned because you disagree with my opinion, well you are the one demonstrating the HATE, not me or whomever shared that opinion.


              “I think the biggest reason why Twitter is such a chaos is purely because there’s a lot of braindead people arguing about dumb shit which is why I avoid using it too much as it just gives me a brain rot.”

              Agreed , 100%

              If folks with differing opinions would sit together and speak about the things that matter most to both they would find how much they had in common instead of drawing lines in the sand about idiotic cr@p.

              “just him trying to get monetary gain from the subscription thing ”

              Well yes, the goal of a company is to make profit. Twitter was sold by its shareholders so they could make profit (due in part because it was not making much previously).

              • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vknid.

                Let us be 100% Honest here.

                Speech is protected PERIOD with very limited exceptions. Those exception may well result in the person saying it being Sued or Charged with a crime, but they are very defined and clearly articulated and the burden is very high in what must be proved.

                Justice Samuel Alito wrote in this unanimous decision. “The proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express ‘the thought that we hate,’” he said, quoting the 1929 dissent from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes.


                “The danger of viewpoint discrimination,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in The Slants’ case, “is that the government is attempting to remove certain ideas or perspectives from a broader debate. That danger is all the greater if the ideas or perspectives are ones a particular audience might think offensive, at least at first hearing. To permit viewpoint discrimination in this context is to permit government censorship.”

                Hate speech is an opinion by-enlarge at this point and not what it truly use to be. I know what true hate speech is and IT is PROTECTED by the Constitution. Elon should let all speech that is not a violation of Law exist on the platform and let the chips fall where they will and the true character of a person shine though.


                  Like many a radical leftist trope “hate speech” is a created word used to silence someone else.  There is no such thing.  There are things we like, agree with or dislike and disagree with.

                  Yes, hatred can be communicated with words but even that is protected.  Sure some things are illegal to say and for good reason as I see it as those things typically will communicate actual violence.

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vknid.

                  How about $15,000 for a blue checkmark?  Twitter employees did that… privately


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