EU to Musk – “in Europe the Bird will fly by our rules”

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  • #286072

    I think you have it backwards.  The left have been saying, if you don’t like it, build your own.  Don’t ruin our echo chamber.  They are the ones now crying that they have to share the public place with views and facts and reality.  No, the leftist mob on twatter is NOT celebrating.  Their communist control of thought on twatter is going to be over.

    sure, it goes both ways. Like when people on the right get banned and deplatformed the left is celebrating and the right is upset, but when a leftist gets banned and the right is celebrating it’s in conflict with their beliefs. Either all banning is okay or no banning is okay. Saying ”well they deserve to taste their own medicine” or something is against the principle of free speech and people on the right being inconsistent with their view. If they were consistent with their view they should protest that too. And I know some of them do, I’m just saying that these kinds of things can be weaponized in both ways. But I think people who celebrate Musk buying Twitter and modifying it to his view no longer can really complain about things like race or gender bending fictional characters without being biased and inconsistent with their belief.

    Anyway, I already have to walk back on my statement yesterday. It seems like Musk is already capitalizing and ruining the platform even more with the addition of shadow banning people who won’t pay for the checkmark.

    ”Power to the people and free speech, but only for those who pay me money” 🤷🏻‍♂️


    Elon Musk Officially Announces Controversial Twitter Decision

    Nothing “controversial” about it.

    Parody accounts attempting to dupe (people) into believing fake news has been a big thing on the internet for several years now.

    So what is twitter gonna do about it?

    Twitter owner Elon Musk announced on Sunday night that any accounts impersonating someone else without clearly specifying parody will be banned.

    “Going forward, any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying “parody” will be permanently suspended,” he announced.

    So all those accounts claiming to be a celebrity, politicians, etc. but are not, and instead of stating their are a parody account (to get laughs) but to mislead others with fake news and misinformation, will be BANNED.

    I see nothing wrong with that.  People on the left, in the center, and on the right have all called for the banning of such obvious fake/misinformation.

    “Previously, we issued a warning before suspension, but now that we are rolling out widespread verification, there will be no warning. This will be clearly identified as a condition for signing up to Twitter Blue.”

    “Any name change at all will cause temporary loss of verified checkmark.”

    OF course it should.  Why would someone, after getting verified, would deliberately un-verify themselves?

    This is a controversial decision, of course, but it should help (everyone) when it comes to not falling for the occasional fake news.

    Guess all those activists pretending to be journalists will now have to report actual news, and not fake news, misinformation, etc.

    I can see why those whose jobs have been to push fake news/misinformation in the legacy media would find it “controversial”.


    The EU will ban twitter like it banned RT.


      Of course they will.  The only “good” platform is one they can control.  Everything else is “misinformation”.


      Screenshot 2022-11-07 at 16-20-36 9ca62da7697eb5f7.png (PNG Image 826 × 427 pixels)


        This would not shock me.  I firmly believe 50% of Twitter is fake.  It’s intentional so public opinion can be swayed on a whim.


        Musk needs to blow this wide open if true




          If anyone previously questioned how much of a propaganda machine Twitter is.


          UN tells Elon Musk to monitor “harmful disinformation” and “hate speech”

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