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  • Vknid

      You might want to read more than 1 sentence of a portion of the Bible. That whole chapter is fairly specific about what context that is in and who it applies to.  If you read it you will see that.  The Old Testament is also part of Christianity so it’s not just their Bible it is the Christian’s as well.  The New Testament changes the “mood” as it were but it does not make irrelevant the entire Old Testament.  So if that is what “their” religion tells you then Christians are told the same.

      AIPAC openly brags they control politicians and elections.
      ADL openly says they train the FBI, so next time you try to blame an alphabet agency, you need to ask who is training them.
      That’s who. It’s not a secret. It’s just obvious and clear and factual.

      I am not sure why you think 3 sentences are some sort of ample evidence the Jews run the world.  That’s NOT obvious and it is NOT factual.

      Your claim relies on connecting all sorts of dots like Russel Crowe in a Beautiful Mind prior to being diagnosed.

      The WEF influencing the world (not the Jews, Schwab and Soros are not Jews) is something I or anyone can show you,  them saying “we would like ABC” to happen because of climate change or whatever.  And sure enough, a few years later ABC happens.  Farms closing down. Cows being slaughtered to reduce meat consumption, all the immigration stuff.  The WEF talked about all of that before hand.

      This does not mean the WEF is the only bad group but they are the puppet masters.  Not everything bad that happens is planned but bad people will take any opportunity they can, get planned or not.

      The solution should be representative government, which we do not have due to dishonesty and it is very shameful that wimps and cowards go along with the status quo that jews are somehow victims when they are in complete authority and have all the power.

      That’s not a solution.  What are you advocating for as it relates to the Jews whom you claim run the world?  Have a pair and spill it.

      You did not answer the first question.  Are you shaking your fists at ethnic Jews or those whom are a member of the religion?  Which group of those have all the power?

      You are rightly angry and upset with the state of the world.  And while the symptoms of corruption harm us all, trying to cure the wrong sickness, that being blaming the wrong people, cures nothing.  In fact it allows the disease to run rampant and I am certain the powers that be love your divisive hatred.  Because they can do whatever they want, close farms, reduce food supply, dilute western culture, all while you run around saying the Jews are the problem.

      The irony of your thought process that the Jews claim to be victims while they control everything, is the EXACT same claim other groups like BLM would make against white people.  You are using the same rhetoric they do.   You are not solving anything, you adding to the problem.

      AIPAC openly brags they control politicians and elections.
      ADL openly says they train the FBI, so next time you try to blame an alphabet agency, you need to ask who is training them.
      That’s who. It’s not a secret. It’s just obvious and clear and factual.

      The solution should be representative government, which we do not have due to dishonesty and it is very shameful that wimps and cowards go along with the status quo that jews are somehow victims when they are in complete authority and have all the power.




      Jeremy Boreing (Daily Wire CEO) vs Nick Fuentes in the video below. This will bore most out of their minds and make their eyes glaze over, but there is something that must be said here. Originally, a lot of institutions and universities of higher learning were founded as Divinity Schools, so theological discussions as had by Nick, Candace and E Michael Jones should have belonged there. I know Nick was kicked out of college for his politics.
      Only reason to mention this is that wokeness has replaced what should have been there. Also, the chaplain of Harvard is an atheist named Greg Epstein. No relation to Jeffrey Epstein, but it’s kind of bothersome that a secular figure would have that position. It’s a blatant violation of the qualifications needed for the role and that shows that the people in authority really do not belong.
      It is actually pathetic that conversations like this take place on Spaces on X instead of like Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Oxford, etc. Furthermore, for Michael Savage to question Candace’s education when theology has been removed from traditional Divinity schools shows how out of touch that old fuddy duddy curmudgeon is with the times and the removal of our history. Maybe he should go back to rubbing his Foo Dogs.

      Also, this thing with Candace comes at a time when Republicans like DeSantis and Noem and Seaman are passing laws against free speech.
      Did you know that? Did you know they are passing laws on definitions to punish people for speech and that a caste system is being put in place?


        This “listen to authority” thing is a double-edged sword for society.

        If you run with that theme than anyone who assumes authority has dominion over you.

        Secondly, it seems to create this paradigm where if you assign someone authority then the bigger the lie they tell you the less likely you are to believe it is a lie.

        It’s as if people think, well that sounds insane so there is no way they would lie about that.   So the bigger the lie the more people believe it.  Think about that.

        “Donald Trump is a bad guy!”

        well, ok, maybe

        “OMG OMG OMG! Trump eats babies, rapes disabled horses and we have charged him 90 times!”

        Oh, that’s crazy!  They can’t be lying about that!

        The interesting thing is authority is like offense.  It does not affect you unless you accept it.

        Same. I have not followed this close enough. Seems from above article that it was just a tweet tit for tat with Ben Shapiro. The thing is, hyperinflation has forced everyone’s hand to make a mad scramble to kind of serve money and serve Mammon. The situation really sucks. The fiat currency has already been debased.

        The problem with persecuting people for saying Christ Is King is that those people are just not on the payroll and are not in authority, so why all the agitation propaganda against the religious people, who are not a power factor in official offices?

        Also, below, E Michael Jones says he’d like to see Barclay and Candace speak more and that he enjoyed the conversation. Owens line of questioning about adult content being promoted by them is totally fair game and it’s one of those things that people should be asking, but  people let far too much slide. Someone told me this morning in passing that “cutesy time” is over.





        Never seen Bill in anything, but suddenly, he is really standing out to me. Barbarian was the one that initially kind of got me interested. Guess he’s going to be in Boy Kills World, Crow and Nosferatu. Nosteratu is done by Eggers, a director I am kind of interested in as well. Not sure if either one has really broke out yet.

        Nosferatu is an upcoming American gothic horror film written and directed by Robert Eggers, and starring Bill Skarsgård as the titular vampire. Following Nosferatu the Vampyre, it is the second remake of the 1922 German Expressionist film of the same name written by Henrik Galeen and directed by F. W. Murnau, which in turn is an “unauthorized and unofficial” adaptation of Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula.
        No trailer yet.

        Skarsgård stars as “Boy” who vows revenge after his family is murdered by Hilda Van Der Koy (Janssen), the deranged matriarch of a corrupt post-apocalyptic dynasty that left the boy orphaned, deaf and voiceless. Driven by his inner voice, one which he co-opted from his favorite childhood video game, Boy trains with a mysterious shaman (Ruhian) to become an instrument of death and is set loose on the eve of the annual culling of dissidents. Bedlam ensues as Boy commits bloody martial arts mayhem, inciting a wrath of carnage and blood-letting. As he tries to get his bearings in this delirious realm, Boy soon falls in with a desperate resistance group, all the while bickering with the apparent ghost of his rebellious little sister.

        This video game voice gag will make or break this movie. Could be funny.


          I don’t need “experts” to tell me what reality is through “research”.  This authority we have given unelected and for sale people to define reality for us is why we are here.  If you depend on “experts” to define everything for you, then your beliefs are essentially dictated by the highest bidder to the “experts”.

          It’s not just that the science is wrong, it’s that we are leaning on it to define things we have considered common sense for thousands of years.  And FYI, science is typically wrong. Historically it has been very wrong and assuming that humans have just now reached some pinnacle of intelligence such that we are no longer wrong is shortsighted.

          People are often like water.  We will take the path of least resistance. So if someone convinces you that you don’t need to spend time thinking about a topic you will not go back to doing that yourself until you realize how that’s working out for you.

          Leaked Documents Confirm Our Worst Fears About Gender Treatment

          Recent leaks from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) have shed light on the disturbing realities of gender treatment, particularly for children. The leaked documents reveal shocking details about the practices and protocols that have been adopted by medical professionals, raising serious concerns about the ethics and long-term consequences of these treatments.

          Oh, do tell more.

          For years, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has been the go-to organization for gender treatment guidelines. However, the leaked documents reveal that WPATH is not the highly qualified medical body it was assumed to be.

          Three-quarters of its members are based in the United States, and many are activists who advocate for unrestricted access to gender-confirming treatments for anyone who identifies as trans, including children. Despite its lack of formal authority, WPATH’s standards of care have been widely adopted.

          That is like asking for pedos to write the guidelines government must adopt when it comes to minor-attracted-perverts (people)!

          The reliance on WPATH’s guidelines has led to a situation where questioning the ethics of these treatments is seen as transphobic and immoral.

          Many assumed that WPATH was a professional body of highly qualified medics, but the reality is that anyone can pay a couple of hundred dollars to join the organization. This revelation raises serious questions about the credibility of the guidelines being followed by healthcare providers worldwide.

          WTF!  Activists, not medical professional, are making the “medical guidelines”?  WTF!

          The leaked documents from WPATH reveal appalling evidence of the maiming of young bodies in the name of gender treatment. The files contain details of mastectomies with no nipples, incontinence, and even “nullification” – the creation of eunuchs.

          Doctors discuss the cancer risks associated with hormones in teenagers and describe operations where a fake vagina is created while the penis is kept intact. These gruesome details paint a disturbing picture of the consequences of these treatments on young, healthy bodies.

          Of course.  These “people” hate humanity, especially males.  So anything to destroy males to them is a must.

          One prominent case is that of Jazz Jennings, who was assigned male at birth and put on puberty blockers at the age of 11. Due to insufficient genital material, Jazz’s neovagina was created using the stomach lining, resulting in multiple corrective surgeries and a lifetime of pain.

          Jazz’s surgeon, Marci Bowers, admitted that Jazz will never experience an orgasm. This case highlights the dishonesty of telling children that they can change their sex without disclosing the long-term consequences of infertility and lack of sexual function.

          Misinformation by omission of details.  And as a youth, most most likely don’t have the maturity or understanding to ask questions their “provider” would not otherwise tell them.

          The focus on gender dysphoria has led to the neglect of underlying psychological issues in some patients. The case of Scarlett Blake, a murderer and former GIDS patient who had also tortured a cat, highlights the potential consequences of ignoring deeper psychological issues in favor of gender treatment.

          Realizing that some of these children have deep psychological issues but ignoring them in pursuit of gender-affirming care is a form of malpractice. It is crucial to address these underlying issues and provide comprehensive mental health support.

          It was also reported elsewhere, that IIRC 90-95% of these youth grow-out of these feelings.  But the rush to start them onto drugs and body mutilations and a life of needing drugs and further surgeries…

          Activists have propagated the idea that “gender-affirming care” is lifesaving, but the leaked documents suggest otherwise. The long-term effects of these treatments are largely unknown, and while some adults who transition may experience increased happiness, not all do.

          The NHS and many other European countries have backed away from using puberty blockers and this gross experimentation on children. The lack of knowledge about the long-term effects of these treatments should be a cause for concern and caution.

          Lifesaving for 1-2% ?, while destroying the other 98-99%?

          The leak also reveals that WPATH’s latest standards of care suggest puberty blockers can be given at any age and that some boys may identify as “eunuch individuals,” potentially requiring surgical intervention. This information is not widely known within the general medical community.

          The idea of castrating boys as a form of gender-affirming care goes against the fundamental principle of “Do No Harm” in medicine. It is deeply disturbing that such practices are being considered and promoted by an organization like WPATH.

          These activists are male haters, IMO.  Removing as many males from the gene pool as they can, be it surgical transition to a female form or as in the case with creating “eunuch individuals”, the complete with the removal of the male reproductive organs (nuts) in either case.

          The leaked documents demonstrate that the preferred guidance advises the removal of healthy tissue from young bodies, disregarding the potential complications.

          This practice should not be called medicine; it is mutilation. We must acknowledge the truth about these treatments and their consequences. We must create a space for open and honest discussions about gender dysphoria and its treatment, free from the fear of being labeled as transphobic.

          The adults and the medical professional need to step up!  Science and facts before activists and their misinformation.

          The leaked documents also reveal that there is money to be made from the deep distress experienced by individuals with gender dysphoria. Medical insurance companies are willing to pay for some of these treatments, creating a financial incentive for their promotion.

          This raises questions about the motivations behind the push for gender-affirming care and whether the well-being of patients is truly the primary concern. It is essential to examine the role of financial interests in shaping the narrative around gender treatment.

          Yay, if 90-95% of the people grow out of these “feelings”, the need for expensive lifetime of surgeries and drugs is gone from the equation.

          The care of our most vulnerable and disturbed children cannot be left in the hands of organizations like WPATH, which prioritize activism over medical ethics. We must provide comprehensive psychological support to these individuals and address their underlying mental health issues.

          Rushing children into irreversible treatments with lifelong consequences is not the answer. We must prioritize their long-term well-being and ensure that they receive the support and care they need to navigate their distress and find genuine healing.

          But there is not as much MONEY to be made that way.  But what do you expect from people who care more for money/profits than to address/solve the underlying issues.

          Ignoring the truth about the realities of gender treatment can have devastating consequences. The stories of detransitioners who regret their decisions and are left with irreversible physical changes and emotional scars are a testament to the need for caution and honesty.

          We cannot continue to prioritize political correctness over the well-being of individuals, especially children. It is time to have an open and honest conversation about the risks and limitations of gender-affirming care and to explore alternative approaches that prioritize mental health and long-term outcomes.

          It would also help if the legacy media stops burying stories and issues about detransitioner and detransitioning.

          The leaked documents from WPATH underscore the need for evidence-based medicine in the field of gender treatment. We cannot rely on the guidelines of an organization that is heavily influenced by activism and lacks rigorous scientific backing.

          Activists are NOT medical professionals.  WPATH should mean “Worst-PATH” a confused youth should be unfortunate to take.

          The WPATH leaks serve as a wake-up call for society. We cannot continue to allow the mutilation of young bodies under the guise of gender-affirming care. It is time for medical professionals, parents, and policymakers to come together and re-evaluate the current approach to treating gender dysphoria in children.

          We must prioritize the long-term well-being of these children, ensuring that they receive comprehensive psychological support and are not rushed into irreversible treatments with lifelong consequences. Only by facing the truth and engaging in open, evidence-based discussions can we hope to protect the most vulnerable among us and prevent further harm.


          We must create a space for open dialogue, where the voices of detransitioners and concerned professionals can be heard without fear of retribution. We must prioritize evidence-based approaches and invest in research to better understand the long-term consequences of these treatments. Most importantly, we must put the welfare of children first and ensure that they receive the support and care they need to navigate their distress and find genuine healing. Only by working together can we hope to build a future where the well-being of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, is protected and upheld.

          Sadly, that is exactly what these activists DON’T want.  For then their lies and deception will be seen by all.



          Sweet Baby Cyanide 

          2013 was also the year that Zoe Quinn launched Depression Quest. A game that got aggregate scores of 9.0 from gaming journalists and 0.9 from gamers. It was hardly the first one with a ratio so freaking lopsided that it would have capsized a coal barge and it sure as hell hasn’t been the last. But then Quinn’s boyfriend(?) put up a post declaring that she had screwed five reviewers to get good reviews for Depression Quest.

          In truth, I have absolutely no idea if she did the Five Guys, Reviews, and Lies thing. But it automatically fit in with a narrative about the state of gaming journalism that every gamer knew to be true.

          The SJWs looked at Zoe Quinn, purple hair, piercings all over her face (and god knows where else), a history of mental illness, and a reputation for indiscriminate sexual depravity and saw one their own. They rushed to her defense, not at all certain what they were defending. After all, they didn’t play games but they knew if journalists were being accused of lying then they undoubtedly were and they needed to be defended.

          Quinn didn’t particularly want to be a martyr to the cause but there were others that were happy to oblige. Brianna Wu, was the first in but was too given to making a spectacle of him/her/xim/xhr/themselves to be presentable on camera. It was too much work for journalists to make Wu look plausible as anything other than an insane attention addict.

          Anita Sarkeesian became the feminist flavor of the month, despite the fact she knew so little about gaming she mistook Doom for Fallout.

          The geriatric Left woke up, looked around and demanded to know who was the Hitler Nazi this time? A search was conducted to find a sympathetic authority figure in GamerGate who could declare a public surrender.

          The choice of Intel may seem a strange one but you have to remember something very important; Intel has a shit-ton of money. When you saw Jesse Jackson (who had been trying for years to get his hooks into the tech sector) on stage to collect a part of Intel’s $300 million payout you knew exactly what had happened.

          Democrat Senators had threatened to drag Intel before various committees for This and That, so the publicly traded corporation could be raked over the coals over their support of misogyny and scare the hell out of their investors. Intel caved big time and there was now blood in the water. Sharks came out of the depths.

          This was about the time that the game studios started getting snapped up by major media conglomerates. These multinationals had no real idea what to do with gaming studios, so they were put to work making sequels of the titles that had made them famous or just sent them to the corporate IP mines if there was any trouble with those rights. Glob, I feel so sorry for Raven.

          The kind of game dev who could thrive in that environment were frustrated film school grads who couldn’t get into Hollywood like Neil Cuckman. He couldn’t wait to drag Anita Sarkessian in for sensitivity reads. He was determined to make The Last of Us 2 the Last Jedi of gaming and… (long tired sigh) succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.

          Multinationals, being multi-national view bribes being demanded of them as just another form of taxation which it basically is. All they want to know is “Who do I pay, to make the problem go away?”

          Anita Sarkeesian who was initially quite in demand, is sadly now in the position of being yet another trailblazer who was forced out of the industry she created by upstart competitors. Meaning, companies like Sweet Baby Inc.

          The newcomers aren’t just threatening corporations in exchange for shakedown money. Their shakedowns are offered as a product! They call it narrative development editing, which makes it at least sound like they are doing something besides saying, “Nice game you got there, be a shame if something happens to it.” Paying them to do sensitivity reviews to discover anything that could be problematic is just another form of insurance to these studios’ corporate overlords.

          Your multimillion-dollar gaming product will be shipped with some seal of approval by one of these companies that declares that this game has supported Trans people, fought the patriarchy, beaten attractive female characters with a mid-stick, and will in no way offend the eternally offended.

          You know what these games won’t have?



          Who’s interested in giving it a go if you haven’t already? I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching Az, XRG, Kara, and 1/4 Black play on Sunday Funday and Doc and Timmy did a stream of it. Looks like a great time.


          Consent to what though?  Did Sega consent to you using their most well known character as your profile pic? I am sure they did not.  Do they care?  No.  Unless you somehow began to make money with it.

          I am not 100% sure how the law works in this case, especially international law, if they had a problem with some random dude using their pic. But Nintendo has been strict with usage of their property.

          But payment is not a substitution for consent, like in rape, deepfake porn or causing any kind of harm.

          If I make AI porn of Deveto and post it does anyone come after?  I bet if I sell it they do.

          If he does not consent to it and finds out, I doubt he would be pleased. There has been cases of streamers getting harrassed because someone made explicit deepfake videos of them. It’s also gonna be an issue of how the person views it, if they are fine with thinking ”oh it’s just a deepfake of me, who cares” then fine but for some people it might be a worse thing because few people want fake nudes of them leaked because it can be a hassle to explain to everyone it’s fake.

          If I make AI porn of Deveto and I don’t post it but I whack my weed to it 25 times a say is that wrong?

          probably not because you’re the only one who sees it and you as the creator of it know it’s fake

          That poor girl on Dr. Phil, the “cash me outside” girl (another lost soul due to no father and an insane mother) .  She has made millions off becoming known through mockery.  Did she consent to that?  Will she give all the money back because she did not consent to it?

          I would actually say she does consent, or at least wouldn’t care because she leans into it and has her own onlyfans so her nudes are out there anyway. And in that case I really wouldn’t have a problem. I’m elaborating on this more next:

          how is that different than me slapping Deveto’s face on some porn guy?  I don’t think it is unless money is involved.

          Let’s be clear here.  I am morally against all the porn imagery stuff.  Clearly that’s wrong.  I am discussing the logic of it and pointing out how that when things are invented you don’t just get the good, you also get the bad.  And you are not going to legislate away the bad.  And if you try you just end up giving government far more authority than it should have.

          I am  ot arguing out of persepctive of legality, because it’s gonna be impossible to catch everyone making AI porn. And it’s a new phenomenon which we have little reference points to, and the problem is that we don’t have a real solution to it.

          I don’t know if you have a wife, sister or mom, but if someone made explicit deepfakes of them and they went viral and she has to face harrassment, comments on public places, weird gazes and guys staring at work etc., I doubt it would be fixed if someone walked up and gave her some cash. Humans are greedy and money can fix many problems, where people who do not consent can turn to consenting by receiving money. But not all.

          If someone does not consent even through receiving money, then it shouldn’t be done. But the hard part is how to stop or reduce it from happening. But no, not all consent problems can be handled by giving them money. Some may turn if the sum is big enough, but not all.

          We do agree on this topic, my point was just to mention that deepfake images will create problems like this.





            that’s in interesting topic, I would say no matter how famous or public a person is, they still are a person after all. Licensing is more of a topic for products or creations/ideas. The closest I would say a human can be to licensing issue is if they have created a public persona-like character, but it’s a bit of a blurry line. But it all falls back to consent, no licensing issue can go through without accepting it.

            Consent to what though?  Did Sega consent to you using their most well known character as your profile pic? I am sure they did not.  Do they care?  No.  Unless you somehow began to make money with it.  Then they would.  Again, it seems the deal here becomes more and more about payment.

            If I take public images of Deveto and make memes no one comes after me.  If I sell them then I have lawyers at my door.

            If I make AI porn of Deveto and post it does anyone come after?  I bet if I sell it they do.

            If I make AI porn of Deveto and I don’t post it but I whack my weed to it 25 times a say is that wrong?

            That poor girl on Dr. Phil, the “cash me outside” girl (another lost soul due to no father and an insane mother) .  She has made millions off becoming known through mockery.  Did she consent to that?  Will she give all the money back because she did not consent to it?

            As I mentioned above. All these technological tools are tools.  They can be used for good or evil.  You cannot stop that laws or no laws you cannot stop that.   People tend not to care about consent (I mean in this context of digital things) until money is involved.

            The reality is, if I posted AI porn of Deveto and he saw it.  He probably laughs his ass off and makes some comedic reply.  However, if I do that with say Margo Robbie, she comes unglued and 3 seconds after I hit submit there are lawyers and cops at my door.  Why?  Margo Robbie makes her sizeable income off her attractiveness and sexual appeal.  If I impugn that or detract from it I harm her income. She won’t say that.  She will use words like consent, violated, male gaze and such but this is to just cloak the actual reason so as to appear honorable.  In the case of Robbie it would not even be personal.  It would be business.

            I have not even glanced fair use yet.  If I can put Deveto’s face on a meme or you can use Sonic as your profile pic, how is that different than me slapping Deveto’s face on some porn guy?  I don’t think it is unless money is involved.

            Let’s be clear here.  I am morally against all the porn imagery stuff.  Clearly that’s wrong.  I am discussing the logic of it and pointing out how that when things are invented you don’t just get the good, you also get the bad.  And you are not going to legislate away the bad.  And if you try you just end up giving government far more authority than it should have.

            Now not all scientists are under that control.  But the ones that are, are given authority over the others.

            We have seen lots of stories where their papers or journals are refused to be published because not over science facts/studies, but over ideological (goes against the current agenda/narrative).

            They are attacked in the media, removed from their positions (quieted or fired), etc.

            Or, like they tried to do with Peterson, force him to take a brainwashing course because of his “wrong-think”.

            I still personally believe Gender Dysphoria (previously gender identity disorder), is still a mental disorder to those that really are effected by it and a social disorder to those brainwashed into wanted to fit into the “it/victim” crowd.

            History will look back and wonder how we survived this era, if our civilization survives that is.


              But the question is about consent, not the act itself. Just like you can’t just punch and wrestle down someone, hand them money and call it an MMA fight. If the person gives permission to do it and is okay with it then by all means.

              Same thing with the male gaze. It’s okay to check someone out but if they are feeling uncomfortable by someone drooling and whistling then it is creepy yes. Just like you can’t rape someone and leave a stash of cash and say it’s sex work. Consent is key.

              It was an over the top example to point out the hypocrisy of payment being the difference between good sexual activity and bad sexual activity. I was not coming at the consent part at all.  However, that part begs a question.  If I wanted to make AI porn of Danny Deveto is that a consent problem?  His image is public as he has made it public for decades. Or does it then become a licensing issue?    Which sort of bring us back to my statement about payment being the difference.  And This is actually a question I am stating out loud as a point of conversation it’s not me saying it’s the case.

              But the AI hands people a shortcut and makes it easier for them to hurt others. And not just hurting but there are already for example youtubers who have made an AI avatar for themselves which gathers infi from previous videos, being able to replicate the speaking style and sense of humor so the person themself doesn’t need to do anything but roll in the money when AI makes the content all by itself.

              AI is like anything else.  A gun, a hammer or a brick.  These are tools to do certain things.  But if someone wishes to use them as a weapon they can.  It is impossible to restrict the tool to be used only as a tool but not a weapon.  Sure, you can make laws about using those things as weapons.  But laws do not restrict anyone from doing anything, they are simply a list of consequences if you do.

              This idea where new technology will only bring good things is an unrealistic expectation. And the further idea that we must take away freedom based on new technology is also a bad thought.

              This is very similar to the idea that we should control information and there should be some authority to make it so that only “verified” information is allowed and that “hate speech” is not propagated.  Yes someone should indeed decide these things.  But not a central authority. Every person consuming said thing should decide for themselves what is true and what is not.  Not the government or some BS fact checker.  We either want freedom or we don’t. No one entity can guarantee you safety and freedom outside of God.  You will always exchange one for the other.

              Freedom is messy because it provides autonomy.  If you centrally control anything you remove that autonomy.

              Bad ideas do not propagate because they are said out loud, they propagate when they go unchallenged.




                You are 100% correct.  We need studies to confirm what cavemen understood.

                But I think this too is intentional.  Why?  The establishment has removed God’s authority  and asserted the priests of it’s religion are scientists. This is because science can and has mostly been bought and paid for.  So “reality” is whatever they tell the scientists to say.  Now not all scientists are under that control.  But the ones that are, are given authority over the others.

                I remember the first time I heard this nonsense.  Years ago when Jordan Peterson was first on Canadian news with a panel of people telling him that compelling speech based on gender stuff was needed because gender is assigned.  There was a red headed guy on the panel, and Peterson said something and they guy quipped back, well it gender is a construct (or something similar) and it’s assigned at birth and I can medically unpack that for you.  I so wish Peterson would have asked him to do so.  Because it would have exposed then and there how silly their “science” is.  I find that if you don’t allow the assumptions to pass and ask someone to explain what they stated, then everyone watching knows who the dingdong is.

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