@DragonLady Pascal was the best part of WW84 for me. I don’t even like him that much, but in that role, he genuinely made me laugh and his charismatic face surprised me. Wonder Woman is actually a good character and the movies had their moments. I do give credit to Gadot. She nailed it, because I wanted more of a Linda Carter or Xena type, but Gal owned it.
@DragonLady You bring up a very key pt. about Geek culture that I find endearing and that is the CosPlay. In the comics, I recall comics actually chastising fans for engaging in CosPlay because they became a huge part of the conventions. That really is one litmus test that I personally have about brands or franchises, and that is, do fans dress up as these characters? It adds another dimension to any brand. Are they going to dress up as a character for Halloween or are they gonna CosPlay at a convention as…what? That is a key indicator I look for in terms of strength of a story.
If girls are not dressing up as WW or Barbie or Bene Gesserit, that is a bit of a failure, but again, this is only my POV and how I see the world.
I really do think Margot Robbie should be the biggest thing in Hollywood, and she just might be, but there was no way I was gonna see Birds of Prey after I saw Suicide Squad, which was awful for my tastes. Again, people like different things. It’s why I like the Geeks and Gamers is they are all opinionated and take no crap from anyone, not even the rich entertainment class people.
Oppenheimer was screaming my name, but I cooled way off on it. Now, I dunno.