Tag: playstation 5

Concord Early Access Beta is a Bomb

The main attraction at this year’s PlayStation State of Play was Concord, a sci-fi first-person shooter developed by Firewalk Studios (which is owned by Sony, hence the focus at State of Play). It was pretty underwhelming, a goofy-looking game with some nice visuals but little to draw anyone in. ...

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Helldivers 2 Online Gameplay Has Dropped 90% Since Launch

Sony never recovered from their Helldivers 2 implosion. After making the idiotic decision to restrict access to Helldivers 2 to those with a PlayStation Network account, gamers fought back by giving the game bad reviews (this is what actual review-bombing looks like, not the situation with The Aco...

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Silent Hill 2 Remake Changes Female Characters

The video game industry continues to stamp out beauty wherever it may roam. Yesterday, Sony aired its PlayStation State of Play event for 2024, and one of the game trailers shown was for the remake of Silent Hill 2. Fans of the horror game series noticed something about Angela, one of the characters...

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PlayStation State of Play 2024

Today, Sony held its PlayStation State of Play presentation for 2024, and it was… a thing, I guess. You can see the whole presentation below or read on and see each trailer by itself. The first two game trailers shown were for Concord, a multiplayer first-person shooter from new developer Firewalk...

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Shift Up Planning “Possible” Stellar Blade Sequel

After its successful debut (despite the controversy over censorship because Sony seems to have decided money is the enemy), I don’t think anyone figured Stellar Blade would be a one-and-done affair, but developer Shift Up has confirmed that probably won’t be the case. In an interview with Famit...

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Stellar Blade Patch Introduces Uncensored Outfits

Have gamers won another battle against Sony? That’s in the eye of the beholder, but Mark Kern, the former Blizzard producer who goes by Grummz on social media, is declaring victory. To recap, Stellar Blade, a new game from upstart Korean developer Shift Up and distributed by Sony, features a class...

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