80’s Cult Classics

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      It had an awesome soundtrack, Decent story and had Michael Pare hot off Eddie and the Cruisers, Willem Dafoe wasnt well known but still was awesome as Raven, Diane Lane was good and it also had E.G. Daily and Bill Paxron oh hell look at the names in it all went on to big things except Pare. But just looked and on IMBD Its 6.7 which still blows WokeWoman 1984 away.

      Now its Sequil was bad just bad, but Roxy Gunn was in it singing so there is a win in a small way. But come on lets remember these


        Road Warrior was ok, problem with it was it did not really have the soundtrack, THUNDERDOME was a much better movie simply because of that, I mean come on TINA TURNER (I  would say in her prime but saw her before Covid and those 19 year olds were gasping for air during Proud Mary and she was rolling on) So not sure she hit her prime yet lol.

        This is her at 70 years young and still Knocking that Song and Emotion of it out of this world. THUNDERDOME

        Damn Teen wolf. thats going on the watch list for tonight loved it.


          After watching Teen Wolf this showed up next.

          ANOTHER INSTANCE WHERE Ralph cheated using and Illegal Rif to the head.



          But just looked and on IMBD Its 6.7

          Of course movie critics give it such a low score. It’s all good though, at least Japan loved it enough to spawn the creation of Final Fight and Bubblegum Crisis, the latter which made me discover Streets of Fire in the first place.



            But have you seen the sequil :)


            I had no idea there was a sequel. I assumed the planned trilogy stayed canceled. And funny enough, that song sounds a bit more 80s there. I’m guessing that’s the best part of that film.


              Oh the film sucks i mean its so funny how bad it is.

              Best sequil had to go to EDDIE LIVES….. IMO better than the Original

              “If you don’t want the truth man, don’t ask. Make up your own, like everybody else.” <—– Eddie was so far ahead of the times or he saw the late 2000’s coming.

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