Origins: woke in the sense that the entire story basically cucks Bayek for Aya. In the beginning you think Bayek is going to be the founder of the Order, this ultimate badass, but it’s really the Aya show. The game no so subtly makes is canon that Aya is the true founder of the Order, and she is the bestest EVAR! If they had just made Aya the actual main character, I would have been fine with it, but what makes it insufferable is Bayek basically being a bitch the entire game and Aya is so great. In one of the DLC, after Bayek is supposed to be the baddest Assassin, he fucks up and Aya suddenly appears to save him from being crucified.
The “present day” chick who is diving to be them is a woke piece of shit too.
The game play and RPG aspects are great, the characters just suck and it kinda sours the story.
Odyssey: Cassandra is supposed the be canonically the main character, so I played it as her. Cassie is a great character, and I have zero problems with her, because it’s believable based on the franchise lore. I’ve heard those who have played both Cassie and Alex note that the Alex version feels all wrong narrative wise, because it’s a well known fact that Ubisoft shoehorned in the option of him being the main character, because they were afraid people wouldn’t want to be Cassie…which is bullshit of course. Gamers don’t give a shit about that kind of thing. So basically I’m told playing as Alex feels wrong from a story telling perspective because the game was written to be Cassie’s story, and if you play it as Cassie it works just fine.
Dumb “present day” chick is still there and annoying.
Historical characters aside, however, many of the men Cassie comes across are kinda soy boys…and the freaking pirate queen chick is….omg so horrible.
Game plays even better than Origins, more refined for controls and gear, especially with the gear set swap for however you want to deal with a situation, ie. full bruiser badass, stealth killing machine, or ranged god. Always helps to have each gear set ready for different situations.
Overall, though, the game is very good. I stopped at the Fate of Atlantis DLC because I’d played both Origins and Odyssey back to back and got burned out b the time I reached it…still burned out, frankly.
Valhalla: haven’t played it yet cuz of burn out and I want it on PS5 not PS4. Also, might as well wait until all DLC are out so I can get an all in one version. Friends tell me good things, though.