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4 years ago 1 Comment

When I first saw screenshots for Breath of the Wild, I was intrigued by the prospect of an open world Zelda game. One of the things I especially like about Twilight Princess and Windwaker was the size of the overall map and the freedom to roam around. So naturally I was eager to sink my …

4 years ago no Comment

Even though it’s been a few weeks since Disney revealed the future of the MCU, I thought I would take the time to share my thoughts. Since there is so much to cover, I’ll hold off on the big picture perspective till the end.      WandaVision I have intentionally avoided trailers, updates, and rumors as much …

4 years ago 1 Comment

This theme of this post is obviously about Christmas, and I won’t shy away from that. For any of my brothers and sisters from Geeks and Gamers who do not celebrate Christmas, that’s entirely your affair, but I would argue that the main idea behind this post should apply to all. You may have previously …

4 years ago no Comment

I recently received Mortal Kombat 11 for my birthday and I wanted to share my thoughts. There will be some spoilers but then again, the game has been out for a year. Some of this post will cover some of the other games, but it will all tie together. That said …   I loved …

4 years ago 2 Comments

     I’ve lived in the Texas all my life and I am thankful for where I live, but sometimes I wish things were different… specifically the weather.        The climate in Houston is hot and humid from April till around October, but the weather can be unpredictable each year. I love it …

4 years ago 1 Comment

“This is a great game but doesn’t really have replay value….” So this is something that I’ve always hard time understanding. If a game scores high in all aspects, then why are some games considered to have no replay value? The way I look at it most games should have at least some replay value …

4 years ago no Comment

I have been meaning to start working on a blog for a while now, but I never was able to sit down and write for one reason or another. Even now, I find myself fighting the curse of writers block. That said I think that fall back to random musings of the day. If you haven’t read …

4 years ago no Comment

Confessions of a convert For the longest time I was a fanatical Android user/apologist. I could not stand Apple products and I would good naturedly poke fun at their customer base. Over time however, I became increasingly frustrated with Google’s business practices and use of data mining. Around the time time my disillusion with Google …

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