Addressing Issues

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  • #256897

    I would enjoy Lord of the Rings, however, every tuber that comes here are destroying the Tolkientubers’ algorythm, and you cannot find them


    Most are against diversity, but with how FNT and others are drowning them out, you are actually pushing them to side with Amazon, not because they want to, but because their livelihoods are threatened, and people are no longer able to find even the biggest of them.


    What you are also doing also helps amazon because the normies will look at those against SJWs, even the moderate fans unlikable, and this will actually erode and wipe out LOTR because people will not want to keep the world of Middle Earth alive.


    I would like to plead that if you are against this, stop the videos, and go play the videos and like them, as no one will truly see Amazon’s series, as you are actually encouraging the Tolkientubers, some which have millions of subs, to go watch the series. This will get them to watch this. Most hate diversity, but you are pushing them out.


    This is sabotaging anything Tolkien related in the long.

    What you also need to do, is express concern in a civil way, who also have lots of influence on the topic of LOTR.


    We need to stop bringing it up, as we are doing more advertising for the diversity version of shows. By pushing forth the videos which are unrelated to the show, no one will truly know about it, and the series will die out, in a sea of other shows, to be forgotten, like the Ghostbusters movie with diversity. No one talks about it. It’s been forgotten, yet we still talk about the OG movie.

    By focusing on the older stuff, and pushing the books forward, perhaps reviewing it on the stream without bringing up diversity or SJWs or politics, it would hurt Amazon far more, as no one would be talking about it, and it will garner far less views, and the series will end up cancelled.


    Subforums (which are directly linked from the header) have no search bar.  Might help cut down on duplicate threads.


    What happened to the message option?

    I know I’ve sent messages to friends before for questions or help, but it seems to have disappeared.


      What happened to the message option?

      I know I’ve sent messages to friends before for questions or help, but it seems to have disappeared.

      Think it’s been disabled ’cause there was a bug with it


      @DigiCat are you on our Discord by chance or on Twitter? I know our messaging options are off right now, but I’d like to send you a DM if possible.


        @WeareChaoS, yes, Discord username also DigiCat

        Are you WeareChaoS on Discord too?

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by DigiCat.

        @DigiCat yes it is! I’ll find ya and send you a DM


        In this thread we have a SPAMMER:



        As the largest Asian one-stop free B2B toy wholesale marketplace….

        Suunymoon is the poster.


        Damn, I miss the old “REPORT” button feature.


        Hey everyone!

        Any update on when the blogs will be turned back on? I have been working on something and I was disappointed to see that it had been turned off. I saw the comment that they were turned off due to an issue with approval or something like that, but I didn’t see any other information.


        incredible how “Greg” the spammer (now “Judy7878”, “Ginger72829”, “G81792”, “George7814”, Gregory81877, Greg777,  etc.) still has multiple accounts going on here every day spamming numerous threads, especially the memes ones… I wouldn’t mind one or two posts once in a while, but every day he just spams everywhere…

        it’s hard to keep up with the threads we follow when there’s spam all the time. We already talked about this issue before, but still no solution…

        I also suggested promoting some trustworthy users to “mods” so they can help clean the forums frequently… this spam is just too much… I bet many people give up posting because of this. And I think I will too… if you guys have some other community suggestions where we can talk about geek/nerd stuff, feel free to tell us…
        I don’t use discord or reddit, but maybe I gotta give it a shot lol



        I think we got another spammer:


        This topic, the first and only thread by Sunnymoon.

        China’s market regulations and standards…

        ie. stolen IPs, cheap knowoffs, cheap quality, etc.


        incredible how “Greg” the spammer (now “Judy7878”, “Ginger72829”, “G81792”, “George7814”, Gregory81877, Greg777, etc.) still has multiple accounts going on here every day spamming numerous threads, especially the memes ones… I wouldn’t mind one or two posts once in a while, but every day he just spams everywhere…

        I don’t get it either. I wont even open a thread anymore if I see that spammer/bot was the last poster.  Made up example but I’m sure you all know what I mean: Starts a thread asking “What’s your favorite brand of dry pasta?” and then makes 5 fucking posts, each with a picture of a different brand of pasta. 3 month later another bot name ______782728, will bump the thread, posting the same damned pictures.  Many times I’ll check into the board and see this fucker carpet bombed  this shit, and I just leave without even checking to see if any real posts happened somewhere in between.    It cheapens the board as a whole. Makes it look like one of those freebie forums that was abandoned a couple years ago but still gets automated spam accounts posting to it.

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by DocPhibes.

        Once again, I edited a post, and now the post is invisible. REALLY sick of this on here.


        Hey, is there a “mark all read” button somewhere?


        Hey, is there a “mark all read” button somewhere?


        The best thing I do is just look at the date posted of a topic.

        If there is not a category I go to often, I just use the top screen pulldown menu of Forum > Most Recent Topics.

      Viewing 15 posts - 331 through 345 (of 456 total)
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