Can’t shake the deep sense of sadness after watching LoTR Trilogy again

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  • #313406

    Well, there you go.
    You have come up with an excellent idea for A.I. and a good use for A.I. to make a movie like this or even a short film.


    Well, there you go.
    You have come up with an excellent idea for A.I. and a good use for A.I. to make a movie like this or even a short film.


    Yeah, I just watched the video. Took him quite a while to get there, but I have to be frank, I was already thinking about it.

    My creativity levels are very low, I’m more of the engineering mindset, good at executing, but not so good at creating stuff that’s not based in reality.

    I’ll certainly start exploring (in fact, to a lower extent, I have started playing with some scripts attempts first) and see what I can do.



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