Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › Television › does anyone else like stargirl?
its some what believable as those zombies were stupid and slow the only real threat was dragon king really lol
This weeks episode was very good. After the events of the last episode with the death of Henry, this one is not an action episode.
Courtney brought low, her father appearing, losing the power of the staff and blaming herself for the two deaths make this episode another high.
Slow episode, but necessary for Stargirl’s character development.
Once again very good acting all around. Even the guy that portrayed Courtney’s father did an excellent job, eliciting both sympathy and anger from the audience at the appropriate time.
ep 11 WOW that was how you do a hero’s journey story my god that was awesome jj abrhams could learn from this director i cant wait for ep 12/13
Another good episode this week. One more to go.. !
lol i love this show who else would make villians bernie bros aawhahah i cant wait for finale
I like it better than anything on the CW, though the mentions of global warming and universal healthcare being issues that everyone agrees on is quite irritating. Why can’t these superhero shows just stick with SUPERHEROES and stop bringing up other BS crap like this?
I don’t think everyone necessarily agrees on those issues, they’re just confused as to why the villains plan incleds stuff that’s apparently good
yeah i hear you on that but i took it as stargirls a conservative overall good show but i do wish theyd keep the dam politics out of the show
Never liked the character to begin with. From the reviews I’ve watched, it turned into the expected dumpster fire.
I thought the purpose was to show how truly evil the Injustice Society is. The fact that the “heroes” agreed with them is an allegory for how there are no true heroes or force for good in the world, only different shades of evil.
For me whether the heroes agree on these “issues” or not makes no difference, they’re not agreeing with the ISA, ’cause the ISA doesn’t really care about these “issues”, they’re just using them as a cover to further their agendas
Well, that’s Stargirl season one over. That was good, I enjoyed the season. A few annoyances mostly regarding Beth and those fracking glasses!
Good to see Shiv back at last. She spent far too long behind that bloody door!
So now it’s on to season two. Oh dear?
yeah im trying to make a s1 review and talk about s2 with the csjw that was pretty dam good im scared for season 2
that was the most satisfying thing was those stupid glasses getting wrecked i hope they axe dr midnight or recast her worthless character