Forum for Premium Members

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  • #164887

      A few days ago I announced we would be creating a forum for our premium members. Just to give some clarification, it’s not meant to be disrespectful towards our non-premium members.

      Now that we are on our own platform, notifications are not on the same level as a social media site – at least not yet. The forum for premium members is meant to give us better communication with our paying customers, as well as getting feedback directly from them so they can tell us what type of content they want to see in the future.

      Myself and my team appreciate everyone that has signed up to the site and I don’t want anyone thinking we’re creating an exclusive “Cool Kids Club” per se. It’s meant for better communication with people that are paying their hard-earned money.


      It’s called capitalism. You’re running your business, plain and simple.

      If I had that kind of disposable income, I’d sign up, but alas I do not with my current financial responsibilities. Yet I do not fault the system. I simply need to get to a point where I can take part in it.

      Again, that’s capitalism and business. If anyone doesn’t like it, go to Venezuela or Cuba. I hear Socialism is wonderful this time of year.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

        I appreciate that and I appreciate you being here supporting the site!


        nope cancel Jeremy lol gated community reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lmfao just kidding brother


        hell yes krull was epic still love that movie nice pic


        Just signed up for Premium! Excited to be aboard.



          How much do I have to pay to cancel Jeremy from Beeps and Gamers?


          What up Cobra. Just want to say I’ve never been apart of any forum, website subscription…stuff like that. for 30 years.

          This is a first. And I don’t feel any different, cause it feels like home baby. LOL Happy to support yah and fellow geeks and gamers.


          Love the website. We’re all capitalists here, right? Not a fan of commies. I like getting a little something extra for actually spending money.


          Are premium members going to be getting a premium tag under our names or is it only on our profiles?


            Wow, thank you! I sincerely appreciate that brother 👏👏


              I’m working on getting an icon to go next to your name (for premium members)




              I love the website. You and your team have done a great job. It’s nice to see a place where people actually have common sense.  Thank you.


                I still think it’s tacky, but I’ll stick around here. Good GameTalk vibes.

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