I dislike the Conservative ree’ing

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    I don’t think any of those places you mentioned are considered western world. No one disputes there are places where people who are different (gay or otherwise) are treated differently.  But oddly enough, I don’t hear about riots, marches or demonstrations in those places very often if ever.
    since when has Europe and EU countries not been a part of the western world? Do you think the western world is only the US and Canada? And even if you try to back pedal on your statement and change it to democratic civilized instead of western countries then Poland and Hungary, for example, still fill those criterias. Also, there are pride parades in all of those countries. I think the problem is that American news (I assume you’re American) covers mostly topics related to America so people ae unaware. But the problem is that in countries where gay right supporters are minorities, the awareness spreading isn’t very effective yet. It takes time, for people to realize that resisting human rights for gays is just idiotic and maybe a generation of homophobes need to kick the bucket before the change can be implemented.

    So lining the streets with flags is based to spread awareness.  Who is not aware of gay people?

    “every third American think gay people are sub humans”

    That’s BS and you know it.
    Don’t be silly, I know you don’t think the awareness spreading is to make people gay people exist. It’s to normalize and spread awareness that being gay is okay and people shouldn’t be scared of them.

    Also don’t twist my words. I said almost one third. In 2022, 71% of Americans support gay marriage which is the highest ever, meaning 29% of Americans still think they don’t deserve the same rights as straight people. https://19thnews.org/2022/06/marriage-equality-lgbtq-record-poll/2

    cool it with the subliminal homophobic remarks. You make it seem like a very common problem. Just as well straight people can suffer from injuries like vaginal laceration or vaginal infections from unhygienic sex.

    The fourth picture you sent baffles me. It’s not related to being gay, it’s related to an insane amount of sex partners while being unprotected. Go to Thailand as a straight guy and have unprotected sex with 300 girls and you’re gonna have a sting in your dick. Or are you trying to tie this to the 1980’s homophobic hysteria about how only gay people gives and gets STDs? This is just some bullshit.


    The anus is not a sex organ, stop treating it like one.
    You’re not making arguments why being gay should be stigmatized, you’re making arguments why unorthodox sex should be stigmatized. What about straight couples who try anal sex, oral sex, tittyfucking etc? None of those are sex organs, should a guy who gets his dick sucked by his wife be considered weird and icky?

    The only thing I agree with you is that the hypersexualization of gays portrayed both by companies (5th picture)  and by some people in the parade (3rd picture) should be stopped.  But saying gay people are yucky because a couple weirdos are dressing up like latex dogs in a parade with hundreds if not thousands of people is like saying all white people should be stigmatized because some of them like to shoot up schools.



    I don’t think any of those places you mentioned are considered western world. No one disputes there are places where people who are different (gay or otherwise) are treated differently.  But oddly enough, I don’t hear about riots, marches or demonstrations in those places very often if ever.

    since when has Europe and EU countries not been a part of the western world? Do you think the western world is only the US and Canada? And even if you try to back pedal on your statement and change it to democratic civilized instead of western countries then Poland and Hungary, for example, still fill those criterias. Also, there are pride parades in all of those countries. I think the problem is that American news (I assume you’re American) covers mostly topics related to America so people ae unaware. But the problem is that in countries where gay right supporters are minorities, the awareness spreading isn’t very effective yet. It takes time, for people to realize that resisting human rights for gays is just idiotic and maybe a generation of homophobes need to kick the bucket before the change can be implemented.

    So lining the streets with flags is based to spread awareness.  Who is not aware of gay people? “every third American think gay people are sub humans” That’s BS and you know it.


    Don’t be silly, I know you don’t think the awareness spreading is to make people gay people exist. It’s to normalize and spread awareness that being gay is okay and people shouldn’t be scared of them.


    Also don’t twist my words. I said almost one third. In 2022, 71% of Americans support gay marriage which is the highest ever, meaning 29% of Americans still think they don’t deserve the same rights as straight people. https://19thnews.org/2022/06/marriage-equality-lgbtq-record-poll/2


    @FallenOmegaStar cool it with the subliminal homophobic remarks. You make it seem like a very common problem. Just as well straight people can suffer from injuries like vaginal laceration or vaginal infections from unhygienic sex.

    The fourth picture you sent baffles me. It’s not related to being gay, it’s related to an insane amount of sex partners while being unprotected. Go to Thailand as a straight guy and have unprotected sex with 300 girls and you’re gonna have a sting in your dick. Or are you trying to tie this to the 1980’s homophobic hysteria about how only gay people gives and gets STDs? This is just some bullshit.

    The anus is not a sex organ, stop treating it like one.

    You’re not making arguments why being gay should be stigmatized, you’re making arguments why unorthodox sex should be stigmatized. What about straight couples who try anal sex, oral sex, tittyfucking etc? None of those are sex organs, should a guy who gets his dick sucked by his wife be considered weird and icky?


    The only thing I agree with you is that the hypersexualization of gays portrayed both by companies (5th picture)  and by some people in the parade (3rd picture) should be stopped.  But saying gay people are yucky because a couple weirdos are dressing up like latex dogs in a parade with hundreds if not thousands of people is like saying all white people should be stigmatized because some of them like to shoot up schools.


    I double posted because my initial comment got caught in spam filter so I posted the same again in two parts but now the original comment came back, sorry for the inconvenience!


      Dude, I know we disagree but really no reason to be so combative.  I was not trying to twist your words.  I just clipped what you said and it just fell that way.  I mean every 3rd or almost every third is of little consequence in this context.

      Anyways, I just whole heartedly disagree.  Polls are BS and I don’t put stock in them.  They generally are meant to come out with a certain outcome and they use tiny sample sizes most often less than 1000 people.  Everyone is aware of gay people and there is no need for “awareness” in the west.  If what you are looking for is forced compliance that is wrong and authoritarian.  People are allowed to disagree, dislike or even hate whoever they want for whatever reason.  Does that make it right? No, but the freedom is there.

      And I did not plan on backtracking on anything and I am not sure why you would assume so. I have never done that or anything else nefarious in our exchanges.  If we disagree fine, no need for the hostility.

      As far as the “west”.  I know some of Europe is considered the West although I am under the thought process Eastern Europe is not.  That’s the point I was coming from there.  If I am wrong I am wrong.

      I still think that this is being used as a wedge issue by the elites to drive folks into tribes and have the tribes hate on each other.  There is no struggle in the west for gay folks. The absolute vast majority of people don’t care.  I don’t either.  You do you, just leave me out of it.


      @SuperSoynic_Speed cool it with the subliminal homophobic remarks.

      Don’t make me double down.

      I really, really, do not care for accepting the Left’s language on morals. I reject their framework entirely. You don’t beat the Left by adopting their rhetoric, you simply increase their power. It’s frustrating to see people who claim to oppose the Left not understand this.

      Any conservative worth his salt will of course condemn sexual deviancy even when it’s done between men and women. Sodomy is an unhealthy sexual practice which benefits no-one. Anyone who condemns one form of degeneracy but permits another is someone not to be taken seriously.

      The issue you don’t get is the concept of per capita. You can argue all you want in regards to individual gay men who may be monogamous and keep to themselves, or straight men who are man-whores, but ultimately it’s irrelevant. Homosexual men are far more likely to be promiscuous than heterosexual men, and as such are disproportionately over-represented in regards to sexual activity (it’s safe to assume they’re the same ones who dress inappropriately in public and push their fetishes onto children). If the numbers are to believed, then it’s patently insane at just how flippant their attitudes are towards sex. There was a time when homosexuality was regarded as a form of mental illness, and it’s not hard to understand why. This isn’t love. It’s a pathology.

      You cannot get around the fact gay men are going to engage in sodomy more often than any other group. Please explain why this behavior should be normalized or even celebrated every year. For a whole month.

      that’s how societies evolve. A position on something won’t necessary be stationary forever.

      I will never stop posting this:


      Conservatives don’t accept the premise at all that “gay rights” are just a natural evolution of society. It’s a completely manufactured cultural zeitgeist that has enraptured a depressed youth demographic who are desperate to have validation via some form of group identity. I’m personally convinced it will burn itself out within the next 15-20 years when the consequences of wasting your youth on frivolous sexual encounters begin catching up to people.


        Jordan Peterson and others have spoken at length about how delayed gratification benefits the individual and society. The entire thought process that if it makes you feel good do it and if you want it then it must be right is a fallacy that will have long term negative effects.

        Animals give into there base instincts at all times, humanity should not unless we wish to become animals.


        Polls are BS and I don’t put stock in them.  They generally are meant to come out with a certain outcome and they use tiny sample sizes most often less than 1000 people.

        so polls only matter when they back your opinion? Because I would trust various polls sited with sources more than an ”I don’t believe that” from someone with a passive bias in the subject.

        Everyone is aware of gay people and there is no need for “awareness” in the west.

        There clearly is as some countries have illegal gay marriage and in the majority they are stigmatized by many people.

        I know some of Europe is considered the West although I am under the thought process Eastern Europe is not.  That’s the point I was coming from there.  If I am wrong I am wrong.

        Yes, you are wrong here.

        There is no struggle in the west for gay folks.

        Therefore this is incorrect.

        the elites to drive folks into tribes and have the tribes hate on each other

        There shouldn’t be any hate from just wanting gay people to be normalized and not be called fags or being judged for what kind of sex they have

        The absolute vast majority of people don’t care.  I don’t either.  You do you, just leave me out of it.

        This is fine. I don’t go to Pride marches either, neither am I a heavy advocate for them and I only have a couple gay friends. But just treating them normally is the way to go. If you don’t like gay people then just walk away and look away from their parades. I have no problem with those people,  I have problems with people who accept stigmatizing them and actively advocate against them because they have icky sex.



        Any conservative worth his salt will of course condemn sexual deviancy even when it’s done between men and women. Sodomy is an unhealthy sexual practice which benefits no-one

        Okay so you don’t resist gays per se, you just resist icky sex whether they are lesbians, gay or straight. I just don’t get why getting a blowjob is unhealthy, it is quite hard to make a woman climax with only penetration and usually requires fingers, to gue or toys so this argument I will immediately just disagree with.

        The issue you don’t get is the concept of per capita. You can argue all you want in regards to individual gay men who may be monogamous and keep to themselves, or straight men who are man-whores, but ultimately it’s irrelevant. Homosexual men are far more likely to be promiscuous than heterosexual men, and as such are disproportionately over-represented in regards to sexual activity

        But what about the other ones who don’t do it? This is exactly the same as the ”all muslims are terrorists” or ”all white people are school shooters” because they are the majority. And again, even if a gay dude has fucked 1000 people, why does it make you so triggered? Mind your own business, they’re not hurting you.

        You cannot get around the fact gay men are going to engage in sodomy more often than any other group. Please explain why this behavior should be normalized or even celebrated every year. For a whole month.

        Because majority of people have no issue with it? Gay people have to listen to angry people lecture them about their icky sex and be called slurs and discriminated so I think it’s justified to organize things to normalize their existence. As I said earlier, why is it so hard to just mind your own business and let gay people do their gay stuff and ignore it instead of flipping your shit and getting mad about what some random people do in their bedrooms? I think roleplay sex is weird but I don’t go around  being angry about it and wishing they should be discriminated becsuse of their weird roleplays.

        I’m personally convinced it will burn itself out within the next 15-20 years when the consequences of wasting your youth on frivolous sexual encounters begin catching up to people.

        Bet. I’m convinced in 15-20 years when the older generations die or get too old to cause harm gay people can get more normalized. Just like how slavery and the idea of eugenics became just a distant disgusting memory after the generations who tried to fight for it died out. In 30 years people will think ”wtf” when looking back at people who opposed gays of their weird sex. Europe is doing great progress, gays are way more accepted now than 10-15 years ago when we started legalizing gay marriage. Which makes me feel pride of being European (pun very intended)


        Jordan Peterson and others have spoken at length about how delayed gratification benefits the individual and society. The entire thought process that if it makes you feel good do it and if you want it then it must be right is a fallacy that will have long term negative effects.

        Animals give into there base instincts at all times, humanity should not unless we wish to become animals.

        I do not put much weight on JP’s word, at least anymore. The guy has lot the plot. He thinks Russia’s invasion is the product of the culture war (which he actively participates in) and ”wokeism”. He got caught red handed for talking out of his ass and being  incredible incorrect on the topic.


          “He thinks Russia’s invasion is the product of the culture war (which he actively participates in) and ”wokeism”. He got caught red handed for talking out of his ass and being  incredible incorrect on the topic.”


          So being incorrect (or in disagreement) on one item makes everything you do or you say worth discounting?   So I take it you have NEVER been wrong in fact or opinion on anything ever?  Because if you have I MUST clearly discount your words.

          Purity tests, regardless of who does them, is a silly waste of time that means nothing.  You are just looking for confirmation bias.


          On a larger scale, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has something to do with the culture war. Russia refused to go along with the WEF’s “Great reset”, which is why the west staged a coup in Ukraine, which put a junta of psychopaths in charge, who spent the last 8 years killing Russians.

          But the bottom conflict is Russia’s unwillingness to go along with the West’s cultural marxism.


          Those two pictures you posted there, show why conservatism is just another form of collectivism. No individual liberty, opression by self proclaimed ariberts of morality. That’s no different than what the communist left are doing. It’s a miracle you two don’t get along better. You’re made of the same cloth. Wanna be dictators.

          “You cannot get around the fact gay men are going to engage in sodomy more often than any other group. Please explain why this behavior should be normalized or even celebrated every year. For a whole month.”

          Because of bigots like you. No other reason.

          • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Wisdom.



          Oral sex can lead to mouth infections and even oral cancer in some cases. The moar you know.

          You wanted to know why there’s such stigma against homosexuality (that will never go away, no matter how much you try to argue – People will always have a biological predisposition for disgust towards sexual actions they consider abnormal) and I answered to give you perspective, or am I to assume your former question was merely rhetorical?

          Two men (or women, for that matter) living together, in the privacy of their home, isn’t the problem (which is often the crux for the “gay rights” argument, and in this context it’s a fair one because no-one who respects the right to privacy wants to step over another’s right to personal autonomy). The problem is pushing for this lifestyle into the mainstream to be celebrated, which can and has had an adverse effect on the morality of the culture. Homosexuality, transgenderism, even polygamy and promiscuity: These things do not exist in isolation, they’re often inter-connected, in the sense that when one taboo is broken, another becomes permissible, creating a domino effect. When sex outside of marriage became permissible and strictly-defined roles between the sexes were broken down, the normalization of homosexuality followed. When homosexuality became considered as acceptable, transgenderism, and all that entailed, became the next big”civil right” to push for. What do you think will come next? I’d personally rather not find out.

          Conservatives don’t push back against sexual revolution ideology because “ew sex is bad and gross ew,” we push back because these sexual habits are self-destructive and make a society less moral. In roughly a decade of gay marriage being legalized we went from “kids will learn about homosexuals when they get older” to “if you don’t let us read drag story time to your kids and how boys can become girls and vice-versa then you’re an evil bigot who wants to murder every LGBT person.” This would’ve been considered madness even in the 2000s and yet here we are. Kids are considered sacred, a society that doesn’t care about preserving childhood innocence is a truly lost one. The fact that people in positions of authority side with deviants instead of parents only goes to shows how much “sexual freedom” ideology has completely poisoned people’s minds. What I don’t think people get, is that we got here because of the very Leftist concept of equality. When the biggest proponents of the sexual revolution argued that any and all illicit sexual actions were somehow of equal value to a husband and wife procreating, they in turn set the stage for this inverted morality: That a criticism of a person’s behavior, is also a condemnation of their personhood, a failure to recognize their basic humanity. It is, of course, a completely fallacious argument, but Leftists of today are simply following the logical end conclusion of that line thinking when it comes to arguing for doing whatever they wish without consequence.

          No, of course it isn’t all homosexuals, but I find having to clarify this, and the assumption of my political positions as some cartoon caricature, as an utterly tedious process. I say it’s unimportant because it only takes a small but significant number of lunatics with the backing of the state to rock the boat and start causing trouble for everyone else.


          Absolutely insightful podcast, here’s the full thing for those interested:


          Oh, and for those haven’t heard of Wilhelm Reich, here’s a little summary. He’s just one of many Communist-sympathizers who laid the groundwork for every single sexual taboo to be removed from the table as a direct attack against the family and Christianity. When people are atomized, family-less individuals, they become more concerned with satisfying their own base desires than the moral good of the nation and are easier to control.



          @Wisdom “If you want to stop people from harming themselves both spiritually and physically, you’re the same as those who will seize a farmer’s land and murder and rape his family!”


          Yeah, okay.

          I don’t get along with degenerate Communist freaks because I have no desire to steal resources from other people.

          I have no ill will towards homosexual individuals. Many of them are victims in some way or another, through childhood trauma or other such troubled backgrounds. I can even understand why they might feel validation through finding someone who’s been through a similar experience and telling them it’s all okay. But I do not believe we help them by enabling their behaviour and telling them there’s nothing wrong with it. As far as I see it, sodomy should be viewed the same as self-harm: Not necessarily worthy of criminal punishment, but the proposition that we should regard it as somehow brave or heroic for a whole month every year is ludicrous. The reason the Right rails against poor sexual morals, is because people become enslaved to them, like poor drug addicts. Abstinence is freedom.

          It is not so much an issue of political policy to me as it is culture. You can argue they deserve individual rights such as the right to own property, the right to self-defense and the right to be protected from being murdered, etc and I’d even agree; just because I disapprove of their lifestyle doesn’t mean I put any less value in them as a human being.

          Now, someone will probably chip in to say that, historically, that’s just exactly what the “gay rights” movement is about. I will admit that our ancestors treatment towards someone when they were outed as gay has been… less than stellar. And this has basically given the Left the wedge they needed to attack the family and the very roots of our civilization. I do not believe that the political movement started off with good people and it ended up being hijacked, but rather was pushed by evil people who used unwitting pawns as the face of their movement to get what they want, which was essentially revenge (reminder: Every single participant in the “gay men’s choir” is a registered sex offender).

          But back to the issue of culture; I’m going straight into the topic of gay marriage. It’s probably going to ruffle some jimmies but it’s the core issue of all of this.

          The Right was unequivocally against gay marriage because marriage should be defined by the Church, and marriage, when defined as being between being one man and one woman, sets very clear rules for society. It is a foundational bedrock for civilization for two people who are essentially opposites to come together, put aside their old lives and commit to raising the next generation for the continuation of that civilization. When it came to the issue of same-sex couples in the early 2010’s, the Right offered Civil Unions, a perfectly sensible compromise, to give them the same legal status. But no, the Left pushed for marriage, specifically. Why? Because marriage is symbolic. By abolishing such a sacred symbol, the way was paved for the lunacy we have today. It was the erasure of distinction between the two sexes, and when that happened, our society has become immensely confused about right and wrong since. The madness isn’t going to end until we admit that undoing our most long-standing traditions was never the intent of liberalism and that hierarchical structures were implemented for good reason.

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