I dislike the Conservative ree’ing

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      I am tired of sides. Humans have this idiotic obsession with being part of a team or group. I don’t float that way. Imo groups and parties create division. People care more about the group/party than the issue. They want to root for their team, even if they are losing, and push all logic out the window in regard to supporting their team. I find it idiotic. It’s part of why I HATE sports.

      Groups and parties also have scum bags and bad people in them, which means people think you are like them because they are part of the party/group if you say you are part of that party/group. I learned a long time ago that groups and parties do not speak for me, or the majority of the populace, even though they seem to think they do. I do not “identify” as any one political party or group. I will never join one, I will never support one. I hate the party system of government frankly. It’s ruining this country (usa).

      I take issues based on the issue and my opinion or facts about it. Not what side of the political fence it may be on.



        So true.  I too do not play for a “team”.  The issue with any human organization (even Churches) is that if the organization will wield any amount of influence or money bad actors will infiltrate it to pilfer it for both influence and money.  The 2 political parties we have now are the prime example of it.  In fact this is so bad that the same folks will change “sides” over time so they can be on whatever “team” gets them more personal gain.  Nancy Pelosi is a prime example as are many of the older Democrats.  They were very much Christian right in the 90’s now 30 years later they are radical progressives.  That’s not to just pick on Democrats it is just the best example I can think of at the moment.

        The irony of all the team garbage is this.  In my experience most people agree mostly on most things.  Sure, there are disagreements on how to solve issues  sometimes but most will agree on the issues.  There is almost always plenty common ground but since many just want to “win” they seek difference instead of that common ground.

        I find it really sad.  If people loved each other and tried to help each other instead of trying to best each other the world would be a far better place.  But the political class thrives off the division so they continue to foster it and people continue to fall for it.



          100% agreed.

          Mc Cain is a prime example of a turncoat. In the end he wasn’t even on the same side as he was years before.

          I think disagreements are what makes us Americans. Have you seen the movie Falling Down? There is a line in there that has resonated with me since the day I saw it. He says, “In America we have freedom of speech, we have the right to disagree”. Sure, we have heard it similar before, but not the way he says it. Link 

          I have a co-worker who is a “Staunch Democrat”, but we can talk about the horrible homeless problem here where I live and in Oregon as a whole, and what should be done about it. We always agree on all of that issue. I always say that people who are so divided and say horrid things about the “other side” need to ask themselves this question: Would you push them out of the way and save them from being hit by a car? Would you give blood to save them? Would you help them if they were laying in the street dying? Yes, THOSE are the things that matter at the end of the day. Those are the things we need to get back to as a society. The media and government have created a false division that is tearing this country a part.


            I have not seen that movie but that was an awesome line, I agree on that for sure.

            And you are right about the false division.  They want everyone in tribes that hate each other so they (the elite/political class) can essentially do what they please.  Because if we all got together and worked together none of them would have any power.

            Truth be told my best friend is liberal (not progressive).  I am conservative with many libertarian leanings.  Do we talk politics?  Yes, all the time.  And we agree much of the time.  And when we don’t, we just agree to disagree.  We have both learned things from each other because we listen.  THAT is what folks should be doing.  Not always trying to “win”.  Because you are not winning anything.  In fact we are losing this country because of all the “winning”.  It has to stop.  Folks need to come together.


            So being incorrect (or in disagreement) on one item makes everything you do or you say worth discounting?   So I take it you have NEVER been wrong in fact or opinion on anything ever?  Because if you have I MUST clearly discount your words.

            No but I just think JP is incorrect in this case. People like JP complain how the dragon of chaos or whatever is trying to tyrannize and cast authoritarian rules to restrict freedom, but argues for restricting how much sex people can have?

            Oral sex can lead to mouth infections and even oral cancer in some cases. The moar you know.

            ”In the majority of cases, the body’s immune system will clear up the HPV within two years”

            ”This has prompted the WHO to recommend that girls be vaccinated for HPV by age 12.”

            Also you can get STDs and other diseases from kissing, you wanna ban kissing next? I mean these arguments are just dumb.


            People will always have a biological predisposition for disgust towards sexual actions they consider abnormal)

            Not everyone. But why doesn’t the disgust affect left handed people, blind or deaf people etc? And people who feel this kind of disgust towards gay people shouldn’t bitch and moan about ”uhhhh I’m getting silenced and destroyed by the woke society” when they get fired or banned for talking crazy shit about their disgust for gay people.

            What do you think will come next? I’d personally rather not find out.

            The problem is that you and other homophobes are just uncomfortable adapting and accepting society will change. If people get the right to live freely and not have restrictions, laws and homophobes trying to hinder their life and making their day harder, and it doesn’t harm other people or society then I see no problem. People on the right never stop flapping their lips about freedom but wanna cast restrictions on people’s sexual life ans gay people? That’s some dumbfuckery.

            You still haven’t had a single valid argument about why gay peope should be stigmatized and oppressed. You’ve just expressed your displeasure with STDs and unorthodox sex life and how it hurts your conservative feelings and values. If you wanna advocate towards things that may cause cancer then maybe attack cigarettes or red meat, they have a higher risk of causing cancer than blowjobs.



            I feel like this problem is mainly in America because of the two party system where you can only choose one or another and if you agree with 20/50 topics, you need to accept and adapt to the 30 other topics too as there is no ”middle ground”. Like if I see a guy in a MAGA hat I can pretty easily guess his stance on almost every topic, same thing if I see a land whale with blue hair. And because it’s only two parties, it creates the ”us vs the other party” and makes them enemies.

            About the sport thing, it reminds me of when Jeremy from G+G said he doesn’t care much about politics and treats it like watching sport. I think this is extremely dumb and even dangerous, because in sports you choose your team and ride or die with them. Your team makes a foul, you try to defend it. Your team gets fouled, you try to exaggerate it. It doesn’t matter much because it’s ”just sports”. Do that with politics and it’s more serious.

            I always use the example of BLM riots and Jan 6th riots (not gonna argue about which was worse for the 10th time) where the left said ”oh it was mostly peaceful and had a cause because black ppl die” and the right argued that violence and forcing things isn’t a protest etc and the Jan 6th the tables turned where the left said violence is not protest and the right had this weird damage control phase when they tried to defend and justify it because ”it was our people causing it this time” but no one had a united excuse so we heard all kinds of arguments like the police let us in, it was Antifa, it was the CIA etc


              “No but I just think JP is incorrect in this case. People like JP complain how the dragon of chaos or whatever is trying to tyrannize and cast authoritarian rules to restrict freedom, but argues for restricting how much sex people can have?”

              Thinking someone is incorrect or disagreeing is fine.  Everyone does that everyday.  But tossing out everything a person says or does because of one case of disagreement is just being hateful and punitive.

              While I have not seen or read everything the man has done I don’t ever recall him calling to legislate how often people have sex.  I know he speaks on “delayed gratification”.  Where you do work for the future and suffer a little now.  But never what you mention.

              And if you are of the mind that freedoms are not being slowly chipped away at in general I am not sure what I could say to better explain it to you because it could not possibly be more obvious.


              >In the majority of cases, the body’s immune system will clear up the HPV within two years

              Two years is a fucking long time to give it to other people.

              >This has prompted the WHO to recommend that girls be vaccinated for HPV by age 12.

              For something that legal minors should never be doing in the first place, and is easily preventable if adults just had some fucking self-restraint.

              >Also you can get STDs and other diseases from kissing, you wanna ban kissing next? I mean these arguments are just dumb.

              Not if you keep your mouth in good health and don’t put it somewhere where it doesn’t belong. We’re going in circles here.

              >But why doesn’t the disgust affect left handed people, blind or deaf people etc?

              Because none of these things have anything to do with the general disgust response rate in human beings.

              I had to wonder for a moment where on Earth this comparison suddenly came from. Am I correct in assuming you believe homosexual behaviour is something people are born with and not learned? It would frankly explain your reasoning up until this point.

              >You still haven’t had a single valid argument about why gay people should be stigmatized and oppressed.

              And you haven’t paid attention to a single thing I’ve said. When have I actually advocated for this premise you describe? I’ve put forward why conservatives cannot embrace homosexual culture in good conscience because it’s antithetical to the very thesis of conservatism, and all you’ve done is mischaracterize my argument. For someone who likes to present himself as a “principled centrist, both sides are crazy” you react with hostility as soon as your worldview gets challenged and bring your opponent back to square one. You have the political acumen of a redditor; you demonstrate a complete lack of attempting to understand views which make you uncomfortable. You consider only a certain set of views on particular subject to be acceptable within a certain paradigm, which is what the original definition of bigotry was. In that regard how are you any different from certain individuals you’ve had a beef with in the past?


              For something that legal minors should never be doing in the first place, and is easily preventable if adults just had some fucking self-restraint.

              the earlier you get the vaccine the better. But you can take it later on too, for sure. And here we go again, why should adults be forced to have less sex? Isn’t this what freedom you love so much is about? Just mind your own business.

              Not if you keep your mouth in good health and don’t put it somewhere where it doesn’t belong. We’re going in circles here.

              what?? You think stds get treated by brushing your teeth and having good hygiene? They get transmitted by kissing, so even if you follow your way of only having missionary sex and kissing (thus failing to make the woman climax btw) once every three months then you can get it from kissing. Some don’t  transmit (only) from oral sex, but also fro, regular sex and even just kissing. And they might me symptom free for someone, so a symptom free can kiss another who gets it and then later spreads it to another who might get it with symptoms.

              Am I correct in assuming you believe homosexual behaviour is something people are born with and not learned? It would frankly explain your reasoning up until this point.

              oh no, please don’t tell me you believe people are taught to be gay by being brainwashed by the government and woke companies or other dumb conspiracy theory… of course people are born gay. We are born with a set sexuality but discover it during life. So someone who likes women but notices at the age 20 that they actually like men too aren’t brainwashed to become bisexual, they just discover it. That’s why the left handed comparison work. Someone who is born left handed can be tried to force to write with the right hand but will always be more comfortable with writing with the left hand.

              So no, you can’t pray the gay away even with the power of almighty saviour lord jesus, and a straight person can not be brainwashed to be gay so you don’t need to cover your children’s ears and eyes during pride, they’re not gonna become gay unless they are born gay but have been restrained by extreme conservative parents.

              When have I actually advocated for this premise you describe?

              Well, do you advocate? Because to me it sounds like the classic ”oh I don’t oppose gay rights that advocates them to be treated equally, but I do understand why they are oppressed since they are disgusting and spread diseases”. Based on what you’ve said so far it sounds like you don’t support gay rights but won’t admit it and hide it behind the excuse of ”I mean I understand why they are oppressed”


              For someone who likes to present himself as a “principled centrist, both sides are crazy” you react with hostility as soon as your worldview gets challenged and bring your opponent back to square one.

              what do you mean ”for someone who likes to present himself as a centrist?” Of course I react with hostility to someone who opposes people’s rights (well, defends the idea of opposing their rights in this case for you if you wanna be technical). How does this conflict with being a centrist? I react with the same hostility if someone equally insane claim that black people can’t be racist and only whites can be, or people who try to force laws about pronouns or whatever. I despise radical left and radical right ideologies equally.

              And I honestly despise the whole culture war thing, where the left and right blame each other even if both are being equally stupid. People on the left celebrate gays to show support and far right people get really triggered instead of just ignoring and moving on with their life, and people on the left become really triggered when someone says something slightly offensive instead kf just ignoring and moving on. And then you have people like Jordan Peterson and the outrage merchants on youtube (G+G, RK Outpost, Quartering) who claim they hate the culture war but milk every single penny they can out of it. Without the culture war, the outrage merchant youtubers wouldn’t have any content since 90% of their content is getting outraged and making fun of some idiotic political tweets and stuff.

              This is getting even more off topic now but I despise the bias of when LeBron James, Mark Hamill etc tweets political then Jeremy and other outrage merchants say ”shut up and dribble/act, your job is to entertain us so don’t talk about politics” and when Gina Carano or any other right wing celebrity tweets they go ”LOL based hollywood celebrity DESTROYS the woke left with epic own tweet!!!!!!!1!11!”. Like there is no consistency and the shut up and dribble/act is only because they are angry celebrities have different views from them.


              >And here we go again, why should adults be forced to have less sex? Isn’t this what freedom you love so much is about? Just mind your own business.

              “I got infected with HIV and had my life destroyed.”
              “LOL. Just mind your own business, bigot!”

              First off, no-one here has said anything about forcing people to stop doing something we don’t like, but even so, it’s like you cannot even grasp the concept of social organicism. Society isn’t a random collection of individuals, it’s a living organism where your actions can and do affect others, even indirectly.

              I’ll try an explain an example of what I mean: Let’s say, the issue of online pornography. An often glib defense for porn would simply be, “don’t like it, don’t watch it.” But this argument completely ignores the ramifications of what happens when porn completely normalizes certain sexual actions and is viewed by those who do not know any better. The concern here is what is the general effect does porn have on our morals and our culture? How does it affect how we view each other? How does it alter one’s perceptions of sex and intimacy? Non-porn viewers are still going to be affected by the actions of porn addicts, because porn addicts in turn perpetuate an over-sexualised culture that the former would have to go to great pains to protect their kids from. What you essentially have here is two sub-cultures at odds with each other competing for dominance. It’s like oil and water. There’s no room for broader co-existence, here.

              So what is the general effect on society when the LGBT lifestyle is pushed into the mainstream? I’ll come to this a later, as it ties into another point.

              >what?? You think stds get treated by brushing your teeth and having good hygiene?


              You’re completely misrepresenting my argument again. I don’t know whether you’re being disingenuous or if you’re just… special.

              I wasn’t even trying to suggest what you just said. Yeah, you can spread STI’s through kissing but only if you already have an STI to begin with. STI’s don’t originate out of nowhere, if both parties are clean you’re not at risk.


              >of course people are born gay.


              Are they? Are they really?

              I’ve heard the testimonies of older men (typically married to a woman, no kids) who admitted to practicing homosexual acts when they younger and regretted it. Not immediately, but rather after several years and not finding any satisfaction in life. They found the strength to come to terms with that their behaviour was a means to cope with their pain. One has to wonder: If they have a similar background, then what is exactly is going through the minds of those who see themselves as justified in grooming confused young adults who are still trying to figure out the world? Or even children?

              I do not believe homosexuality is something so simple that you can turn and off, like a light-switch. Similar to transgenderism, it seems to be more of a state of mind. Many who identify as gay state that’s how they are because that’s how they feel. And feelings can change within a person’s lifetime, based on their own lived experiences.


              So about the effect of the LGBT lifestyle when pushed into the larger culture? Well, no, it’s not going to turn every child gay and transgender. However, the message it has sent to the general population has been pretty self-evident. If people are “born gay,” then “helping” children “discover” their sexuality is justified. If you’re “just born this way,” then it justifies forsaking your responsibilities to satisfy your own selfish desires. And this is merely the tip of the iceberg. If you can successfully argue that your sexual interests are perfectly natural, well then, what stops other people from applying that logic to their own brand of deviancy? Again, these things don’t exist in isolation; it’s a domino effect. If you tell people that “alternative” sexual acts are of equal value to procreation, they’re going to think it’s unfair and want their own fetishes normalized.

              >Based on what you’ve said so far it sounds like you don’t support gay rights but won’t admit it and hide it behind the excuse of ”I mean I understand why they are oppressed”

              Well, you’re a half-right. I don’t support LGBT in the sense that I don’t support the culture surrounding it. It’s directly at odds with the traditional family, which is what I am for (unequivocally so).

              If it’s any cold comfort to you, I think throwing anyone from a rooftop or tossing bricks at someone for any reason is just plain barbaric. But I’m not going to tell a man with self-inflicted fecal incontinence that there’s nothing wrong with what he’s doing, either. Don’t get why these two things are somehow inseparable.

              >what do you mean ”for someone who likes to present himself as a centrist?”

              Mostly by how you’ve conducted yourself on this forum.

              I do recognize the rhetoric and it reminds me of a certain group of people (not anyone on this site), who, despite claiming to be open-minded and for new ideas, will react like Leftists as soon as they’re presented with a set of opinions that fall outside their own perception of the world. They write off both the Left and the Right as being the same, when these two opposing views couldn’t be anymore philosophically different, their reasoning often being just because of a bad experience with someone or some group identifying as Right-wing. It’s like their entire understanding politics – your understanding of politics – has been based on the media they consumed and how many YouTube videos they’ve watched of mediocre commentators. It’s like.. zero understanding of how political theology actually works.

              It’s not that opposing ideas you find problematic in of itself is dumb. But it’s intellectual wankery to act as though your ideas are better without bothering to find out why someone thinks the way they do. Or am I wrong in making that same assessment of you?

              > Of course I react with hostility to someone who opposes people’s rights (well, defends the idea of opposing their rights in this case for you if you wanna be technical).

              This is the interesting part here. The very concept of rights is in of itself, a political stance.

              How do you define rights? Do rights objectively exist? Are these positive or negative rights? How should rights be enforced?

              How you define rights defines your politics.

              I do get why you’re tired of the constant bickering and back and forth in the culture wars and by extension mainstream politics, but if you want to better understand the greater political conflict you’re going to have move past that. Read some books, follow some political scholars. The only way you’ll better understand points of view you find objectionable is by reading how they think society should be structured.


              Nowadays, there’s no way of “ignoring” the propaganda. And that’s the real problem. There’s no need for any of the agenda we are seeing every second in every media, every industry, it’s too much. Normal people learned to respect and understand homosexuality long time ago. Respect all races equally, respect all genders equally.  These days it’s impossible to leave the TV on like back in the day… at any second your kids might be exposed to some strong propaganda and it will affect their mental development.

              It used to be: “we are all the same, no matter what. Let’s work together, let’s have fun together”

              Now the indoctrination is non-stop: “we are not the same; don’t cultural appropriate; it’s okay to steal if you’re black; if you’re gay you’re special with super powers; if you’re white it’s okay for people to hate you and you must accept it; men can become women and women can become men; women are so brave and way smarter than clumsy men; if you don’t agree with a modern leftist you’re racist and should die; Obey whoever has power; You don’t need to work hard, relax; etc.


              Nothing happens to the entitled people living in palaces, with elite lifestyles, and private security thou, they’re the ones profiting from this chaos and propaganda.
              The common hard-working people from all backgrounds are the ones literally dying because of the war powerful people created. Violence all over the world is rising daily because people are more divided than ever. We all know who created and profits from the division.
              It should be okay to have different opinions, as long as you respect each other. But the other side don’t think like that… if you disagree with them, you’re evil and must be stopped, canceled, or murdered. They celebrate murders now, ffs. It’s insane.


              “We all know who created and profits from the division.”

              Politicians? Media?


              Yes, Silicon Valley, Big corps, mainstream media and powerful politicians. They are all connected to achieve (keep?) monopoly and centralization.

              People united = Happy population = motivated = creative = prosperous = new businesses = more options = different products = Decentralization

              They don’t want that.

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