Shootings in the US

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  • #194572

    In Europe silencers are legal and if someone is afraid for their or their family member’s life they might be able to make it look like nothing ever happened, especially if they live in a rural area, and I would imagine that most gun owners over there live rurally. Makes certain crimes less likely to happen in those areas at least for that reason. Even if I were desperate or crazy enough to rob someone’s house I wouldn’t dream of doing it in a place where people have more guns – I’d seek out where you lived and I’d go fuck your shit up instead. If you don’t see that there’s a chance of having gun ownership reducing crime by acting as a deterrent then you have some kind of a phobia of guns. So the problem is with you – not with the book and not with my logic.


    Soiboi if they are in your home your life is in danger by the very nature of reality. Home invasions are the most common to involve serious injuries including RAPE & DEATH.

    It must really suck to be a subject. I cant imagine being so completely afraid of an inanimate object.


    No, people do not kill burglars with silenced weapons and hide their bodies in those countries. That’s absurd.

    Also, like I’ve been trying to say. The statistics regarding Finland and Switzerland are misleading.
    In Finland a shit ton of the weapons are relics from the wars which aren’t even active anymore, and you must have a gun license to get access to OC spray and other self defense weaponry, so a large portion of people with a gun license don’t even have guns.

    Also, as almost all of the people who own weapons are hunters, usually their family members have gun licenses too. What this basically means is that the chance of breaking into someones house and them actually owning firearms is small and there actually aren’t many guns in Finland, it’s a misleading stat. Finland is a pretty average European country in reality when it comes to weapons per 100 people. Again, you get thrown into jail if you use them for other purposes than hunting or hobbies. The gun laws are really fucking strict and continue to get stricter, and thankfully so. Countries like Sweden, France, Austria etc. have more guns and less strict gun laws, and have higher crime rates.


    And to answer both you and the crazy cowboy, I’m not scared of guns per se, I’ve handled many different firearms in the military, but I don’t want crazy rednecks or thugs to have easy access to firearms in certain European countries as they are better off without them. I don’t want them to turn into a bloody warzone.


    “No, people do not kill burglars with silenced weapons and hide their bodies in those countries. That’s absurd.”

    First – how would you know, and second – it doesn’t even need to happen in practice if there is a possibility of losing your life you’re less likely to act in a criminal manner when actions have consequences. Without guns the worst thing that can happen to you in a liberal country is you go to jail for a few years and when you come out there are all kinds of reintegration programs waiting for you.


    I bet he’s not afraid or is less afraid of knives and knives hurt a hell of a lot more and kill people slowly. Blades were originally invented to slaughter animals and for self-defense. An item is only as good as that for which it is used and has no value or agency outside its use.


    A person wielding a knife is easier to escape from, and to wrestle down by using an improvised shield/weapon like a chair. So yes, I’d be less worried to confront a man with a knife than a man with a firearm.

    If we use Finland as an example again, there has been 3 ”school massacres” in the last 20+ years. The victim count was 9,11 and 1. I’ll let you figure out in which two the suspect had a firearm and in which one he had a knife. Finland actually made the gun laws even stricter after the school shootings, and looks like it’s working.


    Umm, because in normal countries, as far as I know, it’s not usual to kill people and hide their bodies unless you’re a psycho?
    I highly doubt a normal hard working family father could just kill somebody, get rid of the body amd live their normal life. Also, the relatives of the dead burglar would notice he’s gone missing and that would become a bigger investigation. If the man who shot the burglar gets caught he’s going to jail. In short, you shoot someone, you go to jail unless you have a really fucking solid excuse like an immediate life threat. A guy stealing your TV isn’t enough.


    School shootings wouldnt happen here at all of the perps were not tereated like heros by the communist media.
    Secondly perps know that schools are soft targets. They love soft targets. Sign the veterans up for armed guard dury and the school shootings will end instantly.

    Speaking of those has one happened at all since Ofucktartd left office?

    everyone facepalm


    Unfortunately I can’t answer that question, but I wasn’t talking about America now. My point was the author did lazy research and is lying when he used Finland and Switzerland as examples of countries where more firearms = less crime, when it’s actually the opposite in those countries.

    Same laws and rules don’t apply to every country.


    One thing the media needs to do, to stop copy-cats, is to stop reporting the names of those who commit these crimes!


    Do not give these mentally ill people any attention or fame such terrible events create.


    They are Democrats – all they do is give attention to the mentally ill because they relate to them the most.


    And instead of dealing with the “illness”, the cause of the problems, it is easier to bandage the symptoms while letting the “illness” grow and fester.


    The easiest thing is to create and exacerbate mental illness, put crazy thoughts in their heads and tell them what they want, and then ask them “what do you want – we’ll give you everything you want.”


    Every one of these shooters are on massive ammounts of anti depressants.

    It seems to me that the big parma pills are the connection that no one wants to look at.


    Sorry, but you are not allow to speak the facts.

    That is wrong speak/wrong thought.

    You want some lunitic to be whispered that someone does not believe big brother (pharma) has their interest first (rather than money)?

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