Out of the Shadows stars Jedi Knight Vernestra “Vern” Rwoh, a teenage prodigy among the Jedi who successfully completed the Jedi Trials when she was aged just 15. She may be young, but Vern possesses a unique relationship with the Force, and the book reveals she sometimes possesses a power called hyperspace tripping. When Vern is aboard a vessel traveling through hyperspace, her mind can actually become unmoored from her body and travel ahead through this mysterious plane of existence. She receives visions of distant worlds – visions she is learning to use to guide her, to allow her to understand where she can best serve the will of the Force. Vern has almost no control over these experiences, which she describes as “Force tripping,” and that understandably freaks her out a little.
Described well. Reminds me a lot of Paul from Dune. Sounds like the effect the Spice gas has on the Navigators of Dune as well, so it’s not bad. At first glance, I thought it was to make people fall over like trip, so for example, if I had Force Trippin, I’d slide a banana peel right in someone’s path at the right time and …. BWAAAAhahahaha.