Thoughts On The DCEU

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      Rewatched Man Of Steel yesterday and just finished rewatching Batman v Superman, so my fresh thoughts on theese movies:

      Man Of Steel, same as ever, too slow for me, i can’t concentrate or understand enough of it to enjoy the full story, which i’m sad about, ’cause Henry Cavill’s a great Superman, there are a few things i do like about the movie though, epic final battle (i actually understood what was going on during this scene), love the soundtrack, and Jor-El’s perfect description of humans “a seemingly intelligent population” 🤣

      Batman v Superman, i enjoyed this one a lot more than the first time round, maybe it’s ’cause i watched it coming fresh off of Man Of Steel, but the pace is a lot better, still not one of my favorite superhero movies, but i did really underestimate it, also i’m pretty sure there’s a scene in it that connects directly to the upcoming Flash movie 🤩


      About the flash thing (It’s not quite a Spoiler, but if anyone didn’t watch B v S stop reading pls lol ) I think you’re referring to the guy who shows up after Bruce “dreams” about the superman pulling his heart out. Who is that guy? Any confirmation? :D It looks like flash but it’s not him… right?


      I loved Batman vs Superman, Man of Steel, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, but the rest I’ve seen were kind of a let down (haven’t seen the Harley Quinn movie yet). The Josstice League was awful. It was confusing, The Snyder Cut was a major improvement. Shazam expanding the number of kids was kind of annoying. You get a bunch of new heroes you have no super names for(Last time I read comics it was just Captain Marvel/Shazam, Mary Marvel, and Captain Marvel Jr.). Suicide Squad was a train wreck of a movie. I loved Deadshot, and Harley in it, but the main story was a bit off. Like it was reaching to be something it wasn’t. A lot of the DCEU seams like it was rushed, and had things shoe horned in to appease political groups.


      It looks like flash but it’s not him… right?

      this WAS the Flash, but in his battle armour from the future trying to warm Batman.

      It was confirmed by ZS with his cut of the JL.



      thanks man, interesting. ;) I will finish watching ZS JL today :D


      I’ve liked most of the DCEU from Batman Vs Superman (the director’s cut) onwards. Didn’t watch Man of Steel because I’m no Superman fan although I did like Henry Cavill’s take on the character. Loved the first Wonder Woman film. To me I thought Birds of Prey wasn’t a “in your face woke” (which I can tolerate) but I thought it was alright. Not DC’s best film but I think with some improvements it could’ve been better. I enjoyed the director’s cut of Suicide Squad (we got the director’s cut in the UK as it’s rated a 15 here and the same with Venom but that’s Marvel). I’ve yet to watch WW84 but I’ll watch it as most people are saying that it’s not in your face with the woke stuff which is fine with me. I’m looking forward to seeing Snyder’s take on Justice League as I sort of liked the original version (I thought it felt too easy how Steppenwolf got the Mother Boxes which was my only problem with the film aside from AH) but the director’s cut looks so much better. Sadly I’ve no interest in Aquaman or Shazam.


        @Hazu and @Legatus_Legionis, yeah, that was definitely an older Flash, i did notice his costume was different but didn’t realize it was armor, i figured he was older ’cause he had a bit of a beard 😂


        If they’re thinking of going down the Injustice line, then I hope they’ll take thier time with it. There’s so many characters that will need to be introduced but if done right, it’ll be epic.

        The Black Adam films on the way.

        When they’ve finished the Darkseid they could even do the DCeased!


        • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Loken.

        Sadly, if WB gets their way, the Snyder-verse is DEAD.

        This was a one-shot by AT&T (to please the fans and make some money).


        I’ve still got hope!

        If enough people are happy, it’ll make them money and if they’ve any sense they’ll keep the ball moving!

        If not then I’ll personally travel to America (swim most likely) and kick whom ever is in charge squarely in the spuds!

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Loken. Reason: I'm an idiot!

        Just look at what KK is doing at Lucasfilm, and the direction Marvel is taking Phase 4.

        Those activist’s currency is the message/agenda, not profits/making money for their corporation.


        So long as those morons are in position of authority, they will go woke & go broke!


        Yep couldn’t agree more!

        When the nut comes to the crunch it’ll be them who lose more than us!


        I’d like to think that because Snyder’s take on JL is making so much money WB would be stupid to ignore the fans at this point in time. As far as I’m aware of, they’re not as in your face with the woke stuff like Disney is and at least they listened to the fans when we asked for Snyder’s JL film. Unlike Disney.


        I’d like to think that because Snyder’s take on JL is making so much money WB would be stupid to ignore the fans at this point in time.

        You have to remember, WOKE cares not if they go BROKE.

        Why do you think they released the trailer for Suicide Squad so early after the release of the Snyder’s cut… they wanted to take away any momentum/ trending as they could.


        The toxic WOKE are a cancer to any industry.


          Why do you think they released the trailer for Suicide Squad so early after the release of the Snyder’s cut… they wanted to take away any momentum/ trending as they could.

          Honestly, if anything i think the decision to release The Suicide Squad trailer now is to add momentum to The Suicide Squad taking advantage of the success of Snyder Cut, even though the tones of the 2 movies are very different, they probably hope the interest in Snyder Cut will generate interest for other DCEU movies, the TSS trailer looked really good imo and was hilarious, then if it ends up being woke crap, jokes on them

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