‘Vaccine passports’ are on the way – “CAN WE SEE YOUR PAPER!”

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    I wish they’d drop this vaccine passport nonsense and let people live vaxxed or not vaxxed. Either that or some underground fake vax pass thing is gonna take off at some point and people can go get fake ones the go about their life cause even in World War 2 when the bad guys in WW2 asked for your papers some underground thing started where people could get fake papers.

    This fake papers thing happened in WW2.


    It is a crime to have a fake passport, a fake driver’s license, a fake identification card, etc.

    I am sure faking medical records is a crime, so too would be using a fake “vaccine passport”.

    I would not recommend that at all.


    Can private businesses enforce their own COVID-19 ‘vaccine passports’?

    Most Canadian provinces are still on the fence about whether they will implement a domestic COVID-19 “vaccine passport” to allow access to some public places, but what leeway do private businesses have to introduce their own policy?

    Luckily, I am in a place that was stated as fact they will NOT have a “show up your papers! / vaccine passport”.

    According to lawyer Cara Zwibel, who is also the director of the Fundamental Freedoms Program at the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, businesses can turn away whoever they like — as long as it isn’t discriminatory under human rights statutes.

    And now the muddling of the law and interpretations come in.

    This means that if someone is not vaccinated for reasons out of their control, such as medical or religious reasons, and are turned away by a business, they could have a case with a provincial human rights tribunal.

    However, if someone voluntarily decided not to be vaccinated, Zwibel said it is not as clear-cut whether it could be defined as discriminatory.

    You are denying someone business based on what they have in their body.

    OH look, you are vax’d, you can come in.

    Oh look, you have a uterus, you are NOT allowed in, etc.

    I call that discrimination.

    Zwibel said a vaccine policy would be similar to Canada’s mask mandate, which also allowed exceptions for those who could not wear a mask.

    However, she said there were many instances of businesses flat-out refusing service to anyone not wearing a mask and some complaints were made to the Human Rights Tribunal.

    “What’s laid out in law or what’s in theory should be happening, it’s not always obviously reflected in the real world,” she said.

    There is a difference between a “no shoes, no shirt, no mask” mandate, and a “lets see you medical history – did you get this shot?  how about that shot.”

    That is an invasion of privacy!

    Zwibel said the issue if the idea catches on with private businesses is that “the decision to be vaccinated becomes less and less a voluntary one.”

    “Being vaccinated is something that should be a choice,” she said. “You do have the right to make a decision for yourself about medical treatment, including whether you’re going to be vaccinated.”


    It will create a two-tiered class of citizens; a vax-proof/my choice.

    Another issue with such a policy is having young staff enforce it, Rilett said, and some employers have flat-out refused to put their staff in that position.

    Already staff have had issues enforcing a mask policy earlier in the pandemic, he said.

    “There have been flare-ups here and there,” Rilett said. “It was never a comfortable situation.”

    Everyone is tired of these lockdowns and government policy/control.

    Frustration is high.

    That last thing people want, after finally being allowed out to shop and visit and go places that some nazis demanding we “should us your papers!” BS!



      So, just an I mean just found out a friend of ours has the COOFF… He has ha BOTH shots within the last 60 days, felt kinda sick Monday, went and got tested and BOOOYAA… You have won a case of China Virus…. He was require to have the shot at work, required to wear a mask an gloves (has for years because of what he does, plus change clothing when he gets to work, sanitize shower, then put on steryl work clothing. Reverse procedure at end of dad. Poultry Industry.

      So even with precautions 90% of the world does NOT take at work, he still got it with all those precautions and both shots. We keep hearing these stories more and more.


      They keep saying, getting the jab and the booster shot does NOT mean you can’t get covid, only that the odds of getting mild to sever reactions are lessened.


      And since the numbers where I am have been falling (infected, hospitalized, those in ICU), to keep the fear going, they are now screaming into all media of not just the current “variant” is more contagious than the previous ones, but the R-Rate is going UP!


      What is the R-rate, you might ask.

      The R value, also known as the reproduction number, describes whether cases are currently increasing, decreasing or staying the same. It tells us average number of people that someone with COVID-19 will infect.

      Example: a value of one means one infected person passes it on to one person.

      A value of two means one infected person passes it on to TWO other people.


      The media is fear mongering as the R-Rate has gone up from 0.5 to 0.6 (not actual numbers, but as an example).

      They still show less people are getting infected, but they need something NEGATIVE to continue pushing their fear and agenda (get the jab, still wear a mask at all times, etc.)

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