“Who is Eliza Bleu” Documentary Updates by Faran Balanced

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events “Who is Eliza Bleu” Documentary Updates by Faran Balanced

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      Never even heard of this lady until I got on Twitter between today and yesterday. From what I’ve noticed this evening…she sounds like she’s trying to pull off a Amber Turd. This is wrong on all levels what she’s doing.




        Yay, Queen B herself😍! Sorry, I couldn’t resist it😂. Loved ‘Single Ladies’ though😎


          I watched Blue on Timcast and I heard “I’m a survivor” like 1000 times come out of her mouth.  Although she would float no details about her own “survival” or the folks that accused Tate.  Do I know that she is a fake?  No.  But to me personally I smell grift.


            She from what all reports are showing has never even when questioned been able to give details anyone who has gone through that could. “A few bullet points anyone can pick up on the net sure”

            When you try to silence “in her case has” people questioning you, then it is clear you are hiding something at best and most often from my experience lying about much of it. This one has woke the Internet, its Autism and now Journalist are getting on the train because of the Censorship. This will not end well for her and put a ton of egg on Elons face…. As many times as he has been direct tweeted at he at this point has to be aware of it.


            Ironic that it is now blocked. “This video contains content from NBC Universal, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds”


              Video is back.


                Video was hit with a Copyright Claim by NBC, she had to edit it out. She said she was re-uploading it and if I understood her correctly the unedited version is on Rumble.

                Tell ya what I have held off getting on Rumble because its to damn political, but I am thinking more and more about joining because of censorship everyplace else. But who is to say it wont go that way.


                I have observed this fiasco through youtube and such. It is very clear that she is being “protected” somehow. Elon says he is against all this type of stuff,  but it is happening right under his nose and nothing is being done about the unwarranted bans. Simply for posting her PUBLIC picture that is available right now on Youtube.

                But I am already tired of hearing about it, like the majority of other nonsense that spreads like fire on the internet. It’s all garbage. People are doing nothing positive with all this energy. They waste time on witch hunts and the cause of the day. Sick of it.


                  Oh she is 100% being protected and it is confirmed Elon knows about it.

                  This could be his Frosk in all reality, think about it, What happens if it comes out she is a fraud?

                  At best case he gets massive egg on his face and then has to remove those who banned people for FREE SPEECH, it will hurt him a little. But let’s look at worse case. Say with so many people investigating this and now there are, say she is found to actually be the one who was the trafficker and because he did not vet her and he supported her even when information was coming out there was something not right with her story, well that could destroy companies. Maybe not twitter, but the boards of his companies and their stocks will certainly take massive hits.

                  And with more and more people finding videos of her AND doing the deep dives AND putting together her timeline AND no evidence of this “Safe house” AND no one so far coming forward on her behalf, well is she a Grifter or is she an Epstein or maybe both? Makes you wonder.



                        Did she say: “in her perfect utopia, a neighbor would get to decide if a 13 year-old can consent to sex with an adult.:

                        Full interview with timestamp where she said it.


                        Hmmph…the more stuff comes out the more she looks like a deranged wacko whose past is catching up to her.

                        On another note I agree with Jeremy and others who’ve noted that Tim Pool who recently gave this ‘thing’ a platform seems to be doing all he can to “strategically avoid” doing a story on the current controversy. Timmy has lost some points in my book.

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