Why capitalism has gone off the rails

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      So many folks at this point think capitalism is bad because they see negative things come from it.

      However, that is somewhat an illusion.  At the point the governments of the world regulated capitalism is the point where actual capitalism ceased to be.  Once the government decides to regulate industries to the point where they pick winners and losers, then it is some socialist version of capitalism.  THIS is where the negative mostly comes from.

      But there is another place where some of this negativity comes from.

      I have believed for some time that our way of government and economic systems were designed to be free but tethered by morality (speaking USA here). I think with NO morality capitalism does run off the rails because corps will seek profit (as they should) however, there will then be no limitations on how they gather it.  And we have seen the effects of this for some time.

      This lack or morality affects many many things.  I could go on forever about how it harms society. But I do believe this is one of the spots capitalism falls apart, as well as when the government gets invested in it as well.


      “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
      –John Adams


      One reason so many are against Capitalism is that those that work hard, have an original idea/product, etc, are able to become successful.

      But they are to entitled.  They want the rewards without the risk/failure/hard work.



      As the meme says, they cry and scream when they see others working and doing better than them lazy bums.

      Equality of outcome looks to ensure people who are disadvantaged are making gains.

      Equality of opportunity looks to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities to make those gains.

      So, while equality of opportunity focuses on a level playing field for individual progress, equality of outcome is about overseeing results.

      The lazy bums don’t want equal opportunity, as the have nothing to offer.

      They want a SHARE of other people’s hard work, so long as they themselves don’t have to work for it.

      That is marxism, that is communism.

      Capitalism allows you to pick what you want.

      Communism forces it.  You will be happy with what little we give you, and ALL WILL REJOICE!.


        There never was true Capitalism in this country.  Article 1, Section 8 Clause 3 of the Constitution saw to that, also known as the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. It gave the Federal Government the ability to regulate commerce and then with several very bad rulings by SCOTUS extended it to Everything! Worse of all was In “Swift and Company v. United States, 196 U.S. 375 (1905)”, this ruling gave the Fed regulatory powers over Local Commerce.

        Yes it does allow for the government to pick winners and losers and even dictate what people can make and what permits need to be made. This clause and subsequent rulings though at the time designed to insure fairness, put so much power on the federal government it detracted from fairness. It allowed for corruption more so than any other thing as they (politicians) can by it insure their pockets get lined.

        No there was never any morals or christian values to it.




          Well wherever we started was a far more “pure” system with much less regulation. Maybe it was never absolute capitalism but it was far better than now.  And the same goes with morality.  Sure, some folks never had them but far less have them now. This is the root of our societal rot.


            Not really, the first Taxes were “Excise Taxes” States collected them on Goods and Services and then past on the Feds share to it. So the regulation has always been there. BTW Alcohol was one of the very first just a fun fact.  Also guess which party keeps instituting tax?  Here let me give you a hint.

            Estate Tax 1797  “John Adams” (D)* yet to be established Democrat party.
            Federal Income Tax “Woodrow Willson” (D)
            Social Security Ta x”Franklin Roosevelt” (D)
            Obama Care “Barrack Obama” (D)

            Ya I can go on.




              Yes, some regulation or taxation was always there.  I know that.  But it’s 10,0000X  worse now.  At some point between slight interference and massive regulation we tripped across a point where it did not resemble capitalism anymore.


                You honestly cannot have a true capitalist system. It would become so out of control and expensive only the rich could afford to pay for the goods and services it offers until the government has to act…. Oh wait Hello Healthcare.

                It’s worse because of to much regulation and taxation that do not benefit the majority, or the “we” in “we the people”

                Lets stick to Healthcare for a second.  Insurance should be allowed state lines based only on what you or I the consumer wish to pay via competition. Government should not have any part in where or whom you can get it from or what you can buy.

                They should regulate cost however, Hospitals and Pharma are the two biggest rip-offs on the planet. There is no way a ER visit should cost more than a Doctors office visit EVER. ER visits are often for procedures <minus life threatening brought via wambulance> that are done in a Doctors office but because of doctors hours cannot be done there and so you are left with the ER. The same procedure Doctors office or ER should be the same cost.

                It should be limited regulations and taxation not massive amounts. And they should be in the interest of the consumer (us, we the people)  Doctors office visit here is about $70ish dollars. ER VISIT instantly $over 2,000.00. That needs to stop! Look at the cost of a night in the Hospital (non- life threatening) I can get a private room in the presidential sweet at a 5 star Hotel for less, not kidding.

                That is where regulation comes in, or to insure no price gouging in disasters… But otherwise stay out of business, let the consumer demand set what the manufactures can charge if kept on a equal playing field.





                  I agree that there needs to be a balance for sure.  But I disagree on more regulation being the fix for healthcare costs.  In fact I believe the whole reason for healthcare costs are because the government has regulated the industry in such a way as to cause massive price hikes.  So it does not need more government interference, that’s what caused the problem, it needs less.


                    Not true. Let me give you an example.  I can get Antivenom for snake bite (pitviper) for $200.00 “yes you need a ind license for controlled substance” Same medicine same price for a hospital is charged last i looked at the price of $14,000.00 per vial.  That has NOTHING to do with regulations! It is the same exact product.

                    I was not advocating for more regulations. In fact LESS is better! I am advocating for them to regulate pricing. That is the regulations needed. If product (X) cost $10.00 to make then it should not be marked up anymore than typical retail of 35% roughly so that 10.00 is now $13.5o. If your Doctors visit would be %80.00 so should an out patient ER visit.

                    The red tape on new drugs is also to long 14+ years on average, it could be cut in half and save billions of dollars and millions of lives potentially. We need less government in everything, BUT keeping cost down (gouging prices) If a Hotel was to double their rates during a Hurricane they would be nailed by the Attorney General for price gouging and have. Same needs to apply to the medical field.

                    Why hasn’t it, well over the last two years we keep seeing why when the media does not censor people. Many politicians and Bureaucrats have their hand in the cookie jar.


                    The hospital example is one where the government is backing/paying, so the market is adjusting to what they can get from the government coffers.

                    If the for-profit hospital can get $14K for something they got for $200, that is capitalism.

                    The fact the government is willing to PAY $14K shows government has no business being in business deals with for-profit corporations.

                    This explains just another example why Capitalism has gone off the rails.

                    How many failed businesses has the government bailed out?

                    Remember the Banking industry needing to be bailed out because of the housing bubble.  Because of horrible business policies, those BANKS should have failed, and not used the government to shore up their bottom line.

                    Ok look, so long as we are making BILLIONS, government stay away.  But once we start losing money on bad business practices, HELP HELP!  give us money.

                    In Capitalism, they should have been let to fail/close.  All it did was allow corporations to make sure they get a “too big to fail” so that no matter what, the government will BAIL them out.


                    corps will seek profit (as they should)

                    yet people on the far right pisses and moans when companies taps into the LGBTQ+ community and cries about virtue signalling


                    Catering to less than 5% while alienating up to 95% of your market, that is NOT trying to maximize their customer base/potential revenue-profits.

                    How much has corporations like Disney have lost by virtual signaling and getting banned for such (no chyna releases for their movies/products)?

                    How much has P&G lost when they demonized half the world’s population (and boycott backlash its marketing caused).

                    Those are the corporations that their capitalism (for profit) have gone off the rails.


                      Let me be clear, I do not care if its Left, Right, Religion or Politics…. Some company goes trying to place their values on me it is STEP 1 to me saying I don’t want to shop their or buy from them. This is not a Left or Right issue to me. If a Business decided to go down the road of whatever agenda and shove it in my face That will be step 2 and there is no step 3.


                      Hobby Lobby, Never hid who or what they were, never shove it down anyone’s throat. Yes the religious stuff is out but that’s it. I have no issue with them as it has always been that way and I knew what it was from day 1. I will shop there.

                      My Pillow, No one knew about the Owners politics until Trump, but because he supported him (never did his company shove anything in anyone’s throat) the left has Boycotted My Pillow, forced stores to remove the Product and vilified it. But the company never did anything I can recall politically. I will buy the product



                      Disney, They not only shove their agenda in our faces at every chance, the promote it as well. I do not buy or support Disney.

                      Final Example
                      NFL, I spent tens of thousands over the years on merch and season tickets. When the allowed the Kneeling that was it for me for life. My family has served this country giving blood and even their Life for it. The NFL and all of it is dead to me.

                      You see, it is not left or right, both sides do it. A company should NEVER take sides on any issue except for one issue (Our Troops and the Country that gives them the ability to exist). More and more people from BOTH SIDES are getting tired of it.


                      Catering to less than 5% while alienating up to 95% of your market, that is NOT trying to maximize their customer base/potential revenue-profits.

                      What do you mean alienate 95% of the market? It’s not a zero sum game. Companies posting rainbow flags and slapping rainbow stickers on products for one month every year isn’t away from straight people. Jeremy and all the right wing snowflakes crying about LGBTQ cereal are just a bunch of bitches

                      How much has corporations like Disney have lost by virtual signaling and getting banned for such (no chyna releases for their movies/products)?


                      Disney is rolling in cash. And even if they were actually losing money, so what? Then the conclusion would be their strategy to tap into the alphabet community market was not a success. But it doesn’t take away the fact that ”hurr durr virtue signalling” is just a capitalistic move to try to get profit. Stop crying like snowflakes and move on. This is what you wanted.


                        There are 2 facets to the entire thing with being so very forceful about the proliferation of LGBT.

                        1) virtue signaling for profit

                        (large companies typically don’t have a morality and if they do it will change to wherever they think the cash will come from)


                        2) Force the lifestyle on everyone especially kids as to further the breakdown of the family to speed the breakdown of the country in it’s current form.

                        This rolls right into the whole gender thing.


                        “Live and let live.”  “You do you, just leave me out of it.”  That’s how it started and I believe the intention behind that was honorable.

                        But that was hijacked by the militants for money and power.  So it morphed quickly into give us your children or you are a bigot who must be run out of society.


                        If you don’t have an issue with that last part then you are part of the problem.  People should just leave each other alone.  It is possible to discuss and disagree without hatred, violence or cancelling.

                        • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Vknid.
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