Why was Hulk such a pussy in Infinity War?

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      So Thor getting up and fighting Thanos in Endgame despite all the shit he’s been thru, and is still going thru, is weak? Ok, good to know you can’t see past physical streangth



      That way when captin Wah-Men comes in to save the universe, she does it where the most power “males” in the avengers could not.


      I think it was definitely random, he just landed on a planet and placed people in two groups and killed half of them. It wasn’t like he knew the people and divided them based on something. He always just wanted to kill off 50%of the people for the sake of stopping overpopulation, not for the sake of killing. The goal was always the same, the method just changed when he found out snapping saves him time, effort and having to kill people himself.

      And it’s basic math. It’s almost impossible to survive and have no close friend dying. Let’s say you have 5 close friends. You have a 50% chance of surviving, and if you survive, all your 5 friends have a 50% channce of surviving too. This means there’s an about 3% chance of all your friends surviving, and 97% chance of at least one of them dying. So it’s obvious every single one who survives has at least one close friend who died


        Not defending Captain Marvel here, they need to do a better job with this character, but i’ll go on forever if i start talking about this

        When Captain Marvel comes, she blows up all the ships, something no other male, or female, hero could do, not because they lack streanghth, but ’cause this is something where Captain Marvel’s powers are the most suitable for the task

        This is just my theory here, as it’s not explained in any of the movies, but Captain Marvel gets her powers from the space stone (i know, not directly, but still), this gives her the power to travelle at light speed, something her body’s not made for, so, same space stone power gives her a shild, wich i assume is what allowes her to fly at light speed without disintagrating, and be able to breath in space. She uses this shield when blowing up the ships (we can tell when she uses shild ’cause she’s glowing), the shield paird with the speed makes her like a human bullet. Later she uses this shield again as defence when getting punched by Thanos, reason why he needed the power stone to do some damage, even with these powers, she still didn’t kick Thanos’s butt, Iron Man did


          So if this overpopulation goal is so important to him, why change his mind in Endgame? ‘Cause there he doesn’t want to kill 50% anymore, it’s 100%


          I don’t see the ”feminism” here. Thor was weakened because full power infinity war thor would’ve demolished Thanos and that would’ve been no fun. They had to make the fight a bigger struggle. And once Captain Marvel appeared, she did fuck all in the end. Stalled Thanos from snapping for a couple seconds and got her ass kicked in the end, that’s all. The MVP’s were Tony, Cap, Thor, Dr Strange, Hulk and Scarlet Witch


          Marvel made him into a cuck to fit their SJW agenda.


          It’s not the same Thanos. It’s Thanos from another universe, and a Thanos before the events of infinity war. He also found out he succeeded in his plan which may have caused him to make different choices than the one from infinity war. And he still didn’t want to kill everyone, he wanted everyone to worship him.

          If Thanos in IW really wanted to just kill everyone (especially those who got in his way) he would’ve killed them. But he left everyone from the GotG alive, Tony, Dr Strange, Peter and everyone he wrecked in Wakanda alive because he didn’t want to be the one who chooses who dies and lives, it had to be random. He never killed anyone by himself unless he literally had to.


            No no no, Endgame Thanos is Infinity Thanos, just younger, but he still had that same goal.

            “he wanted everyone to worship him”, yes, by killing everyone and substituting them with mindless zombies, thanks for reminding me that Thanos isn’t only a sadist, but also a narcicist

            Thanos didn’ kill most of the Avengers and Guardians on the spot because he wanted the surviving heroes to see their friends turn to dust, aka, make them suffer, otherwise he would’ve dusted them all

            He didn’t have to kill anyone, it’s not like he was killing in self defence, he kills ’cause he likes to kill, overpopulation is just a pathetic excuse


            How didn’t you understand his character? The whole infinity war movie was about explaining that he isn’t purely evil, he just has twisted ways to solve problems. Why would he lie to everyone, himself included, about his goals? He clearly stated he only wanted to eradicate 50% of the population at random. That’s what made him such a good villain, who never had purely evil intentions, just evil methods. He wasn’t just an evil guy who wanted to rule the universe like Palpatine.

            There is no evidence pointing at him wanting to see people suffer, he adopted and made Gamora look away when his lackies shot the people in the background, indicating he felt for her and told her about the importance of balancing the scale.

            If Thanos enjoyed killing people and see their friends suffer, he would go around killing people and make sure the survivors see it. But instead he wanted the infinity stones because he just wanted to get rid of 50% quickly, he wanted to balance the universe, not kill everyone.

            If he just wanted to see people die, he would’ve continued to kill people after the snap. But he didn’t. He did as he said he would: rest once the mission is over, because after the snap he had zero reasons to kill anybody, and that’s why he destroyed the stones. He didn’t need them, the show was over. No more killing was needed.


            With the stones, he was the most powerful man in the universe and completely unstoppable but he destroyed the stones because he didn’t want thath. He used them for his purpose


              I get that we’re taliking about a movie here, but the fact that you find Thanos and Gamora’s relationship ok is a little worrisome

              Thanos kidnapped Gamora, i’m guessing he did the same with Nebula, he then made them fight eachother like gladiators, and tourchered them, look what he did to Nebula, since you belive everythigh that is said on screen, didn’t you listen to what Nebula said Thanos did to her in GOTGvol2? Are you telling me that’s not sadsitic??


              He didn’t torture them for the sake of it, he made them fight each other to train them and since Nebula always lost, he ”upgraded” her with mechanical parts. That is fucked up, but the goal is to improve her so it’s a ”good” goal but horrible way to do it, exactly like his grand plan.

              Thanos really cared about Gamora, you can see he’s clearly hurt and pissed about having to off her. The fact that he was able to get the soul stone is a proof that he cared about her because that was the requirement to get the stone. He had to make the decision to sacrifice Gamora for the sake of the universe and to make it a better place (according to Thanos ofc).
              Thanos in infinity war was just a man on a mission to make the universe a better place no matter what or who he had to sacrifice. From his point of view.

              There is zero evidence pointing out that Thanos was just lying the whole time and really wanted to just kill and torture people. He was a guy with a noble idea but fucked up methods. Again, if he wanted to rule the universe he could’ve done it with the infinity stones, he could’ve killed and conquered any planet in minutes but he decided to destroy the stones because he completed his mission.


                Don’t listen to me, listen to her


                This is a good topic.  Interesting.  I think it is because Disney has a feminist agenda.  You see it from their movies to cartoons to even their theme parks.  It is like someone (I don’t know exactly who) said we are going to tear down all the male characters and replace theme with females.

                I have a military background.  In my mind, this is a military tactic.  You weaken the boys in a nation so they cannot fight.  How do you get to boys?  Through TV and movies.  You also see this in education.  They are replacing things like recess with things that favor girls more.  I find these things worrisome.  Why would want to stop boys from being boys?  It can’t be for a good reason.


                Exactly like I said: Thanos put mechanical parts on Nebula to make her stronger. To make her a better warrior, not just to torture her for the fun of it. It was a good goal, to make her stronger, but a fucked up way to execute it. How about you watch this whole clip of the ideal clash between Thanos and Dr Strange. Thanos literally says people painlessly disappear at random. That’s not what a man obsessed with killing and torturing would say

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