Why was Hulk such a pussy in Infinity War?

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    I can’t find an article about it but I remember seeing it while passing by on the news here in Australia that the state government of New South Wales will introduce curriculum changes that will “let boys be boys” more instead of just having them sit silently in a classroom. I’m for this – I think boys under-perform in school because it’s more of an alien environment to them than it is to girls because of our genetic differences. I don’t know what the specific changes are that they have in mind, but at least someone in a position of power is giving thought to these things.


      Exactly, not just to tourcher her, but also to tourcher her, he cuold’ve sadated her while “improving” her, but he didn’t, he let her suffer, he traumatized her, that’s sadistic, and as you said, fucked up. He’s not obssessed with killing, but with suffering. I’ve watched that clip countless times, again, not everything that comes out of someones mouth, especially someone like Thanos, is neccessarily how things are

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by DigiCat.

        What do you mean replacing recess, with what? What’s going on in schools?? I haven’t been near one in over 5 years, are things going to shits this fast!?!


        Well Thanos said to Gamora that he taught her many things, but lying isn’t one of those. And Nebula said in Endgame Thanos is many things but no liar. And why would Thanos lie about it? What would he gain from lying about his true motives? Also from the writing perspective, they wouldn’t gain anything from fooling the audience.

        Thanos stated his motives, Nebula said Thanos is no liar, his actions back up his statements as I said earlier, he painlessly got rid of 50% and did nothing after it, he basically ”retired” and his motives is based on his motives in the comics. Everything backs up that. There is no evidence backing up your statements, they are purely based on your (mis)interpretations


          Maybe Thanos didn’t lie about his “motives”, but he sure enjoyed every minute of what he did to reach his “goal”


          This discussion is getting very interesting, please continue. ;)
          The movie incredibles 2 just came to mind. They made the wife stronger and smarter and the husband super dumb and useless. I get it if it’s just sometimes and just a little bit, but in this case they really abused with the agenda… Was really cringy to watch.

          Same thing is happening with many TV Ads, where you’ll see weak feminine men and strong women making the decisions and sometimes even bullying the men lol


            I actually enjoyed Incredibles 2, not as good as the first one, but still good imo

            I get why they “made Elastigirl the strong one”, but still, they didn’t change any of their personalities, so i didn’t mind what they did, and Mr Incredible trying to babysit was hillarious

            The first movie was focused around Mr Incredible’s mission, and the second was focused around Elastigirl’s mission, in both movies they kinda fail their missions and their spouse has to go rescue them, and in both movies, ultimately, the kids rescue them, and then there’s the big family battle at the end :)

            I’d need to re-watch it to see if i can catch any more “hidden agenda” in it, but as far as i remember, there wasn’t that much and it didn’t get in the way of the story


            I also liked The Incredibles 2 even though The Incredibles 1 is still my favorite. They are very family-oriented movies and they take place in a wholesome time period. The husband and the wife really love each-other and the kids are respectful to the parents. The whole family can be viewed as good role models except some of the shenanigans Flash gets up to with his teacher. It encourages women to be capable and confident without being bitchy and the second movie made a woman the archvillain, so I don’t see it as a feminist movie myself.

            Hazu is very much correct about TV ads of late – those are the worst. Just type in “90s tv commercials” in YouTube and watch some of them – nothing but positive messaging without any sinister agenda. The women are happy, the children are happy, the men are happy, they all want each-other to be happy. Men are often heard saying “she loves it,” and women say “he loves it!” Nowadays you couldn’t even use those words because of the pronouns being stereotypical.


            I will watch some parts of the first one, because I don’t think the guy was that dumb and clumsy like they show it on the 2nd movie lol but I’m not sure, I will check and then if I’m wrong I will admit it :D

            But yeah, the movie still had good parts, but for me those scenes were a little bit too much lol (wife always right and face-palming everytime the clumsy husband messes up) xD

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