Why You Shouldn’t Hate Abby in TLOS 2

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  • #304944

    Abby is a complicated character in TLOU 2, embodying the game’s concept of empathy. Hating her ignores her progress and struggle, allowing you to miss out on the narrative’s richness. Accept the opportunity to learn about different points of view.





    This game was so garbage, I didnt even hear about the controversies until weeks after the launch.

    The studio was so threatened, they censored G+G for reviewing it by getting them banned. F— THE GAME, F— THE STUDIO, AND F— ANYONE WHO TRIES TO JUSTIFY THE SEQUEL EXISTING.

    Abby is an identity politics character, nothing more to push identity politics which is why Abby is unlikeable Because Abby has no personality traits worth redeeming.

    I didn’t even play the game, all I know is that naughty dog shot themselves in the foot when they made this BS and now I am convinced that part 2 is non canon because the game was so poorly developed.

    I am so happy the game failed, I’m so happy Naughty Dog destroyed itself, I am so happy playstation ate their 💩 sandwich.

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