Fortnite Teases Chapter 3 Season 4 Title

Fortnite has released a teaser tweet about the next season.

Now, it showed up in my feed like an ad, and when I clicked on it, the time of publishing was three days beforehand, but when you go to their page, it’s not in the history, so I apologize for the late reaction. When you click through, you see a short fifteen-second video staring someone called Willow talking about an all-natural pesticide that seems to have an extreme side effect. You then see a title, “Paradise,” which you also see when you scroll down on the page along with the date, 9.18.2022, when we change to the new season. There is also music that plays on the page that you might have to hit something to unmute like I did using mobile. I’m not sure how to describe the music – maybe a little creepy. I’m wondering if we’ll be the bugs that are being taken care of, and the island is going back to a natural paradise for the theme of next season, more of the Reality Tree taking over and destroying what is already there. We will just have to wait and see; Fortnite likes to keep the suspense of what is coming in the lead-up to a new season.

According to the article in the tweet above, downtime to end Vibin and switch to Paradise is expected to start around 2:00 AM Eastern on September 18th. The article also goes over what you would need to finish before the new season for things that are only Vibin season.

Comments (1)

September 15, 2022 at 8:29 am

One person pointed out to me that the whole Vibin’ theme took place after the war with the IO was already supposed to be a new paradise. With the chrome showing up on the island and the disappearance of the Seven, it’s probably a Paradise in name only.

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