Matt Smith Claims His Cut Character From The Rise Of Skywalker Was a “Transformative Star Wars Story Detail”

Apparently, Matt Smith was the missing ingredient that could have saved Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker from being a total disaster; who knew?

Remember how Matt Smith was supposed to appear in The Rise of Skywalker? In an interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Smith said his character was going to be a “transformative Star Wars story detail.” Sure, pal. He couldn’t name the character, which was cut from the movie before the actor filmed any scenes. Ultimately, he was never called to set.

“We were close to me being in it, but then it just never quite happened,” said the 11th Doctor. “I think the thing they were thinking of me for eventually, the part became obsolete and they didn’t need it and so I never got to be in Star Wars.” Sucks to suck, I guess.

One of the rumors surrounding Smith’s potential character was that he would have been Emperor Palpatine’s son. When asked if that was the case, Smith couldn’t say. (Why? The trilogy is already over, and you aren’t in the series.) He only said that the role would have been significant.

Matt Smith Rise of Skywalker

“I could not possibly say [if it was Palpatine’s son], but it was a pretty groovy thing,” said the guy who also claimed his uncle worked for Nintendo so kids on the playground would like him. “It was a pretty groovy part and concept, like a big story detail, like a transformative Star Wars story detail, but it never quite got over the line.”

Smith went on to say in a totally real conversation – he had discussions with the filmmakers regarding what his character would wear. It sounds like that’s where the planning stopped for this very real character.

The tumultuous nature of The Rise of Skywalker’s production is well documented, so perhaps this is a real story. But who really cares, and who could possibly think one character could have redeemed 9 hours of deep-fried horse manure?

Comments (3)

November 4, 2021 at 11:19 pm

I had heard that he would have played a younger palpating. I could see it. Would have been interesting but then again the movie would have probably screwed that up too

    November 6, 2021 at 1:09 pm

    It’s funny right? Could have been a very interesting concept, but it would have fundamentally changed (or made even more convoluted) the plot.

November 6, 2021 at 4:53 pm

I agree with you that this guy is totally full of it. He’s obviously lying. I mean, why audition and get hired, only to have your character get cut? Usually characters get cut from movies during the editing process, not when an actor has just been hired on.

Having said all that, I disagree with you — the nerve, I know — that TROS was a bad movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. While it wasn’t at the top of my personal list, it was definitely a solid entry, and, for better or for worse, it is now canon, officially part of Star Wars history.

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