In a now unavailable Instagram story, actor Amandla Stenberg spoke out on The Acolyte’s cancellation on Disney+. Stenberg portrayed twin protagonists Mae and Osha, who were pulled to opposing sides of the Force and split up at the age of eight. Taking place a century before the Star Wars prequel...
Read MoreIf you had any hope for Marvel and Disney finally trying to win back the goodwill of their fans, one of the main actors of Agatha All Along has confirmed that you can kiss it goodbye. In the WandaVision spin-off starring Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness, Joe Locke plays Teen (seriously), who is desc...
Read MoreAI never dies. The Hollywood Reporter has exclusively learned that James Spader will return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Ultron, the villainous artificial intelligence who last menaced Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Spader’s Ultron will return in the Vision series b...
Read MoreOn Monday, Disney canceled the Disney+ Star Wars series The Acolyte, which was surprising not because it was popular and had great ratings – it wasn’t, and it didn’t – but because it was a tacit admission to these uncomfortable truths by Disney, especially as it happened so quickly and that...
Read MoreYesterday, Disney canceled The Acolyte, the latest Disney+ Star Wars series that seemed to turn off fans of the legendary sci-fi saga instantly. There’s not much I can say about the show itself because, as Virginia volunteered to review it, I didn’t watch it. But even an outside observer can se...
Read MoreDeadline exclusively reports that Disney+ has quietly made the decision to cancel The Acolyte after one season. Season 1’s finale, “The Acolyte,” which will evidently be the series finale, aired over a month ago on July 16th. The Acolyte has a 78% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but audience...
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