Baby Yoda

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  • #178192

      The Last of Us is a lame game. Never played it because of how lame it looks. And Part 2 was obviously woke from what I’ve seen. And it’s obvious what they are doing. If you disagree that’s fine.


        I made this memeCollageMaker_20200714_160217313


        It doesn’t matter if it’s lame, I just used it as an example of that type of story. It’s used a lot and the Mandalorian is no different. How does he act feminine in the show?


          He got his ass beat by a woman. The shocktrooper played by Gina. Yes I know she was a mma fighter.. And yes he got his gun out and it ended up a draw.. The only person in the entire village that knew how to use a gun was a woman. The Mandalorian got saved by baby yoda a couple times from what I remember. There are other things that I’m forgetting. I watched the show once and never again. Oh The female Mandalorian who is the blacksmith she’s great too lmaoCollageMaker_20200714_160217313


          That didn’t answer my question…


          Are you saying that because Baby Yoda saves his life that makes him more feminine?


            They made him a bitch. They are switching gender roles. Making the male character a babysitter. And making all the females masculine. You can defend it all you want. Disney and Hollywood doesn’t get the benefit of doubt at this point. This is there agenda. Lets make male characters less masculine and make the female characters more masculine. Lets make the Mandalorian a babysitter to a baby. Lets reverse the narrative and use the show as a tool to promote woke propaganda.


            I don’t disagree with you about Hollywood’s agenda, I just don’t see how Mando caring about an adorable and helpless child makes him less masculine. Men have protective instincts and that is all he is doing. He’s not talking to him in a silly voice or cuddling him like a woman would. In episode 4, after saving baby Yoda’s life in episode 3, Mando takes him to a secluded world with the intention to leave him there so he can continue with his own life. In the following episodes he leaves baby Yoda on the ship (with varying degrees of success) while he makes money doing jobs. He is in no way acting as a women would if they had a child onboard with them. The only thing he is trying to stop is the child getting taken again. I assume you don’t have kids or you would know exactly why Mando acts the way he does to baby Yoda.


              One last thing I just remembered. Those blurgs I think they were called were all female because they ate all the male ones. They might be called something else I forget. And sure someone with kids is going to relate differently to it than someone that doesn’t have kids. This is just one example of why movies, shows, games are subjective. But I didn’t watch The Mandalorian to see him babysit a baby. Men can be babysitters I have no problem with that. I have a problem with this show doing it. Because it’s Disney and we know what they are doing. Well I do anyways.


              I guess I’m just confused with what you qualify as babysitting. I don’t really see keeping baby Yoda on the ship as babysitting, its protecting him from people who presumably want to kill him. At minimum experiment on him. It’s not like the child kept him from being awesome. In fact, the best action scenes in the series were when he was getting baby Yoda out of the facility in episode 3.

              Again, I agree with you about the agenda. I’m not arguing you on all the “strong, independent female characters” in the show or the blurggs. They are absolutely there, the Armorer being my biggest complaint. But remember this conversation started by saying baby Yoda was the worst, not the female characters. I just don’t know why not letting a child get experimented on is less masculine to you.


                Wow this is painful. I explained my self. Maybe get some glasses and read what I said again. If you still dont get it maybe sleep on it lol


                I keep asking because I’m not getting a straight answer. I ask why Mando caring about what happens to baby Yoda is “less masculine”, and you talk about how the women characters all act masculine and how Cara Dune can hold her own in a fight with him. This has nothing to do with Mando as a masculine character. I ask what he does that you consider to be babysitting since I do not see that when watching the show, and you cant answer that question either. You just say it is because there is a child and an adult involved. The only point you’ve actually explained this entire discussion is how female characters act more masculine, which we agree on. But  judging from the amount of times you’ve Booo’ed my posts in a simple fan discussion you must still be a kid. So I won’t hold not being able to explain your points against you. ;)

                “See you around kid.”


                  I don’t get it 😶


                    As someone who’s met more male’s with caring, protective, kind personality traits then females with those same personality traits in my life, i don’t see why there would be a problem showing a man with those traits on screen


                      LMAO you guys are too far gone

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