Ryan & Lightning should have recused themselves from the stream

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      The more I think about this, the more it bugs me.

      You let someone publicly slander you then talk to them like nothing happened for an hour.

      The instant Zack slandered them and the fans, they should have dropped out of the stream.

      That’s what men would do, not cucks.


      I think they did it out of respect for the cause and for Uche, for the girls and for the other guests.

      Would I do the same? Fuck no… But I can respect that.

      I heard Ray Porter was world class. Too bad I didn’t watch it because I turned off the stream when Zack insulted our community.


      First of all you have to realize that everyone there was blindsided by this.  It’s easy to play Monday morning QB, but MUCH harder to deal with it in real time.  Especially when you’re blindsided by the specific wording of remarks made.

      That being said, I strongly believe it should have been addressed immediately.  That could be done either through clarification from Zack (preferred) or at least by saying that “Even though you’re not associated with Geeks + Gamers, as a member of G+G I agree with you and am staunchly against hateful actions against Asians.  I’m sure everyone else is here too.”

      We are where we are though, the past cannot be changed.  Now all we can do is move foreword with the best stratagem possible.  And I firmly believe that begins with getting Zack to clarify he wasn’t associating G+G with hate, on the record.


      I literally believe The Whisper Network over ZS now.


        Not sure how many of you have ever worked with charity or ran a business, I have, so let me speak to you from a perspective of someone who has been there.

        First Ryan and Lighting handled themselves very professionally, They were both blindsided by this. But they put the CHARITY and lives of others it will help above themselves. It is not about them or the brand they represent at that moment, it is about real world human lives. Jeremy I bet if his text came out probably had sent them request within seconds to remember the charity and they will deal with Zachs comments later. Again and let me pound this home THIS IS ABOUT SAVING PEOPLES LIVES.

        I have had more than a few situations come up in charity tournaments where a competitor was accused of cheating to making mistakes that could cause problems in tournaments… YOU DO NOT confront them on a stage in front of hundreds and thousands of fans both live and on tv, YOU DON’T, as you are putting the cause and the PEOPLE, REAL WORLD PEOPLES LIVES you are trying to help first and foremost.

        When you do charity work, you put yourself last and everyone and it first. You deal with issues quietly out of the public eye and if they do go public you show the truth and facts AFTER the Charity is over. But the Lives you are trying to change and in this case SAVE come first.

        Now I have a lot of problems with Uche and telling the viewers and fans what he did, way to disrespect those who donated and piss off people who might.  Also if he knew ahead of time, <and he did> there was issues this could have been avoided, by simple saying on the stream Zach has just let me know he has had to bow out for personal reasons. <Hindsight for them on that last sentence>

        But I will tell you this on a personal level…. Without G&G I nor the vast majority of people would not have known about or donated, I also believe the fans, though they might have been let down by Zach not appearing would surely had donated more when Ray showed up and when Joe popped in you could feel energy returning, Zach was not needed clearly.

        But back to Ryan and Lightning, They did the right thing as Adults and putting the lives of others above themselves.


        True, he should’ve been dropped but putting Zack Snyder on a pedestal and calling him the “leader of the movement” is pretty stupid from the start. Celebrity worship is stupid and there was bound to be disappointment in some way. Hell, I don’t even like when Jeremy talks of Gina Carrano like she’s the perfect human being. Yeah, she’s better than those Hollywood nutjobs but damn, it’s borderline simping when you act like she’s Wonder Woman incarnate.


        I saw the stream clips after the fact and I have to hand it to everyone on that stream that dug in and got through it.

        Let’s be real, G&G and everyone on the stream were going to be criticized the moment ZS said those words. IF anyone called Snyder out during that stream, the media and the Twit-Wits would have turned it around and claimed they harassed Snyder and that their behavior proved that they are a hate group. If anything, by not reacting immediately and not confronting him about it while on stream, that at least limited the spin the media could put on it.

        It’s just a shame that the fact that 60k was raised BEFORE Snyder appeared is being over-shadowed by what the mainstream media and social media platforms sees as confirmation and vindication of the reputation they have labeled G&G with.

        Frankly, I feel like WB and Snyder’s people set G&G up. If they saw G&G as being so bad that Snyder had to state a disclaimer, they should have just told him to not go on the stream. With everything going on, you know SOMEONE was looking at this as a way to damage G&G’s reputation.


        This shit is fucking old.

        There is no connection between G&G and this fucking shooting. The perp even stated as much when he stated that he shot up the ‘massage parlors’ to stop himself from using their services… Seriously WHAT IN FUCK!?


        ZS is a piece of shit. WARNER have always been piles of shit. Fuck Holyweird.



          “First Ryan and Lighting handled themselves very professionally, They were both blindsided by this. But they put the CHARITY and lives of others it will help above themselves. It is not about them or the brand they represent at that moment, it is about real world human lives. Jeremy I bet if his text came out probably had sent them request within seconds to remember the charity and they will deal with Zachs comments later. Again and let me pound this home THIS IS ABOUT SAVING PEOPLES LIVES.”

          No. You don’t let someone publicly slander you and then act like nothing happened.

          Jeremy’s on FNT now saying the G&G brand hasn’t been damaged. It has – ZS made them look like complete schmucks and cowards.



            None of them have acted like nothing happened, there is plenty of videos to show they took action and are continueing to by your own admission “of Jeremy being on FNT right now” they are still taking action.

            You also left out everything else I said, You want to quote me QUOTE ALL OF IT!

            This charity was about saving lives…. There are a bunch of people I am sure glad were not part of the panel, because they would have let ego and pride do more damage than was already done by confronting ZS which I promise the media would have had an even bigger field day with.

            Imagine if they did confront him and he rage quit or just quit. The media would have spun it they bullied a man who came on to help save lives and he lost his daughter to it, the media would have had a fucking field day and that would have really hurt the brand even more.

            Curious you ever been part of a charity on the “official end” you ever “owned a business”  and had to deal with very sensitive situations?

            When you do charity work, you put yourself last and everyone and it first. You deal with issues quietly out of the public eye and if they do go public you show the truth and facts AFTER the Charity is over. But the Lives you are trying to change and in this case SAVE come first.


            Well, Zack comes of as the total hypocrite no matter what. I mean if you render someone as hateful or even a hate group and you want to disassociate with the brand then why would you continue to talk to them, why do you make plans with them in the first place for this. I guess the “no hate” or whatever he said was supposed to “fix” that portion but it doesn’t work like that.

            It was very calculated, to say it in the beginning when everyone was super happy and excited, so it was totally unexpected. I don’t think i personally grasped what the hell he meant after several minutes, i had to to play it back.. Then it’s too late for a reply or at least it will get a bit odd.


            • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by vurt.
            • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by vurt.

              “You want to quote me QUOTE ALL OF IT!”

              I’ll quote whatever I damn well please, you’re not the boss of me.

              The charity was about saving lives – but Zack’s actions were about doing as much damage as possible. You don’t just let that go.

              Now the crew on FNT are sitting there insulting everyone who disagrees with Jeremy, calling them “armchair quarterbacks”.

              Typical that when someone gets attacked, people circle the wagons and insult outsiders.

              G&G, Az, Odin, Ryan, Nerdrotic and the rest are no different from Hollywood.


              MAYBE we are looking at it way, way too conspiratorial though? He wanted two things out of the way at the start, that he/WB can’t be associated with G+G (WB might have said something like “do we know everything about these people, what they stand for, one of them seems to be a Trump supporter? We can’t risk getting into trouble!”) so that was ALL that it was. The virtue signaling is just typical Hollywood people that should be expected. That he said these two things quickly together was perhaps just to get what e.g WB has told him to say to be out of the way very quickly. It WOULD be odd to very suddenly in the stream say something about the shootings. He also seemed perhaps a bit upset that there was an agreement that the logo should be removed and it was not, that’s why he decided to tell it live since he knew WB has asked for it, it was a condition to Stream with them, so it had to be said.

              All in all, not worth drama for hundreds of hours, which i expected it to be, maybe it’s already at 100h if you take into all youtubers like EVS etc.



                You are showing the very character of someone who should not do charity work or be put in charge of delicate situation. If you do not understand saving lives are more important than your ego or brand at a moment in time, there is not much more to discuss with you. perhaps one day you will understand there is things more important then you.




                  And you’re showing the character of a complete and utter cuck who thinks it’s not only fine to be slandered on a public live stream, but not to defend fans who were slandered.

                  You sure as fuck don’t belong in anything related to public relations because you’d probably insult the public for being mad like Jeremy did.

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