When did Star Wars Die for me (and you).

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    One time I even went 1, 2, Clone Wars, 3, 4, 5, 6.

    Exactly what I did during the hype for The Force Awakens. It was nice to see Anakin fulfill his prophecy (something I never noticed till then) despite being Darth Vader. Made me think of him as the greatest tragic hero ever. There was also something in the EU (which involved a Sith getting his powers sealed by Nomi Sunrider) similar to that which I thought was pretty touching. Just thinking of it almost makes want to give Star Wars another shot just for the EU. Not much motivation for that these days.


    Exactly what I did during the hype for The Force Awakens. It was nice to see Anakin fulfill his prophecy (something I never noticed till then) despite being Darth Vader. Made me think of him as the greatest tragic hero ever. There was also something in the EU (which involved a Sith getting his powers sealed by Nomi Sunrider) similar to that which I thought was pretty touching. Just thinking of it almost makes want to give Star Wars another shot just for the EU. Not much motivation for that these days.


    Dude…the EU is there for you!

    In the coming months, as I complete the restoration of my EU collection (just three books to go), I’m going to start from beginning to end. That means watch the PT then the OT (with a break between Empire and RotJ to read Shadows of the Empire), and then I’m going to reread the entire main EU storyline from Truce at Bakura to Crucible, all of which will be chronicled on my channel with a video discussion of each book as I finish it. Yeah, not exactly must see YouTube, but aside from my regular stuff it’s just something I want to do for fun. And no, not gonna watch TCW…one full sit through of it was enough for me…

    But I am thoroughly excited and cannot wait to dive into it.


    After they decanonized the EU, it was concerning, but not a deal breaker.  Then they hired JJ Abrams.  I knew it was pretty much over at that point.

    JJ Abrams had just gotten through destroying Star Trek.  H showed he would rather replace the very essence of the brand with explosions, pretty lights, and emotional triggers.

    I was almost certain this was going to happen with Star Wars too, but there was 1 caveat.  JJ admitted that he never understood Star Trek (it definitely showed), but also he said he was a huge Star Wars fan.  So on his word, I was willing to give him a chance.  Still, it wasn’t enough for me to even see TFA right away when I was 95% certain I knew where the franchise was headed.

    When I finally saw it though, it was worse than I had anticipated.

    Everything the rebels worked for in 4, 5, and 6 was rendered completely irrelevant.  It’s as if they had erased the importance of the previous 6 films.  They were back at the beginning again this time facing an even bigger death star.  What a bunch of nonsense.  That alone was enough to give this “sequel” 2 thumbs down.

    But they weren’t done yet.  They treated the force as if it’s something you can instantly learn.  The new hero, Rey, instantly learns to Jedi Mind Trick.  She instantly learns how to pull a lightsaber away from a force warrior so powerful he can stop blaster beams mid flight.  She instantly learns how to fight him off with that lightsaber.  Then conveniently a giant chasm opens up between them so the fight would have to resume later.  It was so effing stupid.

    After seeing TFA, I started boycotting because just like with Star Trek, I knew exactly where paying for this nonsense leads.  To more and more nonsense.  And that’s exactly what we’ve been getting.

    Now 5+ years later, some great gains have been made, and they still have a chance to rectify what they’ve done.  However, the boycott hasn’t been as widespread as, say, Ghostbusters 2016.  Ghostbusters fans had tremendous success Ghostbusters 2016.  Sony was gunning for a GB2016 sequel and the boycott immediately put those aspirations to a halt.  The boycott forced them to listen to the fans instead.  Now they’ve made a sequel to the OG Ghostbusters, just like fans wanted, which is directed by “the first Ghostbusters fan” Jason Reitman, the son of the original director.


    Always rather preferred watching 4, 5, 2, 3 then 6.

    Yes 1 sux, it is the weakest of the 6. If I watch it at all its for the Obi – Maul fight.


    Yes 1 sux, it is the weakest of the 6. If I watch it at all its for the Obi – Maul fight.

    Gotta agree. Even back then, I said it sucked and I ended up watching twice only because I was in a very boring place at the time. I did like the Phantom Edit version though which removed parts of the movie to make it better. Try seeing that. Attack of the Clones has an edit too but I didn’t notice much improvement. In fact, I thought the movie was worse but it could’ve been because I wasn’t a kid anymore and wasn’t easily wowed like I used to. Plus I only saw the original once.


    EP2s biggest failure is that George directed the drama sequences.

    He is not a drama director and it showed. … I hate sand… Dude thats not how ya hit on a ‘hot chick’ at the beach.



    Explained more in-depth in the Discord.  May work on a more verbose version one day (as an article?).


    When Force Awakens first came out I was so psyched, I think I was like Fin when he encountered the putrid water after crossing the Jaku desert, but looking back It was like that water he drank, awful. Last Jedi confirmed it for me, I only saw Rise of Skywalker to see if Disney could redeem itself. Mandalorian and Rouge  One are the only exceptions to me, that I’ve seen.


    For me it was pretty much after the Force Awakens cause I thought maybe this was just this movie and they will right the wrongs in the next movie, I wanted to give them the opportunity to come back with something amazing. Finn was really my favorite character x stormtrooper turns good guy joins the rebels, great start out for a story line. And then he eventually find’s Luke’s lightsaber and you’re like what the saber called out to him….MAYBE HE’S FORCE SENSITIVE!!! and doesn’t know it that would be a super awesome thing to happen. And then like nope he’s nobody we decided we just used him to virtue signal the race card. Was a super shame that was the stab in the back not them not making him have some force sensitive abilities but just not fucking finishing his storyline. The killing of Han was like the twist of the knife in the back too. Like there was literally no reason to kill him off, but I mean Emperor Palpatine got thrown down a massive shaft and survived so I still held out hope wanting to trust this company but I know now not to trust these people anymore.

    The whole Mary Sue with Rey besting Kylo in a lightsaber fight was really dumb to me, there were so many bad decisions these people did to this franchise. I feel like they are catering to a small demographic of woke people and they are perfectly fine with us knowing this truth. You see it out there with the High Republic comics fucking identity politics all over that stuff. We really just want good content regardless of the sex/sexuality/race pandering in your face. I’m pretty much at the point now where thing’s don’t surprise me anymore, it really just disgusts me every time I hear of them bashing on the franchise I loved and grew up on for many years.

    They are desperately trying to make money cause THR is flopping so hard by putting out some of those old books, I’ve read a few of them not many though life got in the way so I wasn’t able to keep up with them. But maybe I will look for some books to get if I hear of good ones to get I don’t really know where to start. I’ve only read like the bounty hunter books and a few others that were just a bunch of mini stories. But the old artwork on the books looked better to me than the new stuff. I’m kind of super against giving them money at this point though.

    Sadly I don’t think things will ever get better until KK is terminated or resigns, once she’s gone all her woke cronies won’t be protected anymore and they will crumble back to being nothing. That’s why all those writers are on twitter mouthing off all the time cause she is protecting them from harm. That’s what I’m hoping for we need another good spicey Forbes article to come out bashing her again maybe make the shareholders see she’s not fit for the job. But that’s just a fantasy right now I don’t see it happening right now.


    They are desperately trying to make money cause THR is flopping so hard by putting out some of those old books, I’ve read a few of them not many though life got in the way so I wasn’t able to keep up with them. But maybe I will look for some books to get if I hear of good ones to get I don’t really know where to start. I’ve only read like the bounty hunter books and a few others that were just a bunch of mini stories. But the old artwork on the books looked better to me than the new stuff. I’m kind of super against giving them money at this point though.


    There are two great ways to start reading the EU, it is never too late.

    1) Start with Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, The Last Command). While chronologically not the beginning, it has the heart of Real Star Wars, making it perhaps the best way to fall back in love with Star Wars. You simply cannot go wrong with this.

    2) Start chronologically with Truce at Bakura and just move down the main storyline.

    For someone trying to reconnect, I think they should start with the Thrawn Trilogy. It will not fail you, and you will feel like you just had an epic Star Wars adventure.

    In the coming months on my YouTube channel, I’m going to be reading and talking about each main storyline EU book as I go through the entire series from Truce at Bakura to Crucible. It’s gonna be a good time.


      Can never go wrong with Thrawn, also just realized you are a Krull Fan good, taste sir.


      @Mustangride1 Thank you, sir. The Glaive is very important to me. I’m hoping there will come a day when my writing is successful enough that I can license it for my use.


      @Roase Awesome thank you so much for the recommendations, I’ll start with Thrawn and work my way from there! Also subbed to your channel and hit notifications so hopefully I get reminded lol, but probably not they are shifty with notifications but I’ll keep checking to see your new vids.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Gambacha1186.

      @Gambacha1186 Much appreciated! I hope you find my content entertaining.

      Once you get going, there are EU timelines inside the books which can help you stay on target. You are about to have a lot of fun. I just ordered a new copy of The Last Command for myself today, putting me 1-2 books away from finishing replacing the missing parts of my collection. Then I start my full re-read!


      The worst EU book (Darksaber) is better than the best things the rat has produced.

      Id suggest looking in used bookstores; that way you can get EU books and not give the rat cash.

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