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Blender Artwork
4 years ago no Comment

Lightsabers They’re awesome. They’re among the some of the greatest weapons in movie history. In one of my recent endeavors, I started tinkering in Blender, a CG program, and trying to create an effective lightsaber model using Cycles rendering (there’s a rendering option that is faster and realtime, but, relies on a GPU. Mine is …

Getting Back to Basics
4 years ago no Comment

Arright, so…. Yeah, I’m not necessarily sure I’m going to be any good at this, and— Okay, first thing’s first: I’m not a fan of the font selection. Andale… Basic Arial.. If they had Papyrus, that’d be awesome. Unless people understand this. Guess I’m sticking with Comic Sans for now. ANYWAY! Back to what I was …

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