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what is the 199, Geeks + Gamers
7 months ago 8 Comments

Memes dominate the internet, and we all love a good meme. The Geeks + Gamers community is built on them, so it should come as no surprise that the one thing that represents us the most is all because of that: a meme. On April 10th, 2023, the main Geeks + Gamers YouTube channel was hosting another episode of our …

Snake Eyes
3 years ago 5 Comments

Today, the first official images of the new GI Joe: Origins movie, Snake Eyes, were released. From the start, I was not a fan of the casting of Henry Golding because Snake Eyes is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed white guy that doesn’t take off his mask and cannot speak due to injuries sustained in a helicopter …

4 years ago 10 Comments

Hey everyone – first off, let me say say thank you so much for supporting the website! We’re over 3K sign ups and over 100 premium members – amazing! Secondly, I want everyone to know that I read all of my messages here. I also try to respond to as many as possible, though sometimes …

4 years ago 38 Comments

I’ve always hated Twitter and I’m very happy they finally suspended me, however, I’ve said a lot of shit that never got me in trouble, yet a meme of Big Abby Pump is what ultimately did me in lol. That’s Twitter in a nutshell. I don’t have any plans to return once my account is …

4 years ago 29 Comments

Just want to thank everyone for supporting the website – we officially launched a week ago! I’m completely blown away by the sign ups, the activity on the forums and the premium subscribers! Next week I’ll make announcements for our premium members with more details on upcoming streams, ect. We will continue to work on …

4 years ago 12 Comments
4 years ago 16 Comments
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