Netflix just unveiled the first trailer for its first original animated film Klaus. You can watch the trailer below: Directed by Spanish animator Sergio Pablos (creator of the Despicable Me franchise) and his production company Sergio Pablos Animation located in Madrid, Klaus looks to be a holiday treat. Even more than that, it could be …
Continue reading “Klaus Trailer: The (Hopefully) Animation Game-Changer is Here”
Welcome to the first installment of Animation Rewind: 2009 Edition, where I’ll revisit animated films that were released ten years ago. Today, I’m taking a look at Coraline, Laika’s first animated movie, and the one that launched it into mainstream animation. Before we delve into the film, let’s take a look at Laika’s origins. The …
Continue reading “Animation Rewind: 20009 Edition – Coraline and the Birth of a New Studio”
Welcome to Animation Rewind: 2009 Edition, a new series where I’ll be reviewing many animated films that came out 10 years ago. Each week, there will be a new film that was released in 2009, and the order of each review will be chronological. The list of movies to be reviewed goes as follows: –Coraline …
Munir: Hello and welcome back to our A Decade Of feature, where we are currently reviewing the Disney Renaissance. Today, we take a look at this period’s penultimate film, Mulan. Released in the summer of 1998, Mulan is based on a popular Chinese legend, and it follows the path of Aladdin and Pocahontas in telling …
Munir: Hello and welcome to another edition of A Decade of Pixar. This time, we are going to review Finding Dory, the megahit sequel to Pixar’s other megahit, Finding Nemo. Directed again by Andrew Stanton, Finding Dory takes the Cars 2 and Monsters University approach and makes a sidekick the main character, this time the …
Munir: Hello and welcome to A Decade Of, where we are reviewing Pixar’s past decade in film. Today, we are taking a look at the studio’s first original film of the decade, Brave. Initially titled The Bear and the Bow, Brave was the passion project of director Brenda Chapman before she was unceremoniously fired from …
Munir: Hello, and welcome to our new column, “A Decade of,” where we will be discussing the most popular animation studios and how they have fared this past decade. We’re starting with Pixar Animation Studios because of Toy Story 4’s imminent release. In the following weeks, we’ll be reviewing every Pixar film from the past …
Continue reading “A Decade of Pixar Animation Studios: From Toy Story 3 to Toy Story 4”