Search Results for: moon knight

An Interview With Az, AKA HeelvsBabyface

I recently sat down with Az, AKA HeelvsBabyface, and we had a chat about pop culture! BlabberingCollector: What made you want to join YouTube? When was this? Az: I watched a content creator called TotalBiscuit, and I used to play a game called World of Warcraft. He used to do videos about it, and he...

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She-Hulk Trailer is in Contempt of Court

The MCU would like to approach the bench, as Marvel has released a trailer for its upcoming Disney+ series She-Hulk, which has been retitled She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law follows Jennifer Walters, a lawyer who, after a blood transfusion, becomes a less-powerful version of the ...

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REVIEW: Elden Ring (2022)

Elden Ring is the latest action RPG Soulslike epic by FromSoftware. The studio known for challenging boss fights and labyrinthine dungeon design had a lot to live up to after its award-winning samurai adventure, Sekiro, and live up to it they did with a 100+ hour open-world adventure and more charac...

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Loki Season 2 Starts Filming in June

If Loki hasn’t been kicked in the testicles enough for your taste, you’re in luck. According to a Film & Television Industry Alliance call sheet, season 2 of the Disney+ series Loki will begin filming in London on June 6, 2022. The call sheet also gives a plot synopsis, such as it is: “Lok...

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REVIEW: The Northman (2022)

From the molten lake of fire at the gates of Hel to the frozen fjords of Norway comes a dark and visually compelling epic, The Northman, which was released into theaters this weekend. Birthed from the dark – and some would say twisted – mind of Robert Eggers, this expansive Norse epic is built u...

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Marvel’s Miniseries Mistakes and How to Fix Them

The TV miniseries is perhaps the most unsung of the motion picture formats. A sort of middle ground between the short-form movie and the much longer traditional television show – even ones that only last a single season – the miniseries is a potent tool for visual storytelling despite its margin...

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