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  • #320749

    In reply to: AI Generated Goofery

    Bear’s ideas and lyrics in that bluegrass song were quite good. Funny and humorous. Agree that it’s scary how good some of the songs turn out. One thing that Rob Zombie said that made me chuckle was that everyone else was making crummy music, so he figured he could make crummy music, too. When he said that, I laughed.

    Ai music is still kind of new, although I do wonder how long they’ve been using it. Rick Beato is kind of upset for some reason. It’s an odd feeling when a song that you wrote gets stuck in your own head, which makes me think Ai music is the future and will take off. IMO, Ai music is better than 90% of the music ever produced. Yeah, it will never measure up to some true musicians and instrumentalists, but let’s be real, pop music and rap music have not given us any solos from guitarists, saxophonists, etc. So much of modern music was some track in the can with a singer or rapper over it, so we have been in borderline karaoke territory since the 90s. Even the latin music I liked, such as Miami Sound Machine was replaced by awful Reggaeton. If all the industry can give us is looped beats and autotune, then at least Ai can give us more on topic music where the only thing featured is really the songwriter’s ideas.

    I know the theme of this is mainly Joe Biden, but Here’s one written for Amandla Stenberg of The Acolyte, and it’s about a token used to cover for lesbian witches.

    Schools’ cliques, cracking mixing spells, shades blending in the mist,
    Accolade token, light and dark swirled tight with a twist,
    Channel on screens, media fiend, hiding flaws that they missed,
    Lipstick lesbian schemes, media’s fraudulent list.

    [Verse 2]
    Witch’s brew bubbling, cauldron stirring hot,
    Woke lens fogging, truth they forgot,
    Censored, doctored scripts, marketing potshot,
    Critics paid off, praise sold on the spot.

    Token girl in the Acolyte’s rite,
    Summary in shadows, smokescreen sight,
    Media blindfolded, truth downplayed,
    Mixed-race tales in their masquerade.

    [Verse 3]
    Illusions cast, blemishes they erase,
    Diversity in name, not in the face,
    Glossing flaws, headlines they chase,
    Victim card played, truth displaced.

    [Verse 4]
    Identity soup, potluck they stir,
    Lesbian witches’ tales in a blur,
    Narratives hijacked, truth they defer,
    Lost in agendas, the real left a whirr.

    Cover-ups thick as spell’s dark mist,
    Bad plots wrapped in inclusivity’s gist,
    Whispers in the coven, truth dismissed,
    Tangled lies in the spin they twist.


    In reply to: AI Generated Goofery

    Wrote this one for Doctor Who. It’s called “Go Touch Grass” and it’s about actors that tell you NOT to watch their show.
    It came out so pretty. Like something you’d hear at the mall downtown.

    Doctor travels through the stars
    Fans get loud their voices spar
    Some folks say it’s not the same
    Actors shout who’s to blame

    [Verse 2]
    If you don’t like what you see
    Actors say just let it be
    Go outside and feel the breeze
    Life is more than this TV

    [Verse 4]
    Hop a train and ride away
    Catch the waves feel spray
    Doctor’s tale will still remain
    Find your way and break the chain

    Go touch grass and run and laugh
    Catch the sun feel every path
    If you don’t like the show
    You know you can always go


    I don’t generally like to talk about drama regarding people’s personal lives, especially when there’s family involved. But this situation is kinda personal to me as someone who’s worked in the gaming industry and been surrounded by these viscous cancel culture predators for the better part of a decade.

    I believe people are underestimating how petty and vile the subversives are who take over places like twitter and various other companies affiliated with gaming.

    My blood boiled reading Doctor Disrespect’s tweet. These people will believe ANYTHING that makes their “enemies” look bad. And over enough years and with a game of telephone the lies and enough sources will be enough to convince everyone of the most vile misdeeds even with no evidence. Anything is possible with these people, there is no low they will not stoop to. They could have hacked chat servers, they could have gathered Doc’s log in info and set this up, they could have gone undercover and slowly gathered Docs attention and waited till he was tipsy to try to get him to say something he would regret.

    There are a MYRIAD of underhanded things that these shit heads could have been in an attempt to destroy the Doc. Twitch paid out the Doc, not the other way around. That is key, you have to keep that in mind.

    So imagine you’re Doctor Disrespect, you’ve been fucked over, you got cashed out, but you still know full well these underhanded shits are out there just waiting in the wings. What’s your play?

    Radio silence. Don’t give them the drama and fame they desperately crave for being the ones who took down the top red blooded streamer in gaming. Obviously for the money too, but living well is the best revenge.

    But they couldn’t help themselves, and they pushed and they pushed and eventually it bubbles over, they get their self affirmed lies out there. ZERO EVIDENCE STILL.

    What’s your play? At this point you WANT them to attack you, at this point you WANT to display mass financial losses, you WANT to look troubled, you WANT streams leaked of you having your life destroyed by this fuck heads. You WANT your business partners to say you can no longer work with them, that you’re a liability now because of your damaged reputation. You WANT to leave little edits and nuggets of info that might SUGGEST but not confirm anything wrong was done. Give them the rope to hang themselves.

    Everyone else thinks Doc is going down, and maybe he is, maybe this is all delusional craziness because I’m so sick of this same destructive scenario playing out time and again….

    It could go either way, I don’t know any more than you guys, but we’re watching Docs life implode right now as he’s wretched from everything due to these fucking scumbags. And guess who’s damages are going up if and when he decides to come after these scum pieces of shit who so nonchalantly came to destroy his life…

    It’s hard to imagine being so petty, that there are so many people of influence with real power and their hands on the levers of our digital lives, but they’re everywhere. Especially in the gaming space.

    Regardless of what happens, this has been a tragic situation. Always losing a bit of faith in so many people when you see how easily people will believe others are monsters even without a single shred of evidence. You see these mobs form in real-time as everyone buys into the big lies and the half truths that start to spiral out of control.

    I hope he didn’t do anything terrible, or bad, or even just “naughty”, he’s a married man with a daughter on the world stage. If he was going after young girls, he’s going to have to face that. But at the same time, I really just don’t want to see the mob score a win and have their terrible assumptions and cancel tactics get them another scalp. The Doc kinda represents all us neckbeards and we’ve been through a lot, hoping this plays out well for the true geeks and gamers, and Doc’s always been a stand up guy from everything I’ve seen. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Seems like this is going to go hard one way or the other. Total vindication, or an abject crash and burn, not a lot of middle ground with accusations like this, nor should there be.

    Damn, the more I think about this, the more I’m thinking he’s just trying to avoid the subject because he’s guilty. But then I get to thinking, if he WAS guilty Twitch or one of their employees would have leaked this stuff.

    Eh maybe we should just shut up and let this unfold as it will. Just a real bummer of a story.

    Edit: coming to terms with this. What made this story so hard to follow was how slowly it unfolded. You really got invested in one side or another with all the lack of info. You either think he was innocent, or a victim of all this nonesense.

    Our own biases are going to affect how we perceive things. If we just blindly support or always give people the benefit of the doubt we’re no better than anyone else and petty tribalists. It’s looking more and more likely the Doc did do something heinous made even worse by recently cheating on his wife on the world stage.

    Feel silly making this post at this point. There’s a lot of good things going on in the world as of late, but no matter how much things turn around people will be people, douchebags will be douchebags. I wasn’t even a viewer of this guy, I really feel bad for his loyal following who stuck with him all these years who gave him the benefit of the doubt. If it’s revealed he is at fault, and it’s looking more and more like he is, you have to think what a scumbag for exploiting his loyal fans and hiding the truth from them to say nothing of what he’s put his family through publicly and privately.

    I’ll end this awkward post by posting some cultural eye bleach. At least we can all sleep easy taking a side on The Acolyte which is terrible, subversive garbage made by the personal assistant to Harvey Weinstein:


      I have been digging into food for years.  I have formulated my own ideas based on data and ACTUAL common sense or what was.  I find that the more time that goes on, the more my thoughts on food are proven correct and becoming more open.

      In essence, most of what we think we know is either just wrong, or outright lies.

      To show how extreme this has become, look at this “doctor” paid by big pharma tell you that obesity is not your fault and has little to do with that you eat.

      Now listen to people discuss why the things we eat are very bad for you.  And you might ask why would that be the case?  Because it creates a cycle of profit between companies making money off selling you cheap poison and the medicine to supposedly help the sickness from the cheap poison in a cycle that does not end until you die from both.



      Everybody is thinking this. I didn’t see many people mention it though, as it is one of those unspoken thoughts.

      You know, with everyone else, the psyop dept. uses this line like “I want people who look like me,” and that line is an excuse to replace westerners in various strata of the economy.  If you were to say the same line, you would be called RACIST. Star Wars is one of those things that deliberately went out of their way to harm their base and offend their base and taunt their base. It is indefensible and there is no excuse to be made for it.

      The guy that should have been in charge was Drew Karpyshyn, but in this woke era of occupation, CEOs like Iger do not have to make responsible moves. The ratings will continue to fall, because with every passing show that does well, people are going to wonder how Star Wars has all this money, but cannot live up to expectations. Game of Thrones and House of The Dragon should have been a slap in the face of Star Wars. Same with the success of Shogun.

      Every time you think Star Wars sucks, I want you to know that it’s worse than you think every time you see a Fantasy show that does well or that is good. Where is the quality writing? Where are the quality characters?

      One thing you should know that know YouTuber will tell you is that all woke shows are just Grooming YOU for The Great Replacement. I know some others mentioned that they are sick of hate SW videos, but no matter how many of them you watch, they all come from a place of frustration that Star Wars can’t get it right and they will blame Filoni or Kennedy. Certainly, Filoni and Kennedy are on the list, but what no YouTuber will tell you is that Bob Iger, Ari Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel and Larry Fink are grooming you to be replaced by invaders and outlanders. They are grooming you to be replaced by people who don’t even belong in the west, who are greedy takers given perks by people like Mayorkas, Blinken and Garland. That is what is really happening behind the media, which is controlled by Ari Emanuel. There is no intent to fix Star Wars, or Wheel of Time or Willow, or Dungeons and Dragons, or Doctor Who, and there is a reason all of these things look the same, mangled and garbled and mixed and confused.

      Entertainment itself is falling off a cliff. It’s not just this show. It’s the cinematic version of BLM/LGBTQ. It’s impossible for me to like and watch. Right now, I am slogging through that show about exorcists called “Evil” and it’s tough. It’s even too woke for me, but at least I’m into it.

      I can say some positive things about past shows, that I liked the Ringworld shot in Mando, the Carbonite, and in Obi-Wan, I liked how Vader projected a kind of evil black shadow force fear whenever he was on the scene and that’s about it. Have to say though, that no matter how many videos are made bashing this, I think it’s actually worse than people are letting on. Especially, for the money spent on it. There are normal shows that are much, much better. It actually makes the whole thing worse when you see other shows do so much better on a fraction of the budget. The show actually reminds me a bit of the WNBA, and the fans are treated like Caitlyn Clark.

      That old Star Wars feeling is long gone for me and it’s been a while. I would just let this whole cluster motivate fans and writers and hobbyists to get more active doing their own things. Entertainment has totally collapsed on multiple levels. It’s impossible for me to watch this show. Someone said that the bad movies and shows in Mystery Science Theater were better than The Acolyte.

      The most positive thing to come from all of this was when Doctor Who said to “Go Touch Grass.” He’s right. Go for a walk or a run in all the fields and parks and go do something else because entertainment is no longer worth your time because it’s not for you. It’s for the homo orgy people. It’s basically become a PRIDE parade and you are not meant to relate to it. It is very healthy and normal to reject it and you save yourself from diseases and stuff, which is a positive plus, instead of being HIV positive, you can avoid these shows and be clean. Entertainment has become that toxic, and it’s full of bug-chasers now.

      Jermy said it best when he said he realized at one point that Kathleen and Filoni will never listen to feedback, and that things will never change, never improve and never get better. Everything about this show sucks. The casting is bad. With Wicked coming up, I guess this is the year where every role is going to be occupied with some Queen Latifah type figure.

      This show really reflects the political situation in our country by defying what the people and the fans want, and instead, forcing some cripple groups on the masses and spending tons of money while doing it. Nobody wants this. Nobody voted for this. One thing that impresses me though is that this is worse than Willow, worse than Rings of Power, and worse than Wheel of Time. The only show worse than Acolyte is Doctor Who.

      They were going to do this with Blade, too. Fill Blade with a bunch of girls to humiliate him. I don’t know why I even bother because no one listens to us anyway, but if you want so badly to cast a black woman as a Jedi or a Blade’s daughter, you someone like this below, but we know who they use instead probably is better on the casting couch or somehow adopted by some privileged family already.

      U might wanna mute this pedantic, verbose narrator in the next video. The only reason I post these is to show just how little to no effort went into casting for Jedi or Blade’s daughter. Instead, they get some BLM type.


      Pressed for time. I don’t think anyone hates your guts at all. The days of compliant conformity are over because all of us were raised in that, well behaved and betrayed by all institutions: corporate, academic, politcal, etc. Ethan actually gave good feedback on his last stream, according to the comments section, trying to help out Yaira.

      You have skills. SeaCrit is fun. A little buggy, but I liked it. Wish more people would play it. I think they’d enjoy it. I’m not a gamer, so I got a kick out of it, swimming around and flipping and charging and bouncing above the water.

      As for quality content, I am somewhat satisfied with them just ripping on Hollywood. There is no longer any escape from woke. I’ve tuned out all entertainment, but just got into a show about Exorcists called “Evil” with the actor who played Luke Cage. It’s a good show, but woke, as they demonized 8chan and there are a lot of very typical woke political messages in it, which is too bad. So, the fans have replaced Hollywood for me, but the gatekeeping comment bothers me a bit because we all know how the Hegelians like to lead all sides of movements and arguments. All you can do is kind of make your case about things. One thing is for sure, TV no longer dictates. In fact, I avoid it. Best advice ever from the failed Doctor Who was “Go Touch Grass,” so I am doing that. Legs getting stronger from running on the grass and the jab is poppin.




      Doctor Who and Star Wars ruined. The market and ratings have decided and yet, they do not matter, do they? Another lie about how things work.

      This is grooming behavior on the public. The public rejected it, yet they still advance it.  Harassment is what it really is.



      Wasn’t defending the rock, more than anyone he symbolizes the fall of the west. He’s this presentation of peak masculinity but under it all is this network of corruption, greed and vile secrecy. He’s subverted.

      I’ve tried to tell it like it is. We are living through a cultural crisis, and the only way we’re going to get the hell out of it is if we hold others and ourselves accountable for our actions.

      We live in a society…

      Societies live and breathe by meritocracy, by the quality of the work of those who live in this world. Rippa, Jeremy, Gary, EVS, Az are all top tier talents in the arena of personality, in the YouTube space.

      But MASSIVE problems arise if we become a cult of personality, if we allow our “friendships” our personal connections to cloud our judgement in areas of life of paramount importance.

      When pampered, likeable people, who are unaccustomed to hard work and sacrifice start getting their hands on the levers of society, everything goes to shit. People who live in bubbles, people who form whisper networks, people who see “their own truth”, people who are privildged to live in their own little reality away from the demands that build character and competency.

      The heart the issue is these guys rose to prominence on the promise they would lead this fight, that they would fight for meritocracy, that they would champion hard work and quality entertainment. Rippa sucked the oxygen out of the room from those who would have worked hard to produce QUALITY entertainment. He furthered this decline of worshipping icons and brands over the actual quality of the work put behind it. When Rippaverse failed, it didn’t just cut into Rippa’s pockets, it burned the bridge to indie comics as a whole as it was so prominent.

      Creating independent works has to be more than just sucking the money and placating an audience. It must be a celebration of craft, it must be a celebration of talent and hard work. You can’t charge 35 fucking dollars for some 3D assets and a fucking reach around.

      This isn’t about “drama” this is about MERITOCRACY, this is about building the foundations of a quality culture again where we can be ourselves and not be surrounded by a cult who will cut you down and cancel you for speaking the truth. Where working hard has value, where having talent has value. Where there is more to this existence than talking heads blowing smoke up each others’ asses.

      You guys want quality entertainment back? Do you want to live in a world where we can have nice shit and feel proud about what we have built? Where we can take pride in being a nerd for star wars, or video games? Where we can have a love of the amazing stuff other people have poured their heart and soul into? Then we have to grow the hell up and start facing uncomfortable truths and holding one another to standards.

      I’ve tried to levy fair criticsm against everyone in this sphere because it’s important, it’s what we must do. Freedom and prosperity demands eternal vigilance. Here’s a long winded rant I went on against The Drinker:

      I don’t go after Mr. July because because I have some kind of vendetta against him, he’s just been an entitled diva lately. Critical Drinker however owned up to his indie venture and told the community that he is just as worthy of criticism as anyone, and he is willing to own up to his shortcomings, he is not a constant drain on this scene. Drinker doesn’t incessantly tell the world everyone else is wrong and wax poetic about how great everyone in his sphere is because they kiss his ass.

      Here’s the problem: people don’t know how the sausage is made any more. People no longer have ANY perception of the long hours and dedication it requires to create things of value. We all sit around and we surf twitter or reddit, and we do our mundane jobs and we order takeout and we have our electornics and shoes sent to our house, we pop on the TV and game consoles and we watch whatever the fuck we want. People are so damned sheltered and removed from the things they consume that we have lost all ability to value things as consumers.

      We have no concept of the wheels and machinations that create the products we consume, which is why Rippa is able to farm this army of Stans who will die on the hill defending his entitled ass.

      There are a lot of likeable people here. They are good at what they do, and there’s a lot of heart in this scene with lots of value. But don’t let it cloud your judgements, don’t turn into the same cult of personality that destroyed Star Wars and Doctor Who, and comics, and gaming.

      It’s called tough love guys, to be strong and capable we gotta suffer criticism and be able to rise above it, or simply be phenoms. If we can’t, we’re not cut out to be creatives. Rippa is neither a phenom, nor able to put the elbow greese and 10,000 hours in to become good at producing comics, Drinker wasn’t either in regards to film making.

      Try to learn to detach yourselves from your personal connections with people when it comes to craft and business.

      It used to be common knowledge, you DO NOT go into business with your friends, because we human monkeys are REALLY BAD at viewing reality when the connections of friends is concerned and our base natures to rely on petty politics begins to creep in, we start to think that just because we know someone and like them, that they should be successful and everything they do is wonderful. It’s nepotism, and it’s at the very heart of why the world has gone to shit.

      I know these posts are a thorn on this forum where people are just trying to just come together and enjoy this corner of the internet that isn’t subverted garbage safe from all the woke bullshit. But I don’t like seeing it turn into the same bullshit hero worship and wrongthink machine those others assholes pull.

      This group did enough damage to comics. I sure as shit don’t want them fucking up the indie gaming scene.



      “Gender” was used to mean sex at it’s origin.  Further used to describe the male or female of words.  I believe it was not until the 60’s it began to be used differently and then got twisted over time to loosely use it the way you are describing.  I reject propaganda words.  The way you use it, it’s a propaganda word used to inject an assumption.

      actually the distinction between sex and gender goes at least to the 1930’s. But yes, humanity learns new things as we proceed. Like the example you used, not long ago did humanity believe lobotomy was useful.

      Understand what you just said.  “gender is the culturally shaped expression of sexual difference”.  So going with what you said, the root of gender is sex.

      Yes, obviously gender is based on sex. Gender is what we as a society perceive to be a bart of being of one sex. A social construct.

      I’ll give you an example from Persona 3 Reload as I just played it and is a recent example of what I am demonstrating:


      This character is called Aigis, she is an android. She has no female biology, but people use female pronouns when talking about her. The reason she is not referred to as ”it” or ”they/them”, is because while she doesn’t have a sex, her gender is female. She has female hair, mascara, a skirt and her mannerisms are female. Do you agree it is okay to use female pronouns, or do you disagree?

      Another example is women you see on the streets. You can’t see their chromosones, and I hope you don’t peek at their genitalia. But when you see a woman, you know it’s a woman from the clothing, makeup, hair length, mannerisms and so on. This is not biology, we make the judgement based on if they look and act like society thinks a woman should act and look like. Agree or disagree? And again, I am not saying these standards society has put is bad, I prefer feminine women over masculine women, but I am saying that we judge people on basis of gender and not sex.

      Now, to bridge the gap and find more common ground between us, I do not think trans women is the same as ”regular” women (I avoid using the correct three letter term starting with ”C” because I know it seems to be a boogeyman term on this forum). Philosophically, it would create an awkward inconsistency because if trans women were the same as ”regular” women, there would be an issue of well why wouldn’t you wanna marry a trans woman if they are the same as other women, and suddenly 99% of the population is transphobic.

      You are right.  “pronoun” is not in the bill.  But you know what is? “gender expression”  You know what is a form of gender expression?  Pronouns.  And if you look at some of the cases already brought forward, the claims involve against the defendant include using the wrong pronouns.

      I would like to see some of these cases, I found one where the issue was not using wrong pronouns but a father violating court orders by leaking personal information about his trans daughter when he was ordered not to.

      ButI agree, using wrong pronouns should not be sufficient. If pronouns are intentionally used incorrectly as a way to harrass or bully then it’s understandable.

      I proposed no solutions. I mentioned that actual respect is not going along with the delusion but speaking to reality.

      Got it, my bad. Then I believe we agree that best solution for gender dysphoria is transitioning. More common ground.

      You are conflating again.  We were talking about children.  Not adults.  Adults can do what they want although I believe ,like it used to be, you had to go through a great deal of mental examination and therapy before a doctor would agree to such a surgery.  And you assertion that changing your parts solves anything is also incorrect.

      Based. But I don’t think I am wrong in saying transitioning helps people suffering from gender dysphoria, all studies show positive reception and extremely rate of regret. If transitioning makes it easier for you to live your life then I see it as a win.

      Stop playing word games and moving the goal posts.  I said it was being pushed and attempts were being made to normalize it.  I did not give additional modifiers like “successful”.

      I added successful because I think that is the most important part. We can’t magically make all pedophiles stop pushing it, we can try sure by therapy but that would require identifying them first, and pedophiles not acting according to their desires is hard to identify. As long as we have guard rails and no progress is made successfully, it’s all that matters.

      Why do you incessantly compare drag queens to priests?  Do you think I am going to defend one type of pedophile and not another?  No.  As I mentioned before the Priest to me is a far worse offender.

      No I do not, I am not using whataboutism about priests. I am using priests as an example of not engaging in linking something as a whole to pedophilia. Pedophilia is not a part of drag or transgenders, just as pedophilia is not a part of priests. You should be able to separate them.

      Not really,  no they have not.  More propaganda.  People have dressed as the opposite sex for a long time and for many different reasons.  Simply putting on a dress is not drag.  Drag is inherently sexual because it is about sex

      People dressing as the opposite sex as a form of entertainment literally is textbook drag. Do you believe it only is drag when you start whipping genitalia out or something? Drag has always been an entertainment form of dressing as the opposite sex. There are different forms of drag, and one form of drag is making it sexual. But going on stage dressed as a woman and making jokes about being a woman is also drag. You can just look up and read any paper on history of drag, just saying ”I disagree, propaganda” is not an argument.

      The fact you compared drag to Priests and religion makes me want to vomit.  That’s an absolutely disgusting comparison.

      I mean if you expand my comparison to religion as a whole then it gets pretty rough as islam is based on Prophet Muhammad who had sex with Aisha, his 9 year old wife. And age of consent happens to be quite low in these countries.

      Does that matter?  How kids is it OK to mutilate in your mind?

      not really, I was just curious when you said it happens in large numbers, as I want to make sure you are being good faith and not exaggerating things as I do not fact check everything you say because I want to maintain charitable and able to take your words for granted, as opposed to comicsgate, as I now know I have to look up literally anything he says because of how much straight up false things he says.

      And for your information lots of folks talk about circumcision but it’s not a criical topic because no once forces you to do it or cancels you for it.  There are not laws being written about circumcision.

      no one cancels you for not being trans. But do you believe making surgery on a child’s genitals is okay if it doesn’t sterilize you? I would argue that circumcision brings no benefit and it is relevant as it happens to way more children than transitioning.

      So do you lock your answer that surgery on a child’s genitals is okay as long as it doesn’t sterilize the child? Be careful with your answer.


      Again, a point we agree on.  But you realize you even saying that by many measures makes you “transphobic”?  It’s no longer seen socially as a sickness.  Why would it?  It’s simply a feeling now.

      I don’t care what people think, people on the right think I am a blue haired radical socialist leftist and actual leftists think I am a nazi because I’m not pro socialism. I don’t see myself as transphobic because I want trans people to have equal rights and be treated as normal members of societies and not get demonized as child grooming vampires, I just believe it would safe a lot of unnecessary hassle if people didn’t need to transition but could have their dysphoria cured without it.

      Also, not all trans people have dysphoria, as they can function in soeicety without transitioning, but do it because they feel better that way. Just like not all fat people have body dysmorphia but they might feel more comfortable not being fat and decide to workout.

      Go listen to him talk for 2 hours about how that has destroyed him.  Go watch it and come back and tell me if you consider that compassion or a successful solution.   Listen to a man cry while he tells you “I miss my penis”. Then when done, think about that in terms of a 15yr old.

      sure, some people regret it. But the regret rate is around 0.5%, so bringing up single instances will not affect my position.


        I agree, if we talk about sex we are talking biology. Genitals and chromosomes etc. You can look up gender in dictionaries, where it says something like ”Sex is the biological category, whereas gender is the culturally shaped expression of sexual difference: the masculine way in which men should behave and the feminine way in which women should behave”.

        Great!  We agree that sex is easily definable and unchangeable.

        “Gender” was used to mean sex at it’s origin.  Further used to describe the male or female of words.  I believe it was not until the 60’s it began to be used differently and then got twisted over time to loosely use it the way you are describing.  I reject propaganda words.  The way you use it, it’s a propaganda word used to inject an assumption.

        And you are describing EXACTLY what I am talking about here.  Understand what you just said.  “gender is the culturally shaped expression of sexual difference”.  So going with what you said, the root of gender is sex.  And as we agreed, sex is easily definable and unchangeable.  Since you agree sex and gender are linked, then it reasons to stand they are both not “fluid”.

        so do you reject the notion that people should not be discriminated or bullied due to religion for example at school?

        I reject the notion bullying (which is not a crime nor should it be) and discrimination (somewhat nebulous term but) does not need additional identifiers.  If it is considered bad or illegal, than it should not matter why, just that it happened.  Whether the discrimination happened because you like cheese or are black, makes no difference and there is no severity difference between the situations because all that mattered is it happened.   This is like “lynching laws”.  It’s already illegal.  “hate crime”.  If it’s a crime, already illegal.

        Writing laws for things already illegal is a game show for politicians.

        So there is nothing about using wrong pronouns, as pronouns are not even mentioned once in the entire bill. It specifically is that if there is proof of discrimination at the work force due to a person’s gender, they can be held responsible. I don’t know about you but I find discrimination pretty cringe.

        You are right.  “pronoun” is not in the bill.  But you know what is? “gender expression”  You know what is a form of gender expression?  Pronouns.  And if you look at some of the cases already brought forward, the claims involve against the defendant include using the wrong pronouns.

        As far as I know, the Bill C-16 does not mean a person gets legally punished for using wrong pronouns 

        Well then you need to research more.

         would like to correct you in this regard, people with gender dysphoria or who want to transition do not believe they are the opposite sex,

        You might want to diversify your news sources.  In the current iteration of “trans” you are comically incorrect.  10+ years ago that statement might have been correct.  It’s not even close now.   Sure, not everyone thinks that and you could point out the difference between actual dysphoria and feeling different that day but these things are not seen as the same.  If this was not the case there would not be men winning women’s sports.

        Regarding people with gender dysphoria, your solution of ”just encourage them to accept who they are biologically

        I proposed no solutions. I mentioned that actual respect is not going along with the delusion but speaking to reality.

        I would much rather see a trans person than a dead person

        If they don’t get treatment, it can lead to cases where they can not function in society because of it, and even depression and suicide.

        You believe in lies, or you are a liar.  Pick one.

        That’s the bullcrap thing they tell parents.  Suicide is a legit concern due to the mental disorder.  So regardless of what you lop off it’s a symptom.

        And if you come up with a way to effectively and routinely cure people’s gender dysphoria 

        That’s an unrealistic expectation.  No mental disorders that I am aware of have any “cures”.  You can make it better. You can learn to cope.  You don’t erase it.

        But right now, the only way is transitioning and I personally don’t mind trans people,

        You are conflating again.  We were talking about children.  Not adults.  Adults can do what they want although I believe ,like it used to be, you had to go through a great deal of mental examination and therapy before a doctor would agree to such a surgery.  And you assertion that changing your parts solves anything is also incorrect.  You do realize the surgeries are barbaric right?  You realize that not only do you NOT get a functional (or recognizable) organ, they remove your actual functioning organs.  Again, that is not compassion.

        Can you elaborate?

        You would only need to “affirm” something you question.  The question itself is illogical.  If the idea is that your genitalia makes you your sex (gender,/sex same thing) , then you are your sex period.    There is nothing to “affirm”.  Thus, propaganda phrase baking in the assumption that the question is valid.  It is not.

        I don’t see it being successfully pushed and normalized. 

        Stop playing word games and moving the goal posts.  I said it was being pushed and attempts were being made to normalize it.  I did not give additional modifiers like “successful”.   The link does not work because I boke it on purpose I did not want it to display.  Exchange “[DOT]” for “.”

        I utilize it in a similar way you utilize transgenderism.

        No, no you don’t and I am actually insulted at this point you would use such a lazy tactic.

        I don’t know, how many? And how many priests have? 

        Why do you incessantly compare drag queens to priests?  Do you think I am going to defend one type of pedophile and not another?  No.  As I mentioned before the Priest to me is a far worse offender.

        People have been doing drag for hundreds of years, and drag is not inherently sexual, just like religion or being a priest isn’t. Drag is just the concept of people dressing in a comically stereotyping way as the opposite gender to make jokes about said gender

        Not really,  no they have not.  More propaganda.  People have dressed as the opposite sex for a long time and for many different reasons.  Simply putting on a dress is not drag.  Drag is inherently sexual because it is about sex.  It is a man dressed and acting as a cartoon like caricature of a woman.  The very premise of drag is sexual.  Does that mean it has to be people having sex on stage?  No, but that is not the only definition of sexual.

        The fact you compared drag to Priests and religion makes me want to vomit.  That’s an absolutely disgusting comparison.

        No drag is not just mocking the opposite gender.  Progressive definitions morph to suit the agenda.  You can buy into that, I will not.

        And again, we are talking kids here.  No one cares or cared about drag queens with adults.  In fact drag queens for decades have been lauded as something fun and interesting especially by straight women.  No one cared.  Until they came for the kids.  Now we care.  Watch the movie “The Birdcage” with Robin Williams.  Drag Queens were shown as something fun and even cool.  But you know what you did not see?  Kids there.  Now we have “drag kids” and some dancing on stage for adults doing simulated stripping and Drag Queens all around kids and often doing overt sexual things.

        how large numbers I wonder?

        Does that matter?  How kids is it OK to mutilate in your mind?

        But I am curious, why aren’t people this loud fighting against circumcision  or tonsil removal for minors?

        Uhhh because neither destroys useful healthy organs?  Neither sterilizes you? Neither is occurring outside of the choice of a parent? Neither is enforced by the state?  Neither is part of an ideology being pushed from the top down?  And for your information lots of folks talk about circumcision but it’s not a criical topic because no once forces you to do it or cancels you for it.  There are not laws being written about circumcision.

        Children with gender dysphoria is extremely rare.

        Actual dysphoria yes.  But no one uses that phrase anymore and it’s all referred to as trans and trans is now a feeling.   And if we say you meant trans, then there are MANY of them.

        Lobotomy destroys the brain without fixing anything, surgery doesn’t cause harm and has an extremely high success rate of combating gender dysphoria. 

        It does not destroy the brain, it harmed it.  People still lived they were just very damaged people.  And at the time, like we say with trans now, it was considered scientifically correct.  Yes sexual surgery VERY MUCH DOES CAUSE HARM.  You are removing healthy organs, this is the epitome of harm.   It does not have a high a success rate and I am not sure anyone could prove something that subjective.  And in our current context of kids, its very unsuccessful.

        And like I said, if there is ever a medicine that gets rid of gender dysphoria without having any kind of transition, I am all for that.

        Again, a point we agree on.  But you realize you even saying that by many measures makes you “transphobic”?  It’s no longer seen socially as a sickness.  Why would it?  It’s simply a feeling now.  You can get hormones and other such things on 1 doctor visit now.

        Go watch the interview Blair White did with a man who sadly calls himself “the thing”.  Why?  He wanted to be a woman.  He was told he could be with surgery and hormones.  Go listen to him talk for 2 hours about how that has destroyed him.  Go watch it and come back and tell me if you consider that compassion or a successful solution.   Listen to a man cry while he tells you “I miss my penis”. Then when done, think about that in terms of a 15yr old.

        • This reply was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Vknid.

        Many doctors and medical “professionals” have always just cared about money. Sure many of them are just trying to help people, but many surgeries are done in order to get paid more.

        I’ve had several surgeries myself, and even though most of them were before the transgender stuff, I’m still questioning how many of them were actually needed.

        Leaked Documents Confirm Our Worst Fears About Gender Treatment

        Recent leaks from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) have shed light on the disturbing realities of gender treatment, particularly for children. The leaked documents reveal shocking details about the practices and protocols that have been adopted by medical professionals, raising serious concerns about the ethics and long-term consequences of these treatments.

        Oh, do tell more.

        For years, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has been the go-to organization for gender treatment guidelines. However, the leaked documents reveal that WPATH is not the highly qualified medical body it was assumed to be.

        Three-quarters of its members are based in the United States, and many are activists who advocate for unrestricted access to gender-confirming treatments for anyone who identifies as trans, including children. Despite its lack of formal authority, WPATH’s standards of care have been widely adopted.

        That is like asking for pedos to write the guidelines government must adopt when it comes to minor-attracted-perverts (people)!

        The reliance on WPATH’s guidelines has led to a situation where questioning the ethics of these treatments is seen as transphobic and immoral.

        Many assumed that WPATH was a professional body of highly qualified medics, but the reality is that anyone can pay a couple of hundred dollars to join the organization. This revelation raises serious questions about the credibility of the guidelines being followed by healthcare providers worldwide.

        WTF!  Activists, not medical professional, are making the “medical guidelines”?  WTF!

        The leaked documents from WPATH reveal appalling evidence of the maiming of young bodies in the name of gender treatment. The files contain details of mastectomies with no nipples, incontinence, and even “nullification” – the creation of eunuchs.

        Doctors discuss the cancer risks associated with hormones in teenagers and describe operations where a fake vagina is created while the penis is kept intact. These gruesome details paint a disturbing picture of the consequences of these treatments on young, healthy bodies.

        Of course.  These “people” hate humanity, especially males.  So anything to destroy males to them is a must.

        One prominent case is that of Jazz Jennings, who was assigned male at birth and put on puberty blockers at the age of 11. Due to insufficient genital material, Jazz’s neovagina was created using the stomach lining, resulting in multiple corrective surgeries and a lifetime of pain.

        Jazz’s surgeon, Marci Bowers, admitted that Jazz will never experience an orgasm. This case highlights the dishonesty of telling children that they can change their sex without disclosing the long-term consequences of infertility and lack of sexual function.

        Misinformation by omission of details.  And as a youth, most most likely don’t have the maturity or understanding to ask questions their “provider” would not otherwise tell them.

        The focus on gender dysphoria has led to the neglect of underlying psychological issues in some patients. The case of Scarlett Blake, a murderer and former GIDS patient who had also tortured a cat, highlights the potential consequences of ignoring deeper psychological issues in favor of gender treatment.

        Realizing that some of these children have deep psychological issues but ignoring them in pursuit of gender-affirming care is a form of malpractice. It is crucial to address these underlying issues and provide comprehensive mental health support.

        It was also reported elsewhere, that IIRC 90-95% of these youth grow-out of these feelings.  But the rush to start them onto drugs and body mutilations and a life of needing drugs and further surgeries…

        Activists have propagated the idea that “gender-affirming care” is lifesaving, but the leaked documents suggest otherwise. The long-term effects of these treatments are largely unknown, and while some adults who transition may experience increased happiness, not all do.

        The NHS and many other European countries have backed away from using puberty blockers and this gross experimentation on children. The lack of knowledge about the long-term effects of these treatments should be a cause for concern and caution.

        Lifesaving for 1-2% ?, while destroying the other 98-99%?

        The leak also reveals that WPATH’s latest standards of care suggest puberty blockers can be given at any age and that some boys may identify as “eunuch individuals,” potentially requiring surgical intervention. This information is not widely known within the general medical community.

        The idea of castrating boys as a form of gender-affirming care goes against the fundamental principle of “Do No Harm” in medicine. It is deeply disturbing that such practices are being considered and promoted by an organization like WPATH.

        These activists are male haters, IMO.  Removing as many males from the gene pool as they can, be it surgical transition to a female form or as in the case with creating “eunuch individuals”, the complete with the removal of the male reproductive organs (nuts) in either case.

        The leaked documents demonstrate that the preferred guidance advises the removal of healthy tissue from young bodies, disregarding the potential complications.

        This practice should not be called medicine; it is mutilation. We must acknowledge the truth about these treatments and their consequences. We must create a space for open and honest discussions about gender dysphoria and its treatment, free from the fear of being labeled as transphobic.

        The adults and the medical professional need to step up!  Science and facts before activists and their misinformation.

        The leaked documents also reveal that there is money to be made from the deep distress experienced by individuals with gender dysphoria. Medical insurance companies are willing to pay for some of these treatments, creating a financial incentive for their promotion.

        This raises questions about the motivations behind the push for gender-affirming care and whether the well-being of patients is truly the primary concern. It is essential to examine the role of financial interests in shaping the narrative around gender treatment.

        Yay, if 90-95% of the people grow out of these “feelings”, the need for expensive lifetime of surgeries and drugs is gone from the equation.

        The care of our most vulnerable and disturbed children cannot be left in the hands of organizations like WPATH, which prioritize activism over medical ethics. We must provide comprehensive psychological support to these individuals and address their underlying mental health issues.

        Rushing children into irreversible treatments with lifelong consequences is not the answer. We must prioritize their long-term well-being and ensure that they receive the support and care they need to navigate their distress and find genuine healing.

        But there is not as much MONEY to be made that way.  But what do you expect from people who care more for money/profits than to address/solve the underlying issues.

        Ignoring the truth about the realities of gender treatment can have devastating consequences. The stories of detransitioners who regret their decisions and are left with irreversible physical changes and emotional scars are a testament to the need for caution and honesty.

        We cannot continue to prioritize political correctness over the well-being of individuals, especially children. It is time to have an open and honest conversation about the risks and limitations of gender-affirming care and to explore alternative approaches that prioritize mental health and long-term outcomes.

        It would also help if the legacy media stops burying stories and issues about detransitioner and detransitioning.

        The leaked documents from WPATH underscore the need for evidence-based medicine in the field of gender treatment. We cannot rely on the guidelines of an organization that is heavily influenced by activism and lacks rigorous scientific backing.

        Activists are NOT medical professionals.  WPATH should mean “Worst-PATH” a confused youth should be unfortunate to take.

        The WPATH leaks serve as a wake-up call for society. We cannot continue to allow the mutilation of young bodies under the guise of gender-affirming care. It is time for medical professionals, parents, and policymakers to come together and re-evaluate the current approach to treating gender dysphoria in children.

        We must prioritize the long-term well-being of these children, ensuring that they receive comprehensive psychological support and are not rushed into irreversible treatments with lifelong consequences. Only by facing the truth and engaging in open, evidence-based discussions can we hope to protect the most vulnerable among us and prevent further harm.


        We must create a space for open dialogue, where the voices of detransitioners and concerned professionals can be heard without fear of retribution. We must prioritize evidence-based approaches and invest in research to better understand the long-term consequences of these treatments. Most importantly, we must put the welfare of children first and ensure that they receive the support and care they need to navigate their distress and find genuine healing. Only by working together can we hope to build a future where the well-being of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity, is protected and upheld.

        Sadly, that is exactly what these activists DON’T want.  For then their lies and deception will be seen by all.



        Topic: Cabrini

        in forum Movies

        The critics are right on this one. This was not a faith film. It was a biopic made to appeal to everyone.
        It was basically “She Persisted: The Movie.”

        She was definitely a strong and smart woman. There was a bit of Tombstone/Don Holiday in her, as she had post-TB symptoms and some kind of lung issue, but she lasted longer than the doctors predicted. The critics of this movie are annoyed with the lack of praying and the lack of pleading for a miracle on her part.
        Alan said this was a period piece and that is important to keep in mind, because she is the Patron Saint of Immigrants, but the situation was much different back then. This was in about 1895, so they did not have electricity yet in most parts. It was still in the time of horse and carriage. The movie was shot incredibly well, so be on the lookout for Alejandro Monteverde. He had some amazing shots under water and there was an element of Opera and Rome in the movie.

        Andrea Bocelli’s daughter sings in the choir in one scene.

        I agree with the 3 star rating.

        The movie kept referring to her as “ambitious” and she said in the movie that she wanted to build an “Empire of Hope” consisting of orphanages, hospitals, and schools. The movie emphasizes the appraisal of the real estate properties that she started to acquire. She was so successful at one orphanage, that they threw a hospital at her to save that was going bankrupt because she was so effective. Will say that the nuns impressed me so much.
        In the film, the other nuns were basically NPCs, but to have such a large staff of women faithfully devoted to serving, it shows the power of having a team and crew of women like that. They are such good teachers and nurses and instructors. I actually know a very high powered female executive who was raised in one of these orphanages in Greece, who went from total poverty to a top globalist construction firm that builds infrastructure all over the world.

        Cristiana Dell’Anna, who played the lead role, is new to me and the performance was completely solid with the exception of one crying scene, her performance was perfect. Again, Director Alejandro has chops and a lot of the scenes look like paintings right out of a chapel. John Lithgow and David Morse delivered. Film Threat did an interview with producer Jonathan Sanger, who was very lucid still, and worked on Elephant Man in the past and had a very good working relationship with Mel Brooks.

        I am grateful to Angel Studios for this movie, but it did come off as feminist and made her out to be an ambitious entrepreneur and, at the end, we find out that her global holdings put her up there with the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. That statement kind of diminished her in my opinion because I thought what is wrong with hospitals, orphanages and schools? It makes it seem like she had had ulterior motives and I don’t think so, but one other point the movie made was that she had her own order that was made up entirely of women. What they accomplished together is really impressive.

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