Tag: DC Comics

Jason Momoa Talks Snyder Cut of Justice League

Jason Momoa has been swimming in some mysterious waters throughout the Aquaman press junket, as he gave some details about his original Justice League arc, particularly as it pertains to Vulko. Some of the most intriguing things about film productions are the what if stories, the visions that were ...

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REVIEW: “Elseworlds” CW Crossover Event 2018

*Spoilers* This week simultaneously debuted and wrapped the CW’s annual Arrowverse crossover event, “Elseworlds.” For the last few years now, the cast of Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow have come together to face down a threat too large for any one of their respect...

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Aquaman Sets Box Office Record in China

It looks like Aquaman is gonna become the Michael Phelps of the Middle Kingdom. When it was first announced Aquaman was going to be opening up two weeks early in China, I felt a mix of trepidation and jealousy. What if this was a sign that Warner Bros. didn’t have faith in the film‘s ability t...

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REVIEW: Aquaman (2018)

The DCEU desperately needs one of its movies to be a hit. The cinematic universe has been inconsistent, to say the least, with Wonder Woman being the only undeniable win for Warner Bros. Even Justice League was seen as a failure, with its lackluster direction and limited understanding of its cha...

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The Missed Opportunity That was the Aquaman Pilot

I have always had a fascination with unsold pilots. The missed opportunities and potential therein are lost to a vault in the studio, never to be seen by the public. Fortunately, in the case of the Aquaman pilot, this is only half-true. With the arrival of the highly anticipated Aquaman feature fr...

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REVIEW: The Flash – Season 5, Episode 8 “What’s Past is Prologue”

*Spoilers* The lead-up to The Flash’s milestone 100th episode promised a trip down memory lane with some old friends and foes (mostly the latter) – showcasing a Flash event unlike any that have preceded it. With so many appearances by previous seasons’ big baddies, “What’s Past is Prologue...

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