Search Results for: thor

REVIEW: Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)

Marvel Studios has had a tremendous 2018, with Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War becoming its two biggest domestic hits yet (the latter its biggest worldwide). On the heels of those two blockbusters comes Ant-Man and the Wasp, a much lighter, lower-key superhero movie that serves as a respite...

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REVIEW: Lost in Space, Season 1, Episode 8 “Trajectory”

“I don’t want your chicken.” “And I don’t want to hurl through space, but here we are.” *Spoilers* In “Trajectory,” John and Maureen see the Darrs embarking to leave planet. John climbs aboard, sabotages their Jupiter and summons the other families. The Robinsons inform everyone that...

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New UK Magazine The Cosplay Journal Launches Next Month

Cosplayers are about to have some fun new reading material, as next month sees the launch of The Cosplay Journal. A coffee table magazine “focusing on the Diversity and Craft of cosplay,” specifically in the UK, The Cosplay Journal aims to “dispel the myths of what cosplayers look and act like...

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REVIEW: Arrow Season 6 (2017-2018)

Arrow season 6 is like a Hot Pocket; parts are hot, parts are cold, and you alternately enjoy it and curse it for not cooking evenly. Certain elements of the new season are handled very well, with a character who’d lost her way of late acting like her old self again, another becoming a much &helli...

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REVIEW: Trust – Season 1, Episode 7 “Kodachrome”

“A bit of it makes you want a lot of it. And a lot of it makes you want all of it.” *Spoilers* “Kodachrome” begins with Primo’s family lawyer preparing to meet Getty Sr. as Getty employees count the money for the ransom. Meanwhile, Penelope is unable to get a hold of Paul Sr. on … <...

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REVIEW: The Emperor’s New Groove (2000)

“A llama? He’s supposed to be dead!” The Emperor’s New Groove was the second animated movie Disney released in 2000, and suffice it to say, it’s a very different film from Dinosaur. Initially, the studio was producing a film called Kingdom of the Sun, intended to be a serious version o...

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