HBO Max is looking to wow potential subscribers with its original content, as a trailer for sci-fi series Raised by Wolves has hit the internet today. The show, about androids raising human children on another planet, was created by Aaron Guzikowski, with Guzikowski and Ridley Scott, among others, producing. Scott will direct the first two episodes, and will presumably set the style for his successors, similar to what Martin Scorsese did for Boardwalk Empire. The actors all appear to be relative unknowns (they certainly are to me). Raised by Wolves premieres on HBO Max on September 3, 2020. Check out the Raised by Wolves trailer below:
How can you see that minute and a half of footage and not want to watch this show? The Raised by Wolves trailer is visually gorgeous, evoking Ridley Scott’s recent science fiction outings Prometheus and Alien: Covenant; regardless of your opinion of those films, they looked marvelous, and Raised by Wolves seems to have a similar aesthetic. Androids and how they relate to humans is a theme to which Scott enjoys returning, and from the looks of it, Raised by Wolves could tackle it from a new angle. How involved Scott will be isn’t clear yet, but the other big name is exciting too. Aaron Guzikowski wrote the Denis Villeneuve thriller Prisoners, an excellent movie that is much more than its premise would indicate. I haven’t seen his other work, of which there is little, but if Raised by Wolves is half as thoughtful as Prisoners, we may have a sumptuous sci-fi feast waiting for us in the fall. Now, HBO has to work out its differences with the country’s two foremost streaming platforms so I can watch the damn thing (HBO Max is still not on Roku or Amazon!).
What did you think of the Raised by Wolves trailer? Do you have access to HBO Max yet? Is Ridley Scott going to insist that the Alien franchise be shoehorned into this show? Let us know in the comments and stick around Geeks + Gamers for more TV news!
Thanks very much! It looks great, and I’m glad they’re keeping a lot of it a mystery.
Interesting concept. The SFX look good. Problem is, it’s HBO. Not willing to spend money on that company. Plus there’s too much of a chance that it’ll be fubar’d in some way. Not really impressed with Ridley’s recent work.
Great post and wholeheartedly agree regarding how well filmed and photo real Prometheus and Covenant were. Can’t wait for this show!