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  • #307232

    In reply to: Writer Strike?

    There was a strike ! ? !

    Did we miss anything?  nope!

    ClownFishTV and Mr.H.Reviews and YellowFlash (IIRC) all did great job breaking down the tentative contract.

    I was hoping all those woke hacks were finally fired, or after the reviews on the contract, the showrunner and producer could be consider a “writer”, taking up two writer’s slots.  And depending on how many “episodes”, determines how many “writers” are required.

    So in theory, the studios can use LESS writers by making shorter seasons, and making more seasons.

    But good news never gets the clicks/likes/reviews/etc as bad news.  That is why when you read a newspaper or watch the news, 99% is always bad news.

    And the titles of said articles/vids, once again the bad/negative sounding ones gets more attention/reads/views/etc.

    People/channels like YellowFlash, or Clownfish or Mr.H Reviews just report and give their views/take on what they themselves saw/someone pointed out to them.

    So I don’t blame them for letting other know, especially if they are getting from sources we don’t have access to/don’t go to/etc.



    The DCEU is dead.

    Having a groomer/trespasser/thief in the title role(s) does not do anything but take away from the film (just as having the Domestic Abuser co-starring in Aquaman 2).

    This version of The Flash is so far from the comics, I refuse to call this flasher that character.

    The AI/CGI from the trailers looked so bad.

    Sites like the rotten Rotten Tomatoes reverse review bombed the audience score to make it look like it was much better than the pile of crap is really is.

    This will be a on-sale $5 DVD for me.

    And all the YTubers who did see it that I saw their reviews, more mostly negative.

    This horrible movie might just overtake Waterworld as the WORST financial lose to a movie studio by a single film, as well as reports it is tracking to have near the worst drop off in week 2 of release.


    What Do You All Think Of The Flash?

    I want to get a conversation started on this topic also this will only be a brief summary of my thoughts but I go a bit more in depth on my reaction to Critical Drinkers Flash review, Its up on my Youtube channel now and id appreciate any support!  thank you guys. oh and be sure to leave me feedback over there too.

    now I think this movie has been doomed for a while I remember as a number 1 flash fan back in 2016 hearing the flash was getting a movie and it was going to be flash point! coming in 2018! I was so excited even though i wasnt keen on the casting at all I thought ezra might grow into the roll (Lmao that didnt happen) then I started getting worried as the dates kept getting pushe back and the dceu as a whole displayed how inconcistent, and directionless it was, then I heard of early scripts where they were basically gonna use flashpoint to make the D-She-U and i slowly lost hope over the years.

    saw the movie last week, I hated it, I still hate ezras caricature of barry allen. I think he displayed good acting but he’s just not barry allen, never was he sucks to me.

    I was born int 2000 so the micheal keaton stuff wasnt anything special for me, I would have preferred tomas wayne.

    only positive was it was funny at times, the ending wasnt as expected and it was nice seeing batfleck again. thats it. the huge cameo scene came of as pointless, desperate, and cringy. 2 of them were ok-ish. Crazy how they flopped such a fantastic story line that coulda easily been great.

    Make sure to check out my video where I expand on certain thoughts about the movie! And respond to the drinkers points.



    I havent been active on this site in about 2 years, alot happened and the stresses of life took over, cut out all social platforms. But im back but its good seeing this site still thriving and even seeing some familiar faces in the forums lol I remember alot of you guys and the discussions we had. anyway glad to be back. and Ive finally started working on the Youtube channel I’ve always wanted to!


    WHY, did I watch The Flash?
    I watched the Flash, not because I wanted to watch a good movie nor was it to watch a terrible movie. Nope, I watched it because I recognize A.I video rendering when I see it.
    I need to make it clear, I cannot use any video clips from the movie or Warner Brothers will Copywrite Claim & potentially block my video. I did however include 2 videos that were created with A.I Video to show you how it looks. If you look up The Flash CGI, you will find the scenes & then you can compare the clips I used & draw your own conclusions. It of course makes sense they would go this route as well since it has been in production hell for such a long time & they just wanted it out & they can move on.
    The movie is completely pointless. Nothing actually gets resolved in the end since Barry does not return to his real timeline & is stuck in another parallel reality… I guess to set up a Sequel? lol Michael Keaton was the best part of the movie, but even he seemed to phone it in. Supergirl was an angry emo plot advancement. But the biggest take away is that for every good the movie has, it has a parallel within the same scene that ruins it completely. This was Ezra Miller Flash (annoying) meets Barry Allen Flash (normal person)
    I had to re-edit the video to remove the music. I own a license for the music but the Filmora Video Editor, apparently does not allow us to use the music for “Commercial Use” since my video is monetized the artist gets to take the money from the entire clip instead  of the 30 seconds. F that.

    • This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by GiggaVega. Reason: my video was copywrite claimed
    • This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by GiggaVega. Reason: My video is now uploaded with no copywrite claims

      Jordan Peterson

      Sydney Watson

      Lauran Chen

      Adam Crigler aka The Crigler Show

      Tim Pool (I frankly don’t listen as often anymore since Adam Crigler posted his explanation on his firing)

      The Post-Geek Singularity aka Robert Meyer Burnett

      Russel Brand

      Dr. John Campbell (talk a lot about the covid’s)



      ComicArtistPro Secrets  (Ethan Van Sciver’s channel)


      MrH Reviews

      Gothix (proof that there are good non-woke women out there and maybe I’ll find one someday….)


      Yellow Flash

      Star Wars Theory


      Chrissie Mayr


      Vera Dark

      Nerdrotic (when he isn’t posting continual LOTR TV show video’s, because I am utterly sick of hearing about that show)

      RK Outpost (off an on, sometimes I find his delivery and content he is covering childish, he also makes WAY too many video’s on the exact same thing)


      TheQuartering (sometimes I dump him for awhile when he posts too much Twitter trendy gossipy related bullcrap)

      Melonie Mac Go Boom (when she isn’t bitching about people like myself who like playing games on easy mode)

      HeelvsBabyface (even though apparently I am “banned” from his chat for reasons I have no idea what for)

      I also watch a LOT of Japanese/Korean/China related content. Such as people just walking/driving around.

      I don’t have cable, and will never have it ever again, so youtube is my main source of content.


      In reply to: [@Roas] Andor Review

      @DarthVengeant All roads of Disney Star Wars lead to Jake Skywalker. You can’t pretend otherwise. There is no separation.

      Everything in this show is made up by DISNEY, going against all things actually Star Wars. There is no fun to be had watching something created by people who do not understand nor truly care about Star Wars.

      I wouldn’t be so quick to label those of us calling it boring people who need the so called “explosions”and “action” in everything to be entertained. Please don’t start lecturing this show is how life is, because stuff isn’t going on all over the place. Give me a break. There is a difference between crafting a deep and interesting world and watching people walk around town, especially people who are Disney fanfic characters that do not actually exist in Star Wars history.

      There is actual Star Wars Lore and History from 1977 to 2012 (retcons and all), and everything after that is not.

      Watching dumbass Andor wander around town is not good story telling or world building. Watching police actually do their jobs but be persecuted for it is not fun, because guess what…they had every right to hunt down Andor cuz he murdered a guy, corrupt cop or not. Watching a jealous boyfriend turn a guy in because he saw his girlfriend talking to him at a bar is shallow and predictable story telling about people who are about as interesting as a stale fart. Watching a poorly orchestrated flashback be run out there just so you can have it line up with a “hero” shot of Andor is lame and sad.

      Star Wars doesn’t need manufactured political intrigue breaking actual Star Wars lore to be entertaining. It needs to be Star Wars first, which this series isn’t in the slightest. 20 plus years of EU stories proves that.

      I stand by everything I’ve said in my review. I called it boring, but I never said it was slow. I said it was stupid and not Star Wars in any way. The characters are bland, flat, and shallow. Andor is a MURDERER and not sympatethic. Everyone in this show so far is a moron. Nothing about generic created planets and cities in this show even remotely feel like Star Wars and would be mistaken for any rando sci-fi show if they hadn’t mentioned the words Imperial or Empire, because no one cares about Cassian Andor, and no one is going to care about fake Mon Mothma.

      The so called political intrigue has not even started yet, and when it does, it will be a bastardization of how the Rebellion actually started. This show is another move by Disney to alter Star Wars to fit their fanfic timeline.

      All this show is doing is continuing the perversion and altering of Star Wars into Disney Star Wars, which wants to be legitimized as the canon and lore, burning everything that came before.

      Go ahead and like it, I’m not going to stop you, but I am going to point out where I think you are wrong.

      It’s Disney Star Wars, and all roads lead to the Sequel Trilogy. This is not a la carte. Andor does not exist in a vacuum.



        In restless dreams, I walked alone
        Narrow streets of movies past
        ‘Neath the halo of a screen
        I turned my collar to the popcorn and coke
        When my eyes were stabbed by the flash Top Gun Maverick
        That destroyed the Hollywood Agenda
        And touched the sound of Nostalgia

        And in the naked light, I saw
        Ten thousand people, maybe more
        People talking without speaking
        People hearing without listening
        People writing a movie that voices shared
        No one dared
        Disturb the sound of Wokeness

        “Fools”, said I, “You do not know
        Great movies give us Joy
        Hear my words that I might teach you
        Take my arms that I might reach you”
        But my words like raindrops fell
        And echoed in the wells of Theaters

        And the people stood and applause
        To the great movie was made made
        And the fans flashed out its accolades
        In the of joy that it forming
        And the sign said, “The words of the Fans  are written on the Imb and Rotten Tomatoes reviews
        In tenement halls”
        And whispered in the sounds of joy


          First, for those afraid it is “Woke or Agenda Driven” IT IS NOT.

          It is a proper and fitting sequel to the Original movie, it did not even overdue flashbacks or call backs,  When it did have them they were fitting and honored the original movie.  And yes It is a fitting sequel.


          The music was OK but lets face it the creators today are not what they were back then and also I have to admit Gaga is not even in my top 1million list of people I enjoy.


          The flight scenes were really good, but in truth I am not sure why they had to use real fighters other than Tom probably could so he did. I do not see where using real ones added to or would have detracted from the movie.


          The mission, well I kinda had to chuckle at it and just instantly thought  the next line by one of the cast was going to be in a John Wayne voice “I use to bullseye womp-rats with my t-16 back home and they are not much bigger” Seriously when you get it you will smile a little inside and say well played rip off of A New Hope.  Cannot say more but you will know.


          Maverick, well ya he is still Mav no doubt

          Ice, that will hurt seeing I will not lie. Onions were being cut all over in that scene.

          Mavs new “love interest” was minimal and just ok, chemistry seemed off for some reason to me.

          Goose’s son, Now this was well done, very well done and believable.

          Other pilots, Well the EGO’s were there as they should be for the best of the best. All in all not badly done.


          Is this a Block Buster… OH YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT, Tom was smart holding off releasing until now.

          Plot 6 out of 10  sorry the mission was a rip-off of New Hope.

          Music 8 out of 10

          Cast 9 out of 10

          Flight scenes 10 out 0f 10 again could have been in a sim but none the less excellent

          Nostalgia factor 10 out of 10, so many try and overdue it, this did not.


          4.5 stars

          8.5 to 9 out of 10   (cant make my mind up if i would give it a 10, the SW plot is why) I need to think on it a bit, but its the biggest reason I wont say 9 right now, and FYI a 10 for me is EMPIRE STRIKES BACK and its the only movie sequel I ever have given a 10.


          When it was over I did have a tear in my eye and smile in my heart and on my face, it did justice to the original and brought back memories.  Will i see it again YES no doubt.


          Much focus on America and Wanda, making Strange out not to be strong

          America was like a plot device but she wasn’t even in the movie that much. The most focus was on Dr Strange and Wanda obviously. And Dr Strange is one of the strongest characters in the MCU (only behind Thor, Captain Marvel and Wanda) but it shouldn’t be a surprise he loses against Wanda with the Darkhold. She’s probably the most powerful character right now.


          About people whining about having to watch things to understand it, this isn’t anything new. All the Avengers movies are the same. It’s like failing a test you didn’t study for and then blaming on others.

          I was waiting for the G+G review because I knew exactly what the verdict would be. Like the first comment they made was ”reeee it was woke”. At this point the right wing snowflakes are exaclty the same as the left wing snowflakes, never satisfied. Gender/race/sexuality swap a character and they go ”reeeee this isn’t comic accurate, it’s virtue signaling reeee”. But when they introduce a character who has two moms and is a part of the alphabet community and is comic accurate, they still go reeeeee. It was in no way ”shoving an agenda in the face”, they literally just showed a flashback of America’s parents who were two females and America mentioned her moms and it was enough to make people lose their minds.


          In reply to: Book Of Boba Fett

          Got no beef at all. Would be a good idea to bump Hobbit or LOTR threads and just specialize in that topic.

          Saw episode one of Book of Boba Fett and the title was “Stranger In A Strange Land.” I like the shout out to Heinlein and that I see a lot of tributes and call-backs to older sci-fi. Friday was an A.I. by Tony Stark and one wonders if it was based on Friday by Heinlein as well. Also, the X-men have a planet called Arrako which reminds readers of Arrakis. I like the tributes to the past.

          Shows how Boba Fett survived and there are appearances by Jawas, a Rodian like Greedo, the Gamorreans and Sand People. With Kenobi on the horizon, it looks like there are going to be a lot of Sand People stories. Credits said that this episode was directed by Robert Rodriguez. During the credits, I like the concept artwork.

          It was fine. Had heart. Boba Fett comes off a bit too soft and is challenged for it. When it comes to fear vs. respect in terms of rulership, Fennec Shand says she prefers fear just because it works better. Not sure if I should give a spoiler review or not. Boba Fett seems to have flashbacks every time he is put in an aquatic healing chamber. Wonder if the near death experience in the Sarlacc Pit changed him because I never thought of Boba Fett as a hero, but just a hired trigger-puller and slave trafficker for money.


          @xdax calls it.

          I saw it yesterday. SPOILERS: 1. the leaks from months ago are true. 2. Neo is in a version of the matrix where he is a video game developer for Warner Bros. where the first three Matrix movies are video games to which he and his team are now tasked to make a Matrix 4 videogame. 3. Neo has mental issues where he has flashbacks from the previous movies but he thinks he is just overworked and not stable 4. Neo codes the fourth game but resultingly codes loops and alterations into the very Matrix he is in, 5. Trinity and Neo’s bond is some kind of “super energy bond” that gives the machines somehow even more power (ridiculous). 6. the fight scenes are lazy and horribly edited and horribly shot. you dont know whats going on during the action scenes. Also, the movies constantly throws these short snippets of the first movie at you, just like you see in the trailer. There is ZERO subtelty in this piece of shit film. The identity of Jonathan Groff’s character as Agent Smith is thrown at you with the same snippet as it is in the trailer, just out of nowhere during the first half hour of the movie. It’s atrocious. I am honestly still in shock what kinda garbage Warner Bros. actually greenlit. This movie for me is the purest example that the Wachowski’s just had luck with the first movie and thats it.

          The Matrix Resurrections SOUNDS TERRIBLE From These Negative Reviews


          another comment

          Matrix fans know Neo wasn’t “the one.” It was a lie from the machines. He passed that anomaly code to Smith, Trinity and one more person. But negativity pays in super chats I guess. Unfortunately the actors are human and may get trolled into this fake outrage. But then again, I get why the hate is there. But as for the story and lore of the Matrix, Resurrections makes sense. The machines want to control Neo and Trinity so they don’t have to keep rebooting the matrix. Neo did put his code into Smith and Neo. Now one more person has the anomaly code. I still like the lore. I can’t turn a blind eye to that. Keep fighting for what you believe in though. I agree with what you’re fighting for.

          Neo is actually a game developer that made the main character in matrix resemble himself and his love interest resemble a girl he talked with once in a cafeteria. But somehow the characters he made are now entering his world which might suggest that he was developed by another game developer.


          In reply to: Digimon 1999 vs 2020


            i’m very impressed and plesantly surprised by how good this reboot’s been

            Hmm… ehh… … yeah i should’ve f***ing waited till the end of the season before saying that 😅

            Ok, review time:

            Credit where credit is due, the first 25 or so episodes were freaking awesome, but then… the best way i can describe the plot post episode 30 is like if you had a very well drawn map, flushed it down the toilet, and then fished it out of the toilet and tried to read it hoping it won’t get you lost! Well, at least it was pretty to watch and had it’s fun and cute moments, so it’s not like it ruined my childhood, i haven’t finished yet though

            The mega-digivolutions make no sense! Cool flashy special effects is not gonna make up for good story telling, and timing, a mega-digivolution is suppost to be special, you’re last hope at defeating a bad guy that seems impossible to beat, none of the mega-digivolutions made the impact they should’ve, it felt like just another power-up and that’s it. I still remember the first time i watched Agumon and Gabumon mega-digivolve to Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon as a kid watching the original Digimon Adventure like it was yesterday, cheering them on while my eyes were glowing, Adventure 2020 had none of that, Angewomon looking like a Pretty Cure while she mega-digivolves looks cool, but without anything to build up that moment it falls flat

            The biggest difference between Adventure 2020 and Adventure 1999 is the way the plot was layed out: While Adventure 1999 was made up of 3 seperate arcs put toghether like a puzzle to make one cohesive story, Adventure 2020 tried to go with one mega-long arc thruout the whole series, i’m not saying it’s something impossible to make work, i’ve seen plenty of series do so, but in this case the story wasn’t paced right and ended up getting lost and turned into a jumbled confused mess


            Topic: my Snyder cut review

            in forum Movies

            I wanna start off by saying that i hate every single movie zach snyder made they were all so long and boring and they literally put me to sleep, like every zack snyder movie has made me fall asleep to the point were it takes me like 4 tries to finally finish it. so needless to say i wasnt the most optimistic the snyder cut, and i hated the director, but after watching the snyder cut i was blown away,

            i love the movie and in my opinion the snyder cut is actually the best super hero movie ever made, and possibly my favorite film of all time, but it wouldnt be fair to say that because this movie was allowed 4 hours while other films are limited to 3 hours or less so snyders justice league kinda had an unfair advantage this movie had some of the most beautiful scenes ive ever seen, the part where barry saves iris has become my favorite scene in all of cinema, little things like that are what make this movie so great, the character development and motivations were the best ive ever seen but again the movie had the advantage of being 4 hours,

            there are still little things that ruin it for me like ezra miller, me seeing how well the flash was written in snyders version just points out even more how wrong ezra is for the roll imo, grant gustin is better, also batman is such a background character in this film, and the joker looks stupid, still not a big fan of cyborgs design, but thats all the complaints i have still this movie is a 9.9/10 i wish i could rewatch it but its so long i dont feel like it lol i have to push stuff around in my schedule to watch this film.

            what do you guys think about the cut?

            im gonna do a more in depth review on my YouTube channel soon


            I liked a couple of the FS issues, specifically Catwoman, Shazam, and Teen Titans.

            Justice League was alright, but the only really cool parts were the villains. Kinda disappointing since I like most of Joshua Williamson’s writing (Flash was fantastic)

            Green Lantern had some interesting side stories with Jessica Cruz and Guy Gardner, but the stuff written by Geoffery Thorne was garbage.

            The new Wonder Woman had potential, I thought, but then I read Wonder Woman/Superman and now I think she’s just terrible. Donna or Cassie should’ve been the new Wonder Woman, for sure.

            Wasn’t really interested in the Batman or Superman titles. Reviews I saw on them weren’t great and I budget my comic money pretty tight these days lol

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