Tag: action

New James Bond Director, Writer, Start and Release Dates Announced

Dust off your Walthers and shake your martinis, because the next James Bond film is finally coming together. EON Productions has confirmed that Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 127 Hours) will be directing the 25th Bond spy thriller, with collaborator John Hodge writing the screenplay. The title still ha...

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REVIEW: Arrow Season 6 (2017-2018)

Arrow season 6 is like a Hot Pocket; parts are hot, parts are cold, and you alternately enjoy it and curse it for not cooking evenly. Certain elements of the new season are handled very well, with a character who’d lost her way of late acting like her old self again, another becoming a much &helli...

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What Happened to Action Films?

I love action films, and have since I can remember. From the landmark The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day to Inception (the movie that made me fall in love with how films are made), there are so many classic movies in the genre. However, I don’t think we’ve had a lot of action ...

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REVIEW: Westworld, Season 2, Episode 5 “Akane no Mai”

*Spoilers* “Akane no Mai” opens with Karl Strand telling the Delos team to find and bring Peter Abernathy to him. One underling tells him that a third of the hosts they’ve analyzed don’t have any data to pull. In Shogun World, things don’t go Maeve’s way as she and her friend...

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What I’ve Been Playing: Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs is one of those games that, after you see the trailer, you quickly roll your eyes and start whining about open world games. Then you get over yourself and actually play it, and before long you want to smack yourself because of how great the experience you almost denied yourself really ...

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Escape Plan 2: Hades Gets Trailer

Bohemian Rhapsody wasn’t the only trailer to be released today; Lionsgate unveiled the first look at Escape Plan 2: Hades, a direct-to-video (aww) sequel to the 2013 action film that saw two genre legends share the screen. Sylvester Stallone is back, but Arnold Schwarzenegger sits out this prison ...

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