Addressing Issues

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  • #275838

      @Legatus_Legionis, seems like spam has already been deleted, not sure how to delete spammer account though ???


      Opening the site in multiple tabs seems to wreak havoc on session data and give a significantly longer delay on navigation or post actions.


        @xdax, that happens anyway when you open an excessive amount of tabs no matter the site


        Like Button Notice (FREE tariff plan allows to show maximum 1 button(s) per page. Upgrade your website plan on To remove such notices uncheck Show Info Notices chekbox on plugin Settings tab.)


        Forum like/dislike feature needs payment lol



        Glad I’m not the only one experiencing this. I thought it was just my laptop playing up!


        I came here to ask about the like problem, but it seems you already brought it up @Hazu.


        Strange how not all posts seem to be effected by this “glitch”.  Only the top posts on each page are not effected by this issue.


        We have a SPAMMER.


        This spammer has only posted five times, and they are the exact same…

        Complete JOBS time freedom and income are in front of you. gws This activity is just fantastic. Every individual can makes profits on-line with google without difficulty….,TAB now…



          This Like Button Notice stuff is ridiculous, and annoying the heck out of me. lol. Imo it’s spam. Please fix this. I am NOT paying for a like feature.


          Question:  Since the forums got several new mods a short awhile back, do we still need to be advertising for new mods?

          I know the thread is locked, but if the positions have been filled, maybe a word in there stating so (we are no longer accepting applications for the positions of MODS), and un-PINNING it.

          And if the forums are still looking for MODS, a statement saying “we are still looking for one or two more MODS” would be nice to see.

          Just a suggestion.



            Found a BOT, @Davisa, posted the same comment + link 3 times

            Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Releases First Poster

            Breitbart Movie My Son Hunter Gets a Teaser

            Lord of the Rings Rights Bought by Embracer

            Trying to avoid mod detection by staying out of the forums 😂 nice try…


            Is there a way to have more than 1 blog. I can’t seem to find where to start a new blog.


              Listen, you guys need to fix or change the way posts are “hidden” for awhile after you edit them. Yes, I know it is to deter spam, etc. But, I am absolutely sick of having my post hidden for days until it is “approved” simply because I edited it. For example: I waited 2 min to edit a post today, and it was still hidden. 2 min wasn’t long enough to show you that I am mot a spam bot? I am an approved and premium member who has been on here for a long time. I think we are past the point where I would post any spam, and I am a paying customer. I should be able to edit a post and not have it hidden for moderation. It’s really pissing me off to be frank.



                Thanks for letting this be known.  I have had the same issue previously and it aggravated me as well.  We are looking at making this better and less frustrating.


                  @DarthVengeant I’m about to look into it and see what can be done for Premium Members when it comes to posts/comments being flagged. If I can’t get it figured out I’ll have our webmaster look at it and see what we can get done with it. It kinda seems like the spam filter we have in place has absolute brain farts on a lot of the things it shouldn’t lol. But I got ya and I’ll get it sorted out asap.

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