Trans Doctor Who Actress Says Her Casting “Will Change the World”

The spiritual successor to 2021’s Eternals is hitting small screens and Disney+ in the fall of next year with the “world-changing” performance of Yasmin Finney in Doctor Who. Once again, performances and writing will be of low quality; only the diversity included in the project means anything. In a recent interview with Vogue, Finney, who will be playing Rose Noble in the upcoming three-part 60th anniversary special, says her role “will change the world.” For Vogue and the Hollywood elites, the most important thing in any entertainment property is the diversity of the project rather than its quality. This is no different for the coming Doctor Who era. With every new announcement and interview, hope diminishes that the series will tight itself. This environment of “diversity first” has affected Finney, making her believe that her personal identity lends quality to a project, impacting the world on a broader scale.

An interesting revelation comes in Finney’s interview with Vogue, which may be a typo or factually incorrect, or an interesting truth that was never announced. According to Vogue, Finney will be the companion for Ncuti Gatwa going forward, rather than a one-off character in David Tennant’s specials. If that’s true, Finney’s effect on the show is only just beginning.

Finney said, “In this very inclusive iteration, I’m happy to be the representation on a show that means a lot to so many.” The conditioning of diverse audience members continues with this statement, which implies trans individuals couldn’t have enjoyed the show before her involvement, making her a Messiah for them. Finally, they’re allowed to be fans of Doctor Who. It’s little wonder consumers have come to believe they can’t relate to characters that don’t 100% look like them, thus, any project depicting someone who looks like them is automatically good. With actors and creatives constantly pushing this narrative, fans eventually believe it themselves.

Regardless of Finney’s identity, chances are low that she’ll perform well. Finney has focused her career on diversity, inclusion, and representation, gaining fame for discussing these subjects on her TikTok. Finney currently has 1.8 million followers on TikTok, where she continually makes content about the trans experience. TikTokers aren’t known for being compelling performers. Regarding her most famous TikTok, where she came out to her crush, Finney said, “It’s so sad dating as a trans person, because you’ve gotta explain yourself to people, like, ‘Oh, hey, look, I hope you don’t mind…’ and then prepare for answers that shouldn’t be the case.

This person has been entrusted with one of the oldest science fiction franchises and believes her inclusion in Doctor Who will change the world.” Any justifiable hope for this franchise with the return of Russel T. Davies is fast slipping away with every announcement and interview released. Trans Doctor Who is valued above good Doctor Who.

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