Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trailer is Finally Here

The long-awaited trailer for Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League has been released, but not without controversy.

Someone with access to a still of the trailer leaked an image, which forced Snyder to move up the release from its scheduled time.

The following tweet from Grace Randolph states, “It seems some jerk has leaked still from the trailer – be sure to avoid them so you can experience the trailer properly.” 

The architect of the Release the Snyder Cut movement, Fiona Zheng, tweeted a screenshot with a message from Zack Snyder, saying he was dropping the trailer now. 

The trailer contains the narrative this movie will be centered around, bringing the Justice League together to face Steppenwolf, Darkseid, and the end of the world. The story, combined with a beautiful score, sets up a potentially stellar movie that fans are very hyped to see. 

If there were any concerns the leak would dampen the hype for this movie and trailer, they were proven so wrong, as the Justice League trailer has been viewed millions of times on several social media accounts and other sites.

The two main hashtags on Twitter for the movie, #SnyderCut and #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague, garnered a million tweets, with that number still rising. 

The build-up and marketing for this movie have been done almost solely by Zack Snyder himself, along with fans of his films. 

Zack posted the following clips on his social media accounts to build the hype. 


There was no help to be seen from the companies supposedly behind this movie, as Warner Bros., Warner Media, and Warner Bros. Pictures were silent on social media until finally retweeting the official trailer posted by HBO Max today. They didn’t even retweet the director’s own post. 

The only official Warner Bros. social media account to post the trailer directly was Warner Bros UK, seen below.  

However the studio and executives feel about Zack and this movie, fans have proven that the will of the people can make a difference. 

Zack Snyder’s Justice League will debut on March 18th on HBO Max in the US; however, for some international audiences, distribution details are still being worked out. 

Comments (1)

February 22, 2021 at 5:17 pm

This trailer has me pumped, can’t wait to see the Snyder cut.

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