Diego Luna on Andor’s 2-Season Run

Today, Variety published an interview with Andor star Diego Luna. They discuss his overall career, but I found the bit about Andor the most interesting. Check out an excerpt here:

“There’s no time for the hangover,” he says, laughing. “You wake up the next morning and there is always something to do.” 

“This is the last season for Andor,” Luna says. “It is just a two-season show, which is really important for my mental health. But knowing this is the end, I want to enjoy it and get the best out of this experience.”  

As a person doing a job, I get where he’s coming from. Andor is grittier and more in-depth than most Star Wars, so it’s easy to imagine some level of stress even from pretending to be this character. However, as a fan, I can’t help feeling conflicted. In some ways, this shorter run is a blessing; I can just imagine the original 5-season plan sputtering out and ending with a whimper. However, this is absolutely the best live-action Star Wars show besides Mandalorian, and I’m not even sure I like that better. Part of me does wish we were getting more, even if the practical side supports the 2-season plan. 

But what do you think about Andor, Luna’s comments, or anything else Star Wars? Talk to us in the comments below!

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