So with everything that happened last week, I immediately decided to pull my HBO MAX subscription. Hollywood people want to deplatform and deperson my friends who want good escapism, fine, they can do that. I can also pull the plug on their garbage tier, “Entertainment.” Anyone else do something to pull some silver from …
I let it hang out here. I don’t care. I’m alright being an asshole, a heel. I absolutely want to see Trump get the nominee. If only for the anger and rage from the impotent left. Firehoses for everyone!
I wanted to be on here more. Give me a few weeks…
If only we could up the rate of communist disposal, this world would be a happier, brighter place.
Tonight I’m just listening to Ords Bored whack his way through Diablo II. Kinda nice, I remember that game very fondly. Our game on Saturday is coming up, I’m excited about it. Will my players survive?
Today I’m with my friends, running a Pathfinder game. They’re high level. The game is set up for this, and I run games different than most. The theme of most of my games is, “Shit rolls downhill.” if you want to watch them
The last week was a bit busy. The week usually means for me, over forty hours of work, and showers are the best time of the day. If you worked sanitation, you would understand a little more. Today was a light day, we only had one job, but our equipment needed maintenance, and that can …
I should be kicked for leaving the blog pages with a nasty photo. Like “here’s what Bruce does, have a good week!” Griggs would probably send Pixelated Ryan after me for causing the G&G diet, you know. “Don’t be thinking that you can give people a Last Jedi-level photo and then wonder why nobody …
Continue reading “Hello, Saturday, you spunky goddess, stay with me!”
Hump day has always been that moment for me that Wednesday or not, it’s the peak between the time off I had, and the time off I have coming. Taking a moment from not sorting the apartment (haven’t really started on that quest yet), it’s in the planning stages. I feel like I have to …
Tonight, as much as I want to finish the giants and efreeti maiden that I’ve worked on, I think it will be a bare hour to deposit into the hobby bank. I worked a twelve hour shift, and I smell like sweat and other things (photos tomorrow, Hump Day Blogs will focus on work). I …