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  • #281913

    In reply to: [@Roas] Andor Review



      As someone who has read over 100 of the “Legend” books, before they had that stupid label, and been around since the beginning, meaning I saw it in 1977 when it came out. I own enough SW merch to fill half a house. So, I am not some unknowing noob. But, I disagree with a lot of these takes on Andor. I didn’t find it “slow” or boring. I disagree with this popular opinion that just because it is Disney means it still can’t be good, and it is automatically hated simply because of that. I am no fan of Disney, they don’t get any of my money. But, The Mandalorian is good. So is Bad Batch, so was the final season of The Clone Wars, and imo so was Rogue One. I have enjoyed them. I have enjoyed Andor so far.

      You said: “Go ahead and like it, I’m not going to stop you, but I am going to point out where I think you are wrong”

      That comment is a bit over the top man. A) I don’t need your permission to like or dislike something. I don’t see why it would matter to you in the first place. B) I am not wrong in anything, there is nothing to be wrong in the first place. It’s my opinion that I like the show, that is not wrong, and that will not change. Neither is it wrong for you to have your opinion on it.

      You said: “All roads of Disney Star Wars lead to Jake Skywalker. You can’t pretend otherwise. There is no separation.”

      I really couldn’t care less about that. I don’t care either way. Utterly irrelevant to me and my opinions, and irrelevant to my op.

      My saying “that is how life is” pertains to it being slow, because life can be slow. I certainly wasn’t “lecturing” anyone either, I don’t even know why that was brought in to it. I don’t argue with people online either, it’s a waste of time. Reading your reply we are on completely different wavelengths on the show, and that’s ok. That is life.

      Take care.


        I am not a Theme Parks person, and frankly, the Star Wars park looks like a glorified shopping mall to me. I have zero interest in it, especially with their prices. I personally have never been to Disneyland or any parks. I really just have no interest in spending all that money in them. I have been here a few times though : Enchanted Forest

        I liked The Mandalorian, Bad Batch, The Clone Wars Season 7, and Rogue One. Solo was meh, a rather pointless movie no one wanted. The sequel trilogy was flat out bad, unless you like CGI porn of some of the characters, then it’s good. lol. I have absolutely ZERO interest in anything High Republic. Boba Fett is disappointing, and a little sad frankly because this just is NOT Boba Fett. While I did enjoy some of the Tusken stuff, we are yet again on Tatooine. AGAIN. And, we will be there again with the Obi Wan show. The Krrsantan fight was just….bad. He would have DESTORYED all those people. When he gripped Boba in his arm’s he would have crushed all his ribs. It is VERY clear to me watching this show that it has been Disneyfied and toned way down. We have yet another case of a villain turning into a hero somehow, completely out of character, over and over again with this from anything related to Disney.

        Let’s get away from the planets we continually go to. The characters we continually tell about. How about some Chiss and their planet Csilla? Let’s have a show about the Empire after ROTJ dealing with defeat and it’s retreat. NO HERO’S!

        I am looking forward to Ahsoka, and on the fence about Obi Wan. Andor? Meh. The Acolyte? Nope, not with that woke show runner.  Not interested in the Taiki Waititi movie, I am not a fan of his directing. I hated Thor Raganrok. But I will say I liked his voice acting for the IG droid in Mando. Rogue Squadron movie, we’ll see. I am sure it will be a female lead per the wokeness of them all. Lando show, nope. Droid Story, not really. Kevin Feige movie, nope.

        I do not sub to Disney+, I do not give them my money. I watch through :other: means. I feel the pain of fellow Star Wars fans. I saw Star Wars in 1977 10 times. I was 4. It changed me, no joke. The best thing to do is not give Disney your money.


        Topic: Mando Spin-offs.

        in forum Star Wars

          I am talking this without KK or the Wokies under her control. This is what could be.

          Been thinking on {The Mandalorian}, in truth it is over and no need for that story to continue. In fact I would say it would be excellent if it did not, we had the story, the plot, the goal and the ending.

          Along the way we had set-ups for the continuation of “Stories in the Star Wars Universe” introduced to the nonserious fans as feelers to see which ones took and which did not. Watching Social media it is clear that several resonated with the general audience:

          Bo Katana
          Boba Fett
          Luke Skywalker

          If Lucas Film had half a brain they would start with Boba and Bo Katana as a pure stand alone shows not getting involved at all with the main Star Wars shows which would be Ahsoka and Thrawn.

          The Mandalorian plot with Bo Katana and her struggles and triumphs would make for at least 2 to 4 seasons as would Bobba, with his adventures. Done right they could be 16 episodes for each season having one in fall and winter and one in Spring and summer. Toss in some Bad Batch and it’s a year of Star Wars or should I say Four Years.

          During this time, we could have Thrawn done, I keep thinking it needs to be done in Game of Thrones 1 hour episodes, lets face it Thrawn was not about battles but his manipulation and workings. He was also not a “bad guy” certainly no Imperial in the normal way <trying to be spoiler freeish>. We could get 2 seasons of backstory on Thrawn and then 3 seasons with Him as an Imperial maybe 4.

          Ahsoka, I think could be 3 seasons intertwined with Thrawns last 2 season and then possibly tying back in to Luke which would be 7 seasons. All in All in the time line this could with a few leaps take us to 15ABY

          One thing I have always hated was tv series that go on to long, Mando is done, now let’s get the others going, there are after-all plenty of stories to do and raw from and they do not need to be long or drawn out. This new 10 show per season format actually is annoying to me, I like the old long seasons when good stories could be told. There is no reason we cannot have that with these shows.

          Let me leave you with this… I am talking this without KK or the Wokies under her control. This is what could be.


            How is everyone spending their Star Wars Day 2021?

            Watched Bad Batch and really enjoyed it 😸

            Non Star Wars: Just finished watching Noragami season 2, and i want season 3 NOW 🤩




            I have what I call the cold turkey gene. I can give things up on the turn of a dime and never go back. Now, I don’t expect anyone else do be like that, but as you are struggling with your dilemma, ask yourself questions: When all was said and done, as you see it now, were you ever really going to go back and watch this dreck again? Was it really something that you felt was going to be a cornerstone of your entertainment pantheon? Or was it something that was basically popcorn for the moment.

            If it was popcorn for the moment, then come to that realization and that may make it easier to walk away from. Especially when it comes to WandaVision and the future of the MCU. Are you really that invested in the MCU going forward? Do you really care? If you don’t, then outside of it being popcorn, how important can WandaVision really be for you?

            As for Bad Batch? Well, by now everyone here knows my stance on anything Filoni touches….I consider it garbage. All Bad Batch represents is more member berries for people who liked TCW with more back tracking story telling of events that in the end don’t mean anything in the grander scheme of the greater Star Wars story. How fun can that really be? You want story progressing Star Wars? Again, we all know my answer…the EU is calling to you.

            Answer that call.

            Now…as for a solution to your watching needs. You want good space tv?

            I offer you Farscape and Stargate SG1.

            I’m doing my annual Farscape rewatch right now. Just started Season 2 today, and I am as much in love as I always am.

            In fact, I’m considering making some Farscape videos just for the hell of it, even if the algorithm won’t like it.

            Point is, Farscape is 4 seasons of some of the best sci-fi you will ever watch and SG1 is 10 seasons.



              I loved the Bad Batch arc in the final season of The Clone Wars, and i can’t wait to see more of them!


                @Dash_Attack, you beat me to it, was just about to post a thread on this. Just saw the news on youtube, and i’m so happy we’re getting more Bad Batch! I really liked the Bad Batch arc in the last season of Clone Wars, my favorite Bad Batch clone’s Wrecker 😸


                In reply to: Dave Filoni

                He’s an oddball male feminist, I won’t call him a man the way he acts . Rebels was bi-polar and schizophrenic all together. TCW was hit and miss.  Bad Batch arc was meh plus we’ve seen it already, but the Martez Sisters and Ahsoka episodes of TCW Season 7 were really horrible. Aside from Maul’s small cameo at the end of episode 8, it was lame. But its curious George handed him the keys sadly .


                I gave this to itchybacca a while back, Filoni was intent on ruining Luke Skywalker and promoting women(women general, Leia over Luke and yep Rey).


                • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Joseph.Fara.
                • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Joseph.Fara.
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